Do most of us follow our own rules, or do we follow the rules of others,what exactly is the rule, does the rule even exist?
2017-12-18 18:44:51 UTC
Is ying and yang one in the same? Are we all just specters of the rule and enslaved to it. Do we live in accordance to the rule out of fear. Are our own set of rules really who we are or are they just a product of our fear of consequence? Fear and the rule are one in the same to me.
Eleven answers:
2017-12-22 00:20:31 UTC
Literature says: All the world is a stage, and all the men and women are merely players: they have

their exits and their entrances - William Shakespeare

Science tells:

Every Human Brain Is Unique in it's own way

Everyone Is Unique In Their Own Special Way

The human brain is the most complex structure in the universe -

New techniques are producing great excitement among neuroscientists

Human brain - "More Complex Than a Galaxy"
Doctor P
2017-12-22 00:19:12 UTC
We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking.

Our minds are as different as our finger prints -

no two are identical. Palmistry also says the same

thing. Every human is unique. Not only do our

organs differ, but our personalities differ. Each

human develops different goals, and has special

traits or feelings which differ in a million

different ways from others.

Significant differences exist between the male and female brains. Although what follows has been

meticulously gathered from the research and writings of leading scientists and psychologists, it is by

no means a hard and fast rule or description of every man and every woman. Every person is different

and unique.

That every person is unique and has an intrinsic worth.

Everyone is different no matter what, although there are some people who are similar but not the same.

Aristotle once said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be

able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Listening to

others' ideas may not be easy, but it could be an valuable way to

learn something new or change your perspective on life.

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live

if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

— Albert Camus

one man's meat is another man's poison - said to emphasize that people like different things's_meat_is_another_man's_poison

Each group that they belong to and each characteristic they call their own contributes to the

diversity that is needed for humans to thrive. Each individual adds something different to the group

in temperament, skills, and genes. And each group, however small, adds spice to the larger group.

Some of us are better at healing or hunting or even thinking. But the healer needs the hunter, just as

the hunter needs the healer. The thinker needs the doer, just as the doer needs the thinker.
2017-12-22 00:16:21 UTC
proverb: People vary greatly in character, tastes, and abilities (often used as a comment on what the

speaker feels to be strange behaviour)

it takes all kinds to make a world

Alternative forms:

it takes all kinds

it takes all sorts

it takes all sorts to make a world

it takes all types

it takes all types to make a world

Diversity is essential: the world would be incomplete if everyone were alike.

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust apon them”

— William Shakespeare (via giveandletliive)

“Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.”

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.”

Our interests and behavioral dispositions are as unique as our fingerprints.

Even within a family, one’s way of being happy may not be the same with another. One, for example, may

find that he is happier when he is in a contemplative mood and his twin brother, steeped in group

laughter and fun, may find solitary disposition rather boring.

We notice that the differences grow bigger when one has to deal with people from other cultures.

Humans are free to do what they want, without this freedom there could be no morality. In such a case,

no basis for what could be deemed as good or bad behavior in the eyes of a God because without

freewill we would just be pre-programmed unable to change or alter what has already been laid out in

front of us. There are only two things certain in each one of our lives, we live, and then we die,

everything in between is up to the individual.

Hard determinism only clouds the mind if we are enslaved to thinking we are free, then those who

believe that they have no control over life are going through life making decisions based on what they

perceive as pre-determined. To say we have a path set for us is to make us no more than a robot, and

because robots cannot discuss topics intelligently and cannot act intelligently in situations proves

that theory wrong.

We all have identity each human individual is unique even twins are different. Our minds are just as

unique as our fingerprints

Every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. Ask any

woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will attest to

the fact that while still in the womb her children showed marked

differences in their behavior.

Each of us is at the center of our own world. Each individual experiences his or her own life more

fully than anyone else can. No one else. For each of us, our own tapestry of highly personal and

unique experiences influences how we perceive ourselves. we are the masters of our own identity and we

fabricate our personalities based on what we deem essential.
2017-12-21 18:11:57 UTC
Most of us automatically assess the risks of taking an action before we take it. This is the essence of survival. Rules and laws are the benchmark of a higher civilization. We assess the risks of breaking such laws on a case-by-case basis. Our risk assessment Matrix is mainly made of what our caretakers have told us during the formative years, our personal direct experiences and what we have observed.
2017-12-20 06:12:48 UTC
Well in reality you can set your own rules but you will be up against other people's rules at the same time. It is up to you to be stronger.
Mr. Interesting
2017-12-18 23:29:33 UTC
We all follow the laws of nature. Most of us follow the law of the land and the rules of decent behavior....

Yin and yang are equal and opposite.

Your question is confusing.
2017-12-18 21:34:35 UTC
"Do most of us follow our own rules?"

No. We follow the rules of nature, family, religion, society and government from birth. Common sense should tell you that. There is no rule you follow that you invented yourself.

"How is it something real when it's so diverse and misunderstood.?"

Break the rules and get caught and you'll find out how quickly they become very real. Common sense should tell you that too. You weren't born in a vacuum.

"Do we live in accordance to the rule out of fear?"

Some, yes, but most no because we (or at least most of the smart ones) realize the benefits of doing so. Willing cooperation is how great things are achieved.
2017-12-18 21:28:56 UTC
Most people follow the rules of others, the rest are the free thinkers.

Ying and yang are two sides of the same coin

Rules can be enforced by fear of consequences. They can also be enforced through respect
2017-12-18 19:40:06 UTC
Yin and yang are the same thing. That is the point of Taoism. The rules are the limitations that make us possible. Fear does not define the walls, it keeps us from banging into them.
2017-12-18 18:49:48 UTC
Simply, "rule" is "reason" is "rationality;" this category is Plato's "Dianoia;" it is based on empirical 5-sense data (Plato's "Eikasia" and "Pistis" ( )).

The Platonic level above Dianoia is "Noesis," which comprehends the three other levels, although is not comprehended by them. This (Noesis) in Hebrew wisdom is Godly guidance for "honest weights and measures," aka "rule" as "golden rule."

Most if not all societies have "rules" based on their specific 5-sense data experience and Dianoia-abstraction/maths or "wise dominion". Underlying all 5-sense data is "physis" or in current understanding "quantum mechanics." The Mind on the "further side" of physis is Spirit, Truth, Soul, and as such brings forth e.g. Moses' Ten Commandments.

Related: "The Path of the Higher Self;" "Golden Rules for Everyday Life;" "101 Things Every Young Adult Should Know;" "Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major;" "Lost in the Cosmos;" "The Great Divorce;" "Autobiography of a Yogi;" "Beams from Meher Baba;" "For Couples Only." "The Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-Tzu."

p.s. The "dualism" of Yang and Yin reflects the movement of the One, "Tao." "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization" points to the awareness of Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"-realization of Ideas as aspects of the Tao; Kant's notion of "antinomies" ~ = "yin and yang" per 5-sense data, and his "Noumenon" ~ ---> Tao or Plotinus' One Mind Soul. Soren Kierkegaard brings the Platonic wholeness or line analogy into a three-sphere concurrency: Aesthetic now (when and if in lower awareness, then more like Plato's Eikasia and Pistis), Philosophic reflection (which is akin to Plato's Dianoia (and even Noesis, when as such philosophic reflection develops into [and is])) Jacobean ladder's Spirit-realization or true religion (e.g. of "Israel"), aka the "third sphere". These three spheres interact simultaneously, and may be analogized in their higher aspects to Holy Spirit (Aesthetic now), Son (philosophic Mindfulness), and Father-Mother (Israel like unto Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"); likewise, the Tao may be likened unto the divine Love or dynamic Wholeness of Father-Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit, of which Jesus as Messias and Holy Comforter is "One" (as in "I and the Father-Mother are One"). Spirit as divine Energy geometrized is perceived as Light given by Form or Living Word as Fiat of Creation, and is expressed in the statement "I Am the Light of the World."

In terms of formal systems of rules, any sufficiently complexly-axiomized system necessarily contains in its matrix some truth-claims (and some falsity-claims) that are neither confirmable nor deniable within the rules of that system (Godel's Incompleteness Theorems: "There's Something about Godel," Francesco Berto). It may be worth noting that for a 2-d sphere or wholeness in 3-d space, there are at most two completely distinct and maximized axiomizable systems obtainable: this may be visualized as a sphere with two orthodromes or great circles (i.e., at right angles to one another, never involving co-axiomization save at the two point-loci (aka "Kantian antinomy") of crossing) which divide the 2-d sphere or "Oneness" into two co-equal parts or hemispheres; thus the notion of antinomies or antipodes, in which there is "yang and yin," is an inevitable function of 3-d space. It is worth noting that the Tao is called "the undivided" (bun-wu), and is similar in that respect to Buddhist "emptiness" and Hindu "Brahman"; that the undivided when in 3-d space as 2-d sphere is divided, "yang and yin" are the maximum of separate axiomizable systems; and that "qi" or the combination of yang and yin as "humanity" (in its higher realized oneness) is relatable to "Buddha" or "Atman", and Kant's Noumenon is as it were both Tao and Buddha or Atman, deemed "unknowable" by Kant per 5-sense data aka play of yang and yin. In that sense, Buddha or Atman is relatable to "I Am *that* I Am", which esoterically is given in the yin-yang symbol of integrated or aware "fishes with 'eyes'", rather than in the mathematically correct "two hemispheres" (or two pure-color or light and dark fishes) which logic in 3-d space necessitates...thus the "qi" as "x-factor" ("qi" literally pneuma, breath, spirit, life energy, soul-field energy) "bringing into yang and yin the esoteric awareness of e.g. Buddha and Atman per "energy development" of the "antinomies." This is reminiscent of Lord Confucius' statement that he knew of Heaven and the Immortals, but his "dharma" or mission was to work out in life his own salvation, to prove his immortality; thus he esteemed the Yellow Emperor, an Immortal, but sought to "prove all things" by demonstrating his own "Buddhahood" or "Atman"-realization; similar to Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"-realization. This is a more difficult and fraught duty, than to unite with the One Mind Soul as aspected many Soul-realized individuations Way-showing the seeker within the One Energy. Thus Lord Krishna or Lord Jesus or Rabbi Ezekiel or Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) are already in and of the Way or Path. Another, more recent example of "going it on one's own merits" is Paul Erdos, arguably the most published mathematician of all time; perhaps relating to his own mathematical origins (his parents were two mathematics teachers, and Jewish), he affectionately referred to God as the "SF" ("Supreme Fascist," as in holding the winds of maths in His fists); "The Man Who Loved Only Numbers" and

The beauty of a great symphony (e.g. Beethoven's) is in part the harmonization of qi or soul-field energy in a matrix e.g. C-minor from which some antinomies may be developed (e.g., contrapuntally, as in Beethoven's 5th, 3rd movement, wherein a trio in C major is contrapuntal, in a kind of yang-with-awareness antinomy to the C minor yin of the 1st movement; and the C minor of the earlier part of the 3rd movement, leading to a yang C major 4th movement--that being one of the most celebrated transitions in serious or meditative music (as the symphonic "rule" is a return in the 4th movement to the key of the 1st movement). Thus the beauty of such a qi-driven expression of "yin and yang" is more than the movement to "10,000 things," but also (in the yin-yang motif) of a Taoistic expression of what may also be termed "Buddhic" or "Atmanic."
2017-12-22 23:01:20 UTC
Your passion your rule ; your enjoyment your rule ; etc.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.