2010-04-12 15:05:09 UTC
By loving ourselves we acknowledge our faults and virtues, then we are able to recognize them in others and acceptance is easier and some sort of divine love is more possible in this way.
Now, divine love is understood as the perfect love, the one that understands and accepts unconditionally, that forgives everything and expects nothing...the highest limit of love.
Some people say that the "rule" of -love your brother as yourself- can be taken to love others unconditionally as we usually love ourselves; to understand others as you understand yourself, to give the best to others as you give the best to this the way we can match these 2 opposite concepts????? until now, this is the only one it makes sense to me....
I hope you can share your thoughts and experiences in order to achieve (if possible) a more congruent idea about this apparently opposite concepts...
In summary, I'm totally CONFUSED!!!