The meaning of life.... is to be happy... anyone disagree?
jason l
2008-06-03 04:52:07 UTC
I believe that the mean of life to be happy. Everything that we (people) have done in our lives are for happiness.... believe it or not. People fall in love, buy things, eat, go places, kill, rape, steal.... for what??? For a little bit of happiness.... you may do one thing, just so it will help somewhere else in your life... some other part of your soul... that needs something. That something is happiness.... think about it!
Eighteen answers:
VAndors Excelsior™ (Jeeti Johal Bhuller)™
2008-06-03 05:13:15 UTC
The beauty and simplicity of pure truth. Be happy, spread as much happiness and light as you are able. Do no Harm.

If you live by no other statute or rule, live by this simple tenet. Love as you would be loved, and be kind and forgiving as much kindness and forgiveness as you seek.
Flower Child ☮☼♫♪
2008-06-03 13:13:13 UTC
I dont disaggree, but let us not forget the fact that life isn't always meant for happiness. There are sacrifices that need to be done so "others" can be happy. For example, people in one empire or lets say country will be scared and UNHAPPY when another country is looking forward to invading them, so brave men will rise upon them and engage the enemy in battle so that the rest of the empire will stay safe and protected. That's the big point. Soldiers are not happy in battle as they see their comrades get annahilated in the face of the world. But they become heroes.

Look at the world around you, just imagine whether you can count the vast number of people working everyday.Employees stuck in annoying traffic happens everyday just for them to get into their offices to educate or feed their children who spent long hours in front of the TV, or the computer playing Halo, MOHAA, Age of Conan, and stuff. Then this children grow up and marry and live away from their parents who miss them. The parents will aggree to the marriage cause that'll make their kids happy even if it really hurts in their side as loving parents to be separated from their children. Get the point?

Remember, not everybody will be happy all at the same time as the rest of other human beings on the planet. Now if you are happy, many are not experiencing happiness at this very moment.So there are always givers and takers,its that simple. Some people just cannot resist this philosophy and they give up, they kill, they steal, and make lies. But whatever your destiny will be, you draw the map of your life. A decision you made yesterday can affect what will happen today. But showing happiness today, even in times of trouble is a wise and noble thing because that shows that you are optimistic, able to go through it.
2008-06-03 12:34:36 UTC
I don't agree. I see what u r saying, but I believe our basic motivation is self pleasure. Yes we think happiness lies there, in pleasing self, but it is always empty in the long run. Why? Because self cannot be satisfied, ever, on its own. It is like the fire that never has enough fuel, or the hole that is never deep enough. It remains hungry for more. The problem is that filling that void in each of us takes something outside our little time/space continuum box. It takes the supernatural hand of a loving God. After all, we are talking about a spiritual hunger. Even you atheists out there reading this have chosen to fill that void with a belief in nothing. But it is still a belief that you have invested your soul in. I still believe (if they would acknowledge it) that you remain empty and discontent and confused. Bottom spiritual peace. But to admit that is to say "I'm weak and need help." And that is where most people fall away. I confess to you all that this is my belief... I know nothing, I can do nothing, I am nothing without the Lord.
2008-06-03 17:58:59 UTC
The meaning of life is to be here for a purpose, that purpose no one knows - but happiness isn't always the result.

For some people the meaning of life is beauty, for others the meaning of life is family and children, for others the meaning of life is giving and receiving, for some the meaning of life is creation and sex and love, yet for others the meaning of life is power, lust , control, war and hate.

The meaning of life means different things to different people there is no easy answer to that question and even the question is difficult to ask

For me the meaning of life is to make the most of my time here in the circumstances happiness is one part of that to strive for
2008-06-03 12:06:24 UTC
if the meaning of life was to be happy then why would so many people be sad? everything you do to be happy can also be reversed. why does everyone always ask that question? i dont think there is a reason for anything.. i dont think there is even a meaning of life tbh.

but then again im only 14. what would i know? (:
2008-06-03 12:25:09 UTC
I can't remember which philosopher said it, but my rights (and I am also going to have to go with everything else in the world, for this quote), but my rights end where the other persons nose begins. Do what you want to be happy or free, but do not interfere with others happiness.
Phil L
2008-06-03 12:18:03 UTC
In making my friends and family (all of my loved ones) happy I find happiness. That is my meaning, that is my life.

Therefore, I agree.
Big Bill
2008-06-03 12:37:09 UTC
Happiness, like all thoughts and other emotions is a passing, non-permanent and often illusory thing.

The purpose of being is "being" in and of itself.

It is desires for such instantaneous and passing gratification, as well as our other desires and attachments which cause our suffering (or illusion of suffering).

Be well.

(Hello to my trolls!)
2008-06-03 11:57:10 UTC
The meaning of life is to be happy, but how many of us know how to do that when we don't know what makes us happy?

Getting to know oneself is a lifetime relationship. Know thyself!
►Aurora Borealis
2008-06-03 11:54:53 UTC
Be happy and respect other life
2008-06-03 12:05:07 UTC
This reminds me of a line Kris Kristopher used in the

movie "A Star is Born".

Barbara Streisand, who was playing the role of K.K.'s

girlfriend, asked him some "DEEP" question and

"whats the answer?"

His reply was classic, he said, "I don't know the

answer, Hell, I don't even know what the question is".
2008-06-03 11:57:49 UTC
very true!!

I mean we all will live only ONCE, than were gone.

Be good be happy cuz we're only visitors in this world. We won't be here forever.
GoalieMom (GO WINGS!!)
2008-06-03 12:00:08 UTC
I totally is too short to not want to be happy.
2008-06-03 14:02:36 UTC
I agree with that.

But sometimes I think that we spend so much of our life trying to find out the meaning of life that I think that the meaning of life IS to find the meaning of life.

Kind of confusing but it's my opinion.


( ^_^ )

2008-06-03 14:57:55 UTC
life has no meaning youve decided the point to your life so good work. mines to amuse myself
2008-06-03 13:56:30 UTC
as for me, the life's meaning is in evolution of consciousness, mind
2008-06-04 06:26:21 UTC
"answers never comes to those who don't ask"

check out the links below if you want to know the truth
2008-06-03 12:00:25 UTC
the meaning of life is doing our purpose given to us by God..

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