proverb: People vary greatly in character, tastes, and abilities (often used as a comment on what the
speaker feels to be strange behaviour)
it takes all kinds to make a world
Alternative forms:
it takes all kinds
it takes all sorts
it takes all sorts to make a world
it takes all types
it takes all types to make a world
Diversity is essential: the world would be incomplete if everyone were alike.
“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust apon them”
— William Shakespeare (via giveandletliive)
“Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.”
“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.”
Our interests and behavioral dispositions are as unique as our fingerprints.
Even within a family, one’s way of being happy may not be the same with another. One, for example, may
find that he is happier when he is in a contemplative mood and his twin brother, steeped in group
laughter and fun, may find solitary disposition rather boring.
We notice that the differences grow bigger when one has to deal with people from other cultures.
Humans are free to do what they want, without this freedom there could be no morality. In such a case,
no basis for what could be deemed as good or bad behavior in the eyes of a God because without
freewill we would just be pre-programmed unable to change or alter what has already been laid out in
front of us. There are only two things certain in each one of our lives, we live, and then we die,
everything in between is up to the individual.
Hard determinism only clouds the mind if we are enslaved to thinking we are free, then those who
believe that they have no control over life are going through life making decisions based on what they
perceive as pre-determined. To say we have a path set for us is to make us no more than a robot, and
because robots cannot discuss topics intelligently and cannot act intelligently in situations proves
that theory wrong.
We all have identity each human individual is unique even twins are different. Our minds are just as
unique as our fingerprints
Every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. Ask any
woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will attest to
the fact that while still in the womb her children showed marked
differences in their behavior.
Each of us is at the center of our own world. Each individual experiences his or her own life more
fully than anyone else can. No one else. For each of us, our own tapestry of highly personal and
unique experiences influences how we perceive ourselves. we are the masters of our own identity and we
fabricate our personalities based on what we deem essential.