What is the purpose of the mind?
2015-06-02 18:32:39 UTC
The mind is not the brain.

The mind may have physical purpose....but is it in and of itself a physical thing?

Does the mind even seek to know it's own purpose?

What is the mind?
77 answers:
2015-06-02 23:40:36 UTC
The Mind is basically the Conscious Awareness that you have. If a person is not Conscious do not mean he doesn't have a Mind, it only means that he is not present in this reality. If a person is Conscious but do not really mind what he is doing, he is not absent minded he is just not Conscious enough to be aware of what he owe to be doing and asking about his existence.

Consciousness has many levels of Awareness, the level of such Awareness will reflect in the manner by which an individual carry himself in all Life's trials and also to what ascendancy he is driven to be aware about. Conditions of his incarnation is just the platform where he should start moving forward in accomplishing his Life Missions. But it doesn't necessarily reflect the level of his ascendancy. Say if a person is born poor will ultimately say he is less evolve than the other or having a bad birth means punishment, No, that will not be the case. All incarnations are for the best possibilities of Soul Growth. And will naturally cycle to the best interest of the Soul Transcending such evolution.

Consciousness is part of the 3 Main Bodies, The Spirit or the Ethereal Body of the Higherself, The Soul or the Material Manifestation of the Spirit suspended in Akashic, that serves Case Officer of sort, and the Consciousness. All 3 are one and the same but is independent of easch other. The Spirit and Soul are what is called Subtle Bodies. The Consciousness is further divided in another 3, called the Gross Bodies. They are the Mind or Mental Body which does the experiencing and the thinking. Emotional Body(Pain Body), which does the sensation of all experiences. And the Physical Body, the vessel for your temporal incarnation that serves as the extension of your emotions to the Physicality of Experiences. In short, Mental is the Driver, Emotional Body is the Driving Skill and Habits, and the Physical Body is the Car. Your Soul Body is you Shotgun Passenger that yells at your ear, and the Higherself is your DMV.

They are all You and One and the Same. Like a Light passing through a prism, all aspects of the Light in varying colors are part of the same Light.
2015-06-02 20:27:33 UTC
the mind thinks, reasons, perceives, judges, is your memory, your experiences, your thoughts of fear and is your brain linked with your sensory preceptors.



1.(in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges

2.Psychology. the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities.

3.intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing; intelligence.

4.a particular instance of the intellect or intelligence, as in a person."

according to the functional definition of "mind", the mind is operated by the brain...mostly the prefrontal cortex. if someone wants to make up a new word to define what you are talking about then i am all for it, but the word "mind" already has a definition.

sidetone: i think one of the biggest issues with discussing these topics is that people all have different definitions for words. it sounds like you are referring to the mind as a sixth sense, or something along those lines. and that is all well and good but the word "mind" already has a definition. it's like asking what is the purpose of a tree while pointing to a tree and claiming "this is not a tree". it just makes for a confusing question. i see this in so many questions that deal with philosophy or spirituality where people ask what consciousness is or what ego is or what this and that are....but all these words have functional definitions already so this is in the most direct way nothing more than mental masturbation....just tossing around thoughts for pleasure but never actually getting anywhere. i mean, just look at how everyone has a different opinion about a word that honestly nobody should have an opinion about; it is factually incorrect to attempt a subjective conversation about an objective concept. and this is the way that philosophy and religion seem to be...they take previously defined concepts and then change them to match what their belief is. i am sorry to rant but i just dont understand the question. the word "mind" is already defined. and yes, it is in the brain. what you are talking about may be some alternate sense but it is not the mind.
2015-06-07 12:42:02 UTC

Something I had done my entire life. Thinking I was separate and distinct from mind and consciousness and this experience called life.

I'm one with my mind, which is nothing more than a metaphor - a simile of sorts - which likens my experiences, knowledge, and perspective of life into the physical manifestation that I perceive myself as.

I personally think of the mind as a label. The brain is a physical manifestation in this reality, an interdimensional protrusion of sorts into this reality, but my entire physical being is, and this 'reality' as I know it is akin to being a collaboration of sorts with my conscious being and my mind.

What is the purpose of a computer? or a tv? or a car? If you're looking for purpose of the mind in this kind of physical sense, this utility like function - then you're not going to find it. It's similar to concepts such as spirituality and consciousness, it's an abstract concept and for people me, it's a figurative term which is a loose analogy to a logical structure with an amorphous definition. Chances are you could ask me this same question again next year and I will provide a different answer.

Like self. I change over time. And the mind is an indirect catalyst to some degree for that change.
2015-06-03 18:47:40 UTC
There is a very, very, big debate concerning whether or not the mind and body are one thing, that has been going on for a very, very long time. Metaphysical questions like these are often argued from two sides, with many theories both supporting and arguing against both of these sides. These sides are the dualist side and the materialist side. Personally, I believe in dualist views and have my own view of the subject. Other comments here explain similar views.

To answer your question, the mind is basically our conscience awareness and as Descartes (a well renowned philosopher) explains, the mind is the only definite thing of this world that we can be sure of. Tbh I sort of can't be bothered going on so just do your research, referring to dualism, materialism, anti-materialism, Rene Descartes and many other philosophers. I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for - a sufficient explanation to answer such a question, although more of it would be several answers which you'll have to see for yourself and decide which you believe to be more plausible.

'Cogito ergo sum' (I think, therefore I am) - Rene Descartes
2015-06-09 10:39:20 UTC
Salaams dear Blue...

I believe that the purpose of the mind is to think.

To meditate upon, reflect upon, plan, and to honor the Reality of the Truth.

But then again, perhaps the purpose of the mind is to be still.

Regardless, it is a Wonderful and Magnificent thing that is called the Mind.

Sometimes I think that we are all simply thoughts of God. If that is true, then we exist within Divine Mind.

The oceans of Mercy..

2015-06-09 04:29:00 UTC
A faculty of the brain with which we gather information, reason, and draw conclusions. “Mind” is rendered from several related Greek words expressing such attributes of the mind as thinking faculties, intellectual capacity, mental perception, intelligence, reason, thought, intention, remembrance, mental state or view, opinion, and mental inclination, attitude, or powers. Though, at times, in various translations the word “mind” is used, in the same instances other translations employ the above descriptive and specific terms. In the Hebrew text, the words for “remember” and “consider” may be translated in certain places by such expressions as “keep in mind” and “have in mind.” In the Hebrew Scriptures, “mind” appears in some versions as a rendering of the Hebrew words that are, literally and properly, “heart,” “soul,” and “spirit.”—Compare De 4:39, ftn; 2Ki 9:15, Ro; Eze 20:32

Of most vital importance to the development of our mind is our attitude. It governs to a great extent the things we put into our permanent memory. If we love exclusively the things that merely entertain the mind, we may never rise beyond the mental level of a twelve-year-old child. We will not have in our memory the things that our mind needs to be able to piece together to reach serious conclusions on important matters of life. If we focus our love and attention on unessential or degrading things, our memory will be filled with “trash,” and trash is all we will get out of it.

So the mind that does not take in spiritual things is not operating fully according to the way it was made to function. Improper functioning of the mind, in turn, affects the entire person, with deterioration resulting. (Jas. 1:13-15) But we can make our minds over so that they are operating the way their Maker designed them. (Rom. 12:2) There is great satisfaction in life when we do so.

For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below click on "Online Library" Also for free downloads, publications or read on line.
2015-06-03 01:40:08 UTC
No metaphysical problem is more vigorously discussed by the present day

psychologists than that of mind and body. Most of us assume that all thinking

takes place in the brain. It is only since a few decades that psychologists are

treating body and mind as one unit called psycho-somatic system. This led to

the development of new subjects like Psycho-biology and Psycho-neuro-immunology.

Modern medicine has recognized the brain-spine system as one unit, but it

does not assign thinking functions to any part of the spine. It is now known that

even when a considerable amount of brain is removed through surgery, a person can

still have reasonable mental abilities and can lead a near normal life. Modern

research found that one region in brain can perform several tasks and so can

compensate for the loss of damage of another region. On the contrary, surgical

removal of some 'safe' parts from womb of women is known to cause problems of mind

like dementia. Then, what are the components of mind and where are they located?
2015-06-09 00:54:27 UTC
The purpose of mind is to observe and feel the creations around and in the nature and taking the conclusion that there is a creator behind this.
2015-06-07 16:55:19 UTC
The purpose of the mind is to make the human being distinct to the universe.
2015-06-03 03:05:48 UTC
Mind is to mind. This work of minding starts to a human being from the day he/she came out of the womb. Mind is like a RAM of a computer. We get everything from outside. They are invisible elements or spirits. All spirits (both good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide. But God had given the power of choosing spirits to our mind.

A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.

A mind which is empty on birth is filled gradually with knowledge, skills, feelings, interests etc. A mind is like a computer's mind. You cannot find the mind of a computer after the destruction of a computer completely. In the same way you cannot find the mind of a human being after his/her death.
Special EPhex
2015-06-03 23:10:43 UTC
An analogy I like to describe the mind is it being comparable to a computer mainframe that registers the programming and condition (software) results in brain (hardware) patterning and physiology. The mind is essentially a paradigm of interpreting existence in a physical and material sense. The mind allows man the capacity to reason, which served early humans with the ability to recognize patterns and cycles, which lead to creating symbols and language to describe things. Although the mind is practical in the linear realm of material form and content, it is limited to it and cannot go beyond it.
2015-06-02 19:13:07 UTC
We can say mind is the sum total of our feelings, thoughts and the awareness of existence. All emotions and thinking patterns were shaped by evolution for one purpose, to enable the genotype behind it to proliferate in a competitive environment.

The mind may have physical purpose....but is it in and of itself a physical thing?

Mind is a subjective experience. However it cannot exist without the brain's neural circuitry.
2015-06-05 17:23:48 UTC
Your question: "What is the purpose of the mind?"

Your unwarranted claims combined with meaningless questions: "The mind is not the brain. The mind is not the brain. The mind may have physical purpose....but is it in and of itself a physical thing? Does the mind even seek to know it's own purpose? What is the mind?"

How is it that you came to the conclusion that the mind and brain are not the same?

If you know that, it follows that you must also know something about mind that dissociates it from the brain.


Here is what you can know of your mind subjectively:

Consciousness is a function of a cognitive neural network processing both sensory data and memory. Sentient experience can be subjectively deconstructed into four foundations of mindfulness:

1. Mindfulness of body.

2. Mindfulness of sensation as pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral (physical sensation).

3. Mindfulness of state of mind (attitude, emotion).

4. Mindfulness of content of mind (ideas, learned skills, memory, mental images, beliefs).

As you consider that, there will be the usual background of a continuous stream of thoughts, random or specific ideas, and images, feelings that come and go.

These are the things that usually drive your perceptions and behavior, even your dreams.

All of it is a product of your brain the rest of your nervous system.

There is no indication from more objective studies that mind comes from anywhere else. All physiological and psychological observations on a variety of thinking creatures including human beings place the mind in the brain.

The brain evolved over evolutionary time for particular tasks mainly concerned with finding food and suitable habitat, avoidance of predators, and for reproduction with others of the same species.

Human beings have a certain set of innate cognitive and perceptual behaviors that they are born with, the rest is learned behavior, what we commonly call culture.

One purpose you could put your mind to would be to educate yourself on a variety of topics, below, so that you would be able to answer your own question with some realistic hope of getting it right.

To get the big picture:

• Where we live:

“Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography” Christopherson, Robert. (Prentice Hall)

• Where we came from:

“Introduction to Physical Anthropology” Jurmain/Kilgore/Trevathan/Ciochon. (Cengage Learning)

• What we have been doing:

• Life science:

“Biology” by Raven/Johnson/Losos/Mason/Singer (McGraw-Hill)

After that you will need to narrow down to what has so far led to insight into the origin and nature of mind:

Animal Behavior

Behavioral Psychology (not psychotherapy)

Cognitive Neuropsychology

Comparative Psychology (sometimes called animal cognition and behavior)



... and so on.

You should also want to improve your critical reasoning skills, because your statements above indicate an irrational propensity to dispense unwarranted claims.

I suppose from that you would also be prone to accepting unwarranted claims, and in the field of psychology, there are a huge amount of unwarranted claims made by pseudo-intellectuals who have no insight into scientific method and who do not argue from the basis of rational investigation.

If you seriously believe the claim you have made in your question, you probably could not discern the difference between pseudo-science and well-documented, rational scientific inquiry.

Good luck.
2015-06-11 08:44:19 UTC
Once again you ask an excellent question but I don't think there is a right answer. Mind has certainly given us a leg up on the evolutionary ladder but its purpose may have changed somewhat over thousands of years as our development has progressed. Initially a survival masterpiece which projects forward in time, its ability to handle abstract concepts allows us collectively to support what by ancient standards is a colossal population, and to analyse, and solve, new problems which our society creates for itself every day. It goes hand in hand with our innate curiosity, our ability to reason,and our drive to constantly improve.

The mind is purely abstract,existing outside the physical,but requiring the physical to survive, rather like a flower with its roots in the soil.

Seeking purpose is uniquely human, but futile.You can create your own, but seeking something outside yourself is likely to lead to self deception.The mind is your self awareness,for you to enjoy,and perhaps to share.
2015-06-09 17:37:45 UTC
Ultimately everything we perceive is evolutionary prescribed by forces of nature acting through millions of years. The real truth is that on a sub-atomic level we (and all things) exist in an infinitely minute endless continuum - all things in communion with all other entities; the world of our perceptions is limited and not a true reflection of our ultimate state of being. Then, the true vehicle of our own existence can only be the mind; all else is imaginary; which is exactly the point Jesus was making when he said: when two or more of you are gathered in my name, I (my mind) am (is) there with you. Rationalization by our psyche to explain what our senses perceive is the linchpin of all we think we know; an anthropomorphic invention based on thousands of years of believing it is so and our predispositions toward the condition we seek to discover.
2015-06-05 08:05:33 UTC


1.(in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges

2.Psychology. the totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities.

3.intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing; intelligence.

4.a particular instance of the intellect or intelligence, as in a person."

according to the functional definition of "mind", the mind is operated by the brain...mostly the prefrontal cortex. if someone wants to make up a new word to define what you are talking about then i am all for it, but the word "mind" already has a definition.
2015-06-04 22:45:00 UTC
There is no purpose. The mind is an experiment of nature; a result of our specific evolutionary path. Natural selection is playing with us, testing our adaptive abilities. The mind is nothing more than a biological tool that nature may develop or diminish as it sees fit.
2015-06-09 05:25:01 UTC
The brain is a physical organ located in your head. It enables thought and thought processes. Once the brain begins functioning and enables these thought processes it is known as a "mind".

The purpose of the mind is: To think. To reason. To rationalise. To understand. To interpret information. To make decisions.
2015-06-03 01:41:43 UTC
Distinguishing Brain From Mind

Unique to Humans:

Appreciation of beauty

2015-06-09 17:03:21 UTC
The mind is sentience. Sentience is what makes people people. The purpose of the mind is to provide us with the sentience that allows each and every one of us to be separate entities.

Sentience is like a feeling, and a feeling is not tangible, so no the mind is not a physical thing.
2015-06-03 12:26:41 UTC
"What is the purpose of the mind?"

I think there is an objective purpose for the existence of our minds. It's a little to complicated to explain in the Y!A format, but here is a link in case you are interested:
2015-06-08 11:03:33 UTC
There is no purpose. The mind is an experiment of nature; a result of our specific evolutionary path
Happy Hiram
2015-06-03 04:31:07 UTC
Consciousness is like a knife and reality is like a loaf of bread. All the knife ever sees are smaller and small slices (Sartre points out that the more you examine any real thing, the more infinite [and nauseating] detail you see in it.) The focus of thought is basically destructive or deconstructive of reality. Cells, molecules, atoms, nuclei, electrons, quarks, strings the further you go down the more layers there appear. The mind is exactly like two mirrors facing each other, self-reflection creating and endless string of copies of oneself looking at oneself.

Consciousness is turtles all the way down.
sastry m
2015-06-09 07:00:07 UTC
Mind is a subtle entity embedded in all highly evolved living creatures similar to CPU in computers but not exactly identical in comparative application and life supportive system. It is the highest evolved in human beings but in general only sensitized and operable on consciousness which the primary motivating basis of all universal creation and existence. It is a subtle instrumental agent between primary creation based on consciousness and manifest phenomenal creation as both gross physical and sentient living entities.
2015-06-02 21:55:44 UTC
Well the mind is simply a result of brain activity, a software so to speak. It is illusional, entirely subjective, and impermanent just like physical reality. Think of it as a tinted window our soul looks through
2015-06-06 01:37:32 UTC
The human mind is an organic machine

The human mind is an information filing system
2015-06-03 07:21:27 UTC
Mind is an abstraction used to separate what a person feels and truly believes to be true about themselves from what they actually are so they don't have to confront the fact that they will die. The fact that it "feels" like you're moving your arm muscles and reading this answer doesn't make it true.
2015-06-03 20:33:36 UTC
The mind is the mysterious eternal product of an advanced brain in a body possessed by an eternal soul.The mind and soul can be thought of as one.It is who we are.
2015-06-03 16:22:03 UTC
It doesn't have a purpose. What is it that drives human beings to constantly make up sh!t that doesn't exist. A question for all ages.
2015-06-04 16:00:19 UTC
Mind is just a tool we can use to get our daily tasks done in the world of form. We need it to reason & solve problems. Mind is not our consciousness. Our conscious awareness is our true selves where there is not mind.
2015-06-11 08:19:32 UTC
to find the purpose of life
2015-06-10 07:00:41 UTC
the mind is a database, but only has around 5 petabytes of storage for an entire lifetime so start deleting orlearn to condense
2015-06-11 10:16:53 UTC
2015-06-02 18:55:48 UTC
The mind? As in thinking in general?
2015-06-09 06:39:58 UTC
The mind is the brain. It's what deals with thought, emotions and judgement
2015-06-03 17:32:52 UTC
The mind controls your daily activities, health decisions, and the rest of the body. It has a lot to do with your physical and spirtual being.
2015-06-02 18:45:38 UTC
The mind is able to be there because of the brain. It is consciousness, but also unconsciousness. Thoughts and images and everything are in your "mind".. its hard to explain..
2015-06-05 11:20:17 UTC
2015-06-03 02:24:57 UTC
To think, analyze, consider, study, examine and investigate the subject-matter. Mind has other functions like dreaming, hallucinating, dreaming, imagining, presuming, assuming, inferring, intuiting, deciding, postponing, doubting, confusing, suspecting and fearing.
2015-06-04 13:30:26 UTC
The Bible says we are to love the Lord our God with all our mind.

We are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, to prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
2015-06-02 21:31:44 UTC
The brain is where memory is stored.

The mind is the search engine.
2015-06-10 05:50:34 UTC

Before talking about purpose of MIND lets understand what it is?

So the mind creates the ‘I’, first thing, and then the ‘I’ depends on all the different ‘yous’ for its sustenance. And that is a ‘person’. For ‘me’ to exist, there has to be a limit to the ‘me’. You can call this wall as a ‘wall’ only because this wall ends somewhere. In a similar way you can call yourself ‘I’ only by restricting yourself as a person.

‘This is me, I end here and where ‘I’ ends, ‘you’ starts.’ Where I end, something else starts. Where this wall ends, something else starts. If there is something that never ends, you’ll not be able to sense it. If there is something that never ends, you will not be able to sense it at all. To be able to sense something, to perceive it, it has to be limited, that it ends. That is the mind, the I and the you. All one.

‘I’ and ‘you’ are two ends of the duality, which is mind. And in mind everything is dual.

What is duality?

Duality is when any two things, or concepts or words are such that:

1. One depends on the other.

2. One appears as opposite of the other.

3. One cannot survive without the other.

It’s a bit like every day love. One depends on the other, one appears as opposite of the other and one cannot be without the other, like the two faces of the coin. The two faces of the coin appear as opposites of each other looking in opposite directions, but you cannot have a coin with one face. Wherever there is one face, there would be a corresponding opposite face. And they are always together, they always exist as opposites. Now this mind that you just talked of is always composed of dualities. You cannot perceive anything which is non-dual. It’s quite amusing.

For the mind to perceive anything, its opposite must exist.

For you to sense happiness, sadness must exist. Day is ‘day’ only because there comes ‘night’. There is ‘life’ only because you know there is something called ‘death’. So in the world of the mind anything that you pick up always has a dual opposite. If the dual opposite is not there, you cannot sense that thing.

There is this whiteboard behind me. If I write with white on it, you will not be able to perceive it. For black to be perceived, white has to be there. For excitement to be perceived, boredom has to be there. So if you feel very excited on watching a weekend movie, it only proves that the week has been boring, otherwise the excitement would not have come.

So we have seen that we perceive things in relation to it's opposite that's how world goes on.

Now lets talk about purpose of mind.

Only function of the mind is to take you in attention/ awareness, beyond duality.

Attention is gratitude! A general sense of well-being. ‘It’s alright’. Even in the middle of the deepest chaos, you say, “It’s alright.” Even in the middle of the deepest pain, you say, “It’s alright. It’s just alright.” That is attention. That is gratitude.

Today you are acting in one particular way, tomorrow you may act in another way. Still say, “Thank you.” Today you are finding that the situations are showing up in one way, tomorrow they may reveal another face. Still say, “Thank You.” Our ‘thank yous’ must not be dependent on the turn of events. In fact, if there is any legitimate function of the mind, it is to thank again and again, and nothing else. It is to live in gratitude. And that is all!

Do not try to imagine this mind. Do not try to capture an image of this mind, that this mind is a laid-back mind, or it is a smiling mind. This sense of ‘thank you’ goes very-very far. What it can do to life, is unthinkable! This man who is grateful, is unstoppable in whatever he does.

Let your sense of gratitude not arise from a particular situation. Once you have tasted it, let it go deeper and deeper. The mind will resist initially, but then it will learn. The mind has just been spoiled a little, but that is the game of life- being spoiled. The mind has played a particular part in the game of life. It’s a little mischievous. Don’t blame it for that.

To get more clarity on it kindly click on ....MS ....MS
2015-06-03 00:09:06 UTC
It is just a way the brain reflects itself. It has to have a way to express it so that others can understand it so it calls it mental activity. We all know what that means. Even if it is just a brain doing it.
2015-06-04 06:44:53 UTC
Study a couple short biographies on Leibnitz and Kant.
2015-06-03 18:56:58 UTC
Apparently it's purpose is to convince everyone how clever it is.
2015-06-05 02:38:27 UTC
The mind is meant to absorb information, transform it into knowledge and lead it into action.
2015-06-09 22:21:08 UTC
Nothing the brain is a wasteless organ that shouldn't even be a organ
2015-06-02 18:57:12 UTC
A biological tool to help us navigate the dangerous terrain we call "Earth",

OR- We are the material world! In the material world!
2015-06-05 22:41:09 UTC
To address the cognitive activities required by our higher functioning brain. And to respond appropriately to input by other higher functioning species.
2015-06-09 08:06:20 UTC
To search and learn the world around
2015-06-09 08:55:45 UTC
the mind is your thought ,,,as the sensation ,you have some cords ( called nerves ) in your body but you say I feel pain ,I feel hurt ,I feel itching ,,as the electricity you can't see it but you feel it when you touch a bared wire ,,, so many things in our life like our minds ,,the solid part is something and its real existence is something else ,,,,
Atheist Christian
2015-06-02 20:30:43 UTC
"Anyone with a mind should use it to think!" - Jesus, Gospel of Mary 3:9
2015-06-03 13:08:38 UTC
To recognise itself as the universe
2015-06-04 10:14:40 UTC
Cogito ergo sum. Self awareness. Or realistically , how your neurons connect.
Chris Ancor
2015-06-02 23:14:34 UTC
Survival in difficult environments.
2015-06-05 07:27:44 UTC
How would you make up your mind without one?
2015-06-06 08:21:57 UTC
mind functions are: perceive (understand and misunderstand!), store in memory, imagine, dream! mind is your slave, not master! mind has tremendous potential, available to you as master!
Harlowe Sprinx V.
2015-06-08 09:10:52 UTC
If you don't "mind" I'd rather keep this information to myself, thank you!
2015-08-02 14:06:43 UTC
To enjoy, to be happy. Life is simple.
2015-06-06 01:30:49 UTC
its a computer that makes posible for the body to work
2015-06-08 10:24:03 UTC
2015-06-09 09:25:58 UTC
Give instruction to our muscles
2015-06-10 03:58:12 UTC
For smartmaking.
2015-06-06 18:55:18 UTC
To think
2015-06-09 00:51:16 UTC
To think
2015-06-10 20:56:34 UTC
So you can argue with yourself. AND You will never be alone.
2015-06-07 05:55:36 UTC
Be controld
2015-06-04 07:49:40 UTC
to find food
2015-06-03 15:36:18 UTC
2015-06-06 10:30:37 UTC
It is to think
2015-06-04 10:03:26 UTC
2015-06-02 18:42:22 UTC
2015-06-10 14:26:55 UTC
to overcome it
2015-06-03 18:24:36 UTC
if you had one you might know.
2015-06-07 05:47:46 UTC
to use it.
2015-06-09 20:50:30 UTC
2015-06-02 23:58:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.