Regardless of your own personal moral code, what would you prefer?
2007-11-30 10:14:29 UTC
Would you prefer a black-and-white, no questions asked moral code, or one with shades of gray? Why?

Disregard "legislated morality" please -- i.e., the government just might be wrong.

This is double-posted in Religion & Spirituality as well, if you want to comment from 2 angles.

Thanks all!
Eight answers:
2007-11-30 15:09:48 UTC
Interesting question. Shades of gray, of course. I try not to judge others behavor because I really can't know where another is coming from. Its so much easier to immediately condemn than to try to understand.
Courtney C
2007-11-30 10:21:22 UTC
I dont see how there can be a black and white morale code because morality is such a personal thing. Your life background belief system the history of what "wrongs" have been perpetrated against you all influence what you percieve as right and wrong. Since no two people are the same or share the exact same set of life experinces no to moral codes are exactly alike. If no one can agree on anything than how can morality be black and white?

For the individual perhaps they can say thier moral code is black and white but i would argue that you can always find an exception to the rule. i would say with 99% of moral judgments people make you could find one instance where they could rationalize going against thier own moral code. If this is the case then there is always a shade of gray even if you dont want to find it?
2007-11-30 11:09:39 UTC
This begs the question by assuming that the only choices available are a "black-and-white" moral code or shades of gray. I think only the shades of Grey option is available. If you think that religion offers you a black-and-white moral code, just look around at all the different ideas about what God allows and what he does not. The different denominations are willing to proclaim that everyone who disagrees with them will go to hell, but that threat does not make them right. The use of that threat is universal.
2007-11-30 10:19:53 UTC
Any code of conduct is not subject of personal likings or disliking. Such codes are meant to control individual preferences so that a community can live a life without conflict.
2007-11-30 10:17:37 UTC
There will and should always be gray areas. There are exceptions to just about everything.

"Thou shalt not kill," even in the Bible has exceptions.
2007-11-30 10:19:47 UTC
Shades of gray, ALL the way ....!

LIFE is entirely made up of "shades of gray", sweetie!


2007-11-30 10:19:27 UTC
I think my parents had it right. Their code was "If you're not hurting anyone or messing with their stuff then what you're doing is nobody's business."

Easy B Me II
2007-11-30 10:29:13 UTC
In consideration of my personal philosophy, and my personal commitment to educating adults, I offer the following seventeen statements as my guiding practice:

I will conduct myself as an ethical person in my private life, and as an ethical professional in my dealings with learners, colleagues and others in which I may encounter in all my undertakings.

I will offer to each adult learner the insight of my combined knowledge and developed skills in a manner that is offered and received without prejudice, judgment, or predetermined notions of any adult learner’s ability, disability, religious beliefs, learning style, age, socioeconomic status, social or professional standing, gender, race, and ethnicity.

I will conduct myself in a supportive, but professional, manner in all my dealings with adult learners and colleagues, setting the standard and putting forth the highest respect in my professional relationships with others.

I will refrain from any and all activities which may be construed as unethical, or which may violate written and unwritten codes of professional and personal conduct, rules, regulations and similar standards of the profession of adult education, and/or the laws of jurisdictions.

I will encourage adult learners to participate in the planning and development of their educational experiences to the extent of challenging them to reach their full academic and personal potential, and provide the environment supportive to such self-directed success.

I will continue my whole-hearted commitment to developing quality programs, tools, resources and delivery methods to the benefit of adult education.

I will continue the development of myself as a lifelong learner, and professional in the field by seeking personal knowledge, skills and the commitment of my own potential as an adult learner throughout my life, and develop productive and effective systems to create an environment for adult learners conducive to reaching their full learning potential.

I will practice to the best of my ability the asset of objectivity, and will entertain thoughts of all learners without bias to predetermined beliefs or shadows of conflicting values, morals and/or judgments.

I will promote ethical thinking and living among those whose paths I encounter in all walks of life, by conducting myself in such a manner as to set the example.

I will in good faith respectfully negotiate with administrators, adult learners, policy-makers, legislators and others involved in creating rules, codes, laws, expenditures, environments, programs and policies that affect the institution of adult education for the benefit of adult learners, and in accordance with my personal philosophy on adult education.

I will actively request feedback from learners, colleagues, friends and others on whom my actions may bear consequences in regard to my moral, value and ethical beliefs and practices, and I will hold myself accountable for all my actions.

I will promote and seek constructive and open dialogue with administrators, adult learners, policy-makers, legislators, and others involved in the general discipline of education, for the benefit and good of the institution.

I will remain conscious that I represent a profession that is the foundation for human life, according to my philosophical beliefs, and I will conduct all my affairs in such a manner that will remain true to my morals and values as a person and as an educator of adults.

I will encourage in adult learners and colleagues critical, reflective thinking of innovative means of learning, including program development, enhancement, delivery, and the receipt thereof by learners, to the benefit of adult education.

I will actively seek feedback from learners and colleagues about the adult education profession, innovative and effective academic tools and experiences, and will make proper adjustments incorporating these advances adding them to my professional toolbox in the interest of delivering the most effective and productive educational experience to adult learners.

I will, with great care, consideration, and dedication to my values and morals, conduct resolutions to problematic situations and ethical dilemmas, always considering the consequences of my actions in regard to all my dealings and those who may be affected.

I will review my personal code of ethics periodically, and reflect on my practice as a professional, and strive to make improvements wherever and whenever necessary to the benefit of the profession, the practice, and the adult learners.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.