2009-12-26 16:10:50 UTC
Now I know death is the opposite of Life which at times I know death have to be full of peace(depends on what you believe) when Im HONEST WITH PPL I tell them life is boring that get excited and say Im talking crazy just because of that saying "they're assuming I feel like taking me life"... I wouldn't. I understand life, and death comes when it comes.. just for knowing a different way of living Im at fault.. So I would say the ppl that's also at fault is the ones that want to be rich or this or that, they're not rich rite now so why are they looking for something that isn't there.. never been rich but you want to be rich isnt that kind of contradiction, someone for thinking life is boring or just want a rest and know it's going to come in due time... why am Im the weird one for seeing it like that?? never been rich but it's okay to fantazie about being rich cause that's society ways of thinking but not their true feelings and the ones that do take their lives or the craziest or left others with the answers why? cause they did what they felt about their life or ppl that have thoughts about death but dont they are the weird ones for being HONEST ABOUT LIFE!!