What is my point in the world?
2007-02-09 18:25:37 UTC
I feel like anyone I meet at school or whereever I'll never see again in a few years. So I feel no connection, no point. If I go through life and don't affect anyone's life, what am I in the existance of the world? I'll just always have my own thoughts and ideas, but it'll never be worth anything if it only affects me. I feel like if I don't somehow contribute to society, I'm failing the world as a living thing. Which I guess I have been doing most my life. I've always felt like I personally need to do something that will affect the world, but on the contrary, I hardly participate in life at all. But even if I would do normal social things, etc., I feel like it's not going to affect anything. I just want things to be better, but it's out of reach.
Seventeen answers:
2007-02-09 18:59:46 UTC
whether you like it or not you are a part of the whole. which raindrop causes the flood? just try to be the best human being that you can and you will help the world and help yourself. No one is very important, they just have better media.
2007-02-09 19:05:13 UTC
You are asking questions that have confounded the greatest thinkers of the world for thousands of years. Not to trivialize it, but "What's it all about Alfie" drives people crazy. "Why am I here? What's the point? Is there any reason behind what goes on in the world?

You should worry if you DON'T ask these questions. By just posting this question, you are participating.

I have come to the conclusion that to contribute to society, you do what you can where you can, even if it is just giving a few quarters or $5.00 to a pan-handler you feel sorry for. So what if he/she spends it on booze or whatever? Sticking up for someone who is being bullied takes ENORMOUS courage, and the far-reaching effects of such an act can help change someone's life. If those sorts of things do not constitute "participating", I don't know what is. Heroic deeds are not what make the world go around. You sound like you have a lot of worth. With a bit of luck, stuff will happen where you can make a difference, however small. Good luck to you, you sound rather special.
2007-02-09 18:41:47 UTC
You affect everyone and everything you come in contact with. You may not ever know how, but the simple act of your being affects time, space, people, and events.

Try doing some volunteer work with people less fortunate than you are -- it's a great way to get some perspective, and become more focused on other people. Try working at a homeless shelter, or a shelter for battered women. Volunteer to work for a political candidate you like, or go to a hospital and care for AIDS babies.

We are all just passing through. If we can make a difference, however small, it matters.

It sounds as though you're doing a lot of thinking and not much doing. Get out of your head for a little while ... you need a break. You are someone who needs a purpose, and there are countless folks out there who need your help. Don't worry about the possible results. Just do it.
2007-02-09 19:03:18 UTC
Nothing is ever out of reach, especially that. Perhaps you are just trying to hard to make a difference. Every day we talk with people and you may not even be aware that what you say often times makes a difference in some ones life. You short change your self so much, lighten up and go easier on your self.

You are way too hard on your self, give your self a break. You don't say how old you are? If your young, you have your whole life to make a difference. Every one in this world feels the same way that you do at one time or another, we all have felt like we don't mesure up at one time or another.

Perhaps try doing some volunteer work. My daughter did some volunteer work at an old age home and she found that it was one of the most rewarding experience that she'd ever had. The program was called cave.

There are people that are unable to even read a book because their eye sight is failing them. These people love to have some one visit them and help them with things that they have a hard time doing for them self.

Some times just having some one come in and spend some time with them make their entire day so much better, it lifts their spirits in ways that you could never even immagine.

You also may need some councelling to help you get through this, so that you understand that we as people always are needed in each others lives.

You also need to realize that if your young that you are not alone in and with this feeling, a lot of people some times feel like their not doing enough to help others.

If you are young and still at home talk with your parents and let them know what your feeling, they don't want you to feel bad about your self. If you don't feel like you can talk with your parents then speak with a friend or a teacher or school counselor.

But be well, things will get better but you just need to give them a little help. Remember you are important in and to this world, that's why your here & that's why I answered you.

You take care of your self, ok. Your are in my prayers and thoughts.
2007-02-09 18:46:35 UTC
amie: There is no other person ever, before, during nor after you, born with the uniqueness of you !!! You are unique as I am and anyone else is. It is the small things we accomplish in life, which contributes to and forms the "big" things ! Failure is not doing something significant but giving in and never trying ! If we all came together and accomplished something big or very significant, then, we would all be mediocre and not unique. Your question posed, for example, demonstrates the uniqueness you have. Just making this world a better place to live in, may be a small thing BUT the spin-off it creates will ultimately be a big thing in someones life ! This is the direction to walk in to make things to be better - and it is "in reach", too !!!
Absent Glare
2007-02-09 18:49:15 UTC
Just because you see no direct impact of your life on others does, in no way, predict or imply that your life has no impact on anyone else. What you seem to be upset about is that if you solve all the worlds problems, but keep the solutions to yourself, you did very little credit to society. While this may be true, it is very unlikely that you would put a lot of work into something, and then never share it with anyone. Many figures throughout history with great significance on the way we live our lives today have had little or no direct impact in society while they were alive; Socrates, for instance, never wrote a book in his life. The only way anyone learns about him is through Plato's writings. Indeed, many philosophers die with unpublished works, and many of the works they did publish received very little credit while they were still alive.

Well, that sounds sort of depressing; even if you are a great philosopher, you may die before you are even recognized as such. But, we must understand that our actions in the present are eternal. Noone can change what has already been done. Life your life by example, do what you think is best, and people will recognize your sacrifices and passions to live their lives. It is the way that us, as humans, gradually improve ourselves.

It is impossible for you to "hardly participate in life at all" because you've spent as much time alive as anyone else your age. Even if you live as a hermit, you serve as an example for all those who are aware of you. Perhaps you want to live in seclusion out of a moral statement against globalization, civilization, and anthropocentrism; and perhaps someone who knows you will rethink the way they live their lives and one day pave the way for others to construct concrete moral arguments against the progresses of civilization.

My point is, basically, that as long as you do what you think you should do, you're doing as good as you can do, and still impacting people in ways that you can't possibly fathom. Be a good person, live as you think you should, and many people will learn from you whether you realize it or not.

It is human nature to be dissatisfied. If we got to a point where we were suddenly completely satisfied then there would be nothing else left to do. We are always dissatisfied; fat people have big appetities, drug addicts always want more drugs, etc. In fact, the entire casino/gambling industry is built on the inability of humans to ever be truly satisfied.
2007-02-09 18:37:28 UTC
You never paid attention to "It's a Wonderful Life " have you? We all affect other lives just by being there. That may be your entire reason for being to affect one person's life. That doesn't even take into account the immense effect your descendants will have upon they history of the world.

Example: Four brothers came to this country. There are now 6,000 descendants here.
2007-02-09 18:34:32 UTC
The Will is positive, the Judgment is negative. When you learn the nature of human Spirit then you shall KNOW your value. The Will is positive and the Judgment is negative and both are essentially supplied from the Spirit. You can contribute in the simplicity of goodness for which you have Will. Let the Judgment judge its self.
2007-02-09 18:33:13 UTC
Amie - you are young. Don't take it all so seriously! You WILL find your place in the world, I promise. Life is out there, waiting for you, and you will find where you are meant to be. Your views, opinions and thoughts about the world will matter to more people than you know. It may be hard to believe that right now, but I know it to be true. Hang in there - you DO belong to this big, beautiful world we live in, and one day, you'll feel that and you'll be glad for it.
pwincez for life!
2007-02-10 13:20:01 UTC
wts happenin is totally normal! many realli wise ppl, gurus who meditated for like years, have said, that we are here to learn. life is like school. it keeps throwing lessons at you and if you learn them you pass on to the next class(phase), and you learn more lessons. the basic purpose of life is to learn these lessons. we are born imperfect, and we live and die and take rebirth just to learn lessons. once we are through learning all our lessons we will become one with the power that created us! so thats what you are in this world for. now, these lessons that you have to learn come to you in many forms. mostly, people who come into your life bring these lessons for you. similarly, you are probably a puppet for god, bringing lessons into others lives. we are all here to help each other learn, and you cant forget that! someone rightly said - when the student is ready, the teacher will appear! so dont think that you are not connected to othr people. you always are, weather you like it or not!
2007-02-09 18:41:47 UTC
well you matter, everyone does

and just affecting you does help

you have to help yourself and be confident with yourself before you can ever think about helping someone else. you come first, you should be the most important thing in your life.

once you've done all that, join the peace corp, unicef, go to ghana and help all the slave children on fishing boats.
2007-02-09 18:39:31 UTC
we're supposed to feel this way

every now and then

it helps us think larger thoughts

about ourselves

and about the world

--about "being"

it's a "check-thought"

it's not a let-it-control-me thought

you're supposed to create the best you

you're supposed to be happy

you're supposed to influence others to be happy

you're supposed to speak up against wrong

stay aware

stay receptive

your path is not being hidden in mist

life is very short (comparatively)

and a successful life is

very happy

smile more

Barbara V
2007-02-10 00:30:05 UTC
Try to do something for the world. Here, I have an idea. Check this out (all the eleven pages), and forward it to everyone you know. You just might save lives.
2016-05-24 23:23:33 UTC
Whoa, that is hard! I thought I knew until I looked at the last two lines. Way too hard to make a correct guess.
Spades Of Columbia
2007-02-09 18:34:23 UTC
You can't be told your purpose you need to go out and find, meet new people, explore. Then one day it will all become clear and a purpose will show its self, but be could take years.
2007-02-09 21:18:55 UTC
You are here to learn just like the rest of us.

You don't need to change the world.

Just change yourself.

Love and blessings Don
2007-02-09 18:33:01 UTC
you just have to think that it is all up to you to get phone numbers, adresses, and any other info... but most of all reamber that god put you here for a reason

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.