What are dreams made of?
Into My Heart You Whisper
2009-03-17 04:06:17 UTC
I hope you're enjoying your time! &
Thank you for your answers!! xx ^^ oo..
Fifteen answers:
2009-03-17 04:16:24 UTC
Hi Jeannie, to me dreams are wishes, hopes, desires and new ideas. Dreams are a way of escaping reality for a while and also a way of enhancing our minds and spirit. Sometimes when we have unfulfilled desires, dreams can help us to defend hard reality. Dreams to me are therefore made of hope, rainbows, blue skies and serenity...
2009-03-17 12:45:19 UTC
Dreams are infinite in their possibilities. On a personal level, as it has already been expressed, it would be defined by our deepest feelings, hopes and desires. However, just like life, they are not always filled with blue skies and rainbows. They show you also your deepest fears and repressed ideas and feelings that the person would rather not digest in their waking life. I do not see this as a dark thing because dreams then become a useful little mirror that show you both the things you need to work on as well as your brightest possibilities. It is probably the most un-biased, honest tool we have at our disposal.

Also something that wasn't mentioned, it is our connection to our spiritual beginnings, where we gain insight and wisdom from beyond ourselves. Dreams are often known to give us signs and direction in times of need. Perhaps it is God, angels, deceased loved ones or even our higher selves attempting to give us a slight nudge in a particular direction, or give an answer to a question. Those with more intuitive abilities can even have premonition type dreams perhaps that can serve as a warning or even a portent of hope for one or more.

Past, present, future, good and bad, light and dark, personal and impersonal, things spiritual and physical...all these things and more are what dreams are made of and more. Given their immense possibilities, I think the question then becomes, what are dreams NOT made of? and the answer to that I think, would be much simpler: nothing.
2009-03-17 08:02:21 UTC
Hopes and fears, run through neuronal and synaptic channels, while in rapid eye movement sleep, based in part on genetic pre-dispositions which shape character, and thus our particular hopes and fears.

Dreams are made of everything we come from, everything we've chosen, sought, or avoided, and everything that could plausibly happen to us -- and sometimes even implausibly -- like flying dreams, where you can fly like Peter Pan.

They are also probably made in part out of what we ate for dinner, or what we injested, imbibed, smoked, or swallowed. In my own case, Kava Kava (root) powder plays a role, as does wine, and spicy food. In my youth, other things may have played a role. Opiates and mescaline, and ergot, and datura and nutmeg, and certain morningglory seeds, and psilocybin and lysergic acid diethlyamide are known to affect dreams, if they are taken before bedtime -- particularly the smoke from gum opiates. It's probably not politically correct to mention these inconvenient truths, but I have no choice, it's a straight question, so I just give a truthful straight answer as best I can (as usual). Know the truth and the truth will make you free -- well at least free from ignorance. Nothing in this post should be construed as an approval of the violation of any law including, but not limited to, the Controlled substances Act and the Omnibus Crime Control Act. It's one thing to know what makes you dream, it's a whole separate matter to go get some and use it. All readers are encouraged to be law abiding at all times. If you want to play around with certain substances, go somewhere where you can do so legally. Stay within the law.

The only really new and surprizing truth I am revealing here is the genetic component of dreams. That will be discovered by modern science in about 50 years -- let's say around 2060. My hat's off to the wonderful scientist who figures that out and presents it to the world, muchos gracias Christophoro Columbo. Previews of coming science available here at -- isn't the internet great!
Larry K.
2009-03-17 09:48:17 UTC
Good morning, Jen; I hope your day goes well for you when you wake and read this. Often, when I receive your questions on email, and I read the answers you've received, I hesitate to try to answer, because most of your questions are philosophical and open to so many different interpretations, that I think my opinion isn't very relevant.

But. at this time, to this question, you've received only six answers so I thought I'd add to the cacophony. What are dreams made of? Well, to a trained scientist, which I'm supposed to be, dreams are chemical. They are perceptions induced in our subconscious by electrochemical stimulation of the cerebral cortex. How's that for an answer? But, of course, I'm not a scientist; I have the heart of a poet without the talent, and I've spent my life in science because it's cold and emotionless. It's safe. Dreams are us, Jen. A cartoonist had one of his characters parody something said by a famous American naval officer. Pogo,(the cartoonist's creation) said: " We have met the enemy, and he is us." So are dreams. Dreams are fabricated from the sum of our sensual experience from the time we are born until the day we die.There is evidence to support the theory that they are necessary for our continued sanity. Experiments have been conducted in which a sleeping individual was awakend every time they entered REM sleep. In a short time they began to experience symptoms of severe emotional trauma. So we need to dream. Shakespeare said, "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." I'm glad we need to dream, Jen. Often they express our highest ideals; that to which we aspire but will never reach. Of course not all dreams are pleasant, and the trauma I experienced in India will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. But without dreams life would be a constant reaction to external stimuli without the memory of previous experience to guide us, point the way, or inspire new things. So, if I must experience nightmares to pay for my dreams of a world where love prevails, where people are no longer starving, where kindness, honesty, charity, and goodness are universal, and suffering is just a memory, I'll gladly pay the price! Pleasant dreams, Jen.
2009-03-17 23:33:21 UTC
Well ...

dreams are nice

and it helps you in many ways

if you're writing a story, you can get new ideas.

I sometimes hear music, and it helps me with my music composition but this one is very rare.

and it helps me decide sometimes, for the most recent one, I've been thinking if I should buy Resident Evil 5 that was released a few days ago, and yesterday I had lots of dreams about this game, even though all what I was thinking about while on bed was Einstein's Relativity. But 97% of what I saw was about this game so I decided to buy it haha.
Phoenix Quill
2009-03-18 00:31:35 UTC
I believe 'night' dreams are created by the mind sifting through the short term 'day' memories to determine what gets put into long term storage & where.

Ah but are these the dreams you speak of?

Dreams of the future are made of passion & desire.
2009-03-17 04:12:15 UTC

Dreams is defined in Webster's Dictionary as a "sequence of sensations, images, thoughts, etc., passing through a sleeping person's mind" . Dreams have been a topic of study dating back to 4000 B.C. One may say that dreams have been around as long as the first civilization came to be and are just a normal part of human existence.

In our dreams, we can go anywhere, we can be anybody, and we can do anything. When we dream, we are like passengers on a moving train, unable to control our actions and choose surroundings. We let our mind take over. Sometimes, dreams can be understood in the the context of repressed thoughts. Dreaming serves as an outlet for those thoughts and impulses we repress during the day. When we go to sleep at night and slip into our dream state, we feel liberated and behave and act in a manner that we do not allow ourselves in our waking life.

Visions and ideas can come from your dreams. Authors, screenwriters and poets turn to their dreams for stories. Artists and musicians explore dreams for their inspiration. Dreams can help us find solutions to our daily problems and see things from a different perspective.

In this section, you will find a vast array of information on dreams, from its early beginnings, type of dreams, how to remember your dreams, babies and dreams, and much more. Hopefully, you will learn some interesting things about dreams.
2016-11-30 10:18:48 UTC
my objectives are made up of loopy innovations and liqour. i dreamt some loopy stuff the place i knew i become dreaming yet feared i does not awaken. and interior the dream i ought to take heed to my radio playing i left on as quickly as I surpassed out.
Irony Man
2009-03-18 03:23:11 UTC
Dreams are made of hidden desires in our subconscious ;-p
2009-03-17 15:58:50 UTC
2009-03-17 04:23:00 UTC
my defination of dreams are pictures and in a way, stories, that reflect your thoughts, ideas, hopes, wants, needs, and more.
2009-03-17 16:18:38 UTC
I'm sure there will always be hope in every dream.

good day everyone! ^^
2009-03-17 04:28:02 UTC
feelings,,that's what dreams are made of..

the decoding process of internalised emotions, a barometer of how we are doing.There is no escape....
2009-03-17 15:52:35 UTC
Strange magic of the brain.
Heaven Convergence
2009-03-18 01:34:15 UTC
For you want, to be happened and to be imaginary.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.