Morality is a individuals code of right and wrong.
It is usually brought along with religious dogma, although many secular individuals can be raised with it and accept it as well.
Do we still need it though?
Well, "Need" is a very interesting word.
Would I say morality is necessary? No, I would not.
Yet is morality useful? Indeed it is.
Morality, in a way, is primitive, in that is uses emotional values of guilt or conscience are used to instill values. These 'values' over time have become a way to basically avoid trouble over the long run.
Murder will make others extract revenge on you.
Stealing will obviously make others wish to punish you.
And sleeping around will either give you STDS or end up in pregnancy.
Or, give you a bad reputation when you actually do want to get serious.
Lieing makes others not trust you.
Basically, through no miracle, these types of things will catch up with you whether you believe in morality or not.
So in essence, morality is an unconscious forsight, an emotional (not intellectual) thought before a certain action.