I think it was Wordsworth(spelling?) that said, (please forgive inaccuracies, this is from memory)
"...better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all..."
When I was in love, and HAPPY, I thought so too.
But when that love turned into pain, part of me thought, "I'd really rather not have known what I was missing now! It hurts TOO much."
I think truth is made up of a continuum, with the opposite ends both true, but both contradictory to each other, if seen through blinders.
For instance, God and the Devil. How can an ALL POWERFUL "God" allow another being to have power over ANY of his creation?
If we see the "opposite ends" of God as good, and the Devil as bad; it does not seem that both can exist at one time, if one is all powerful.
But if we look at the concept, as we do at light, then it is easier to see how the concepts, changed in our perception, can both exist.
When we say white, what are we talking about, except all colors together. When we say black, we are talking about an absence of any color. But because we are limited, to see the whole spectrum at one time, we see separate "colors" of black and white.
If you look at the spectrum, it is a continuum going from all color, to no color.
Perhaps one should look at God and the Devil this way. As containing all good, versus the absence of good? x