Just because you see no direct impact of your life on others does, in no way, predict or imply that your life has no impact on anyone else. What you seem to be upset about is that if you solve all the worlds problems, but keep the solutions to yourself, you did very little credit to society. While this may be true, it is very unlikely that you would put a lot of work into something, and then never share it with anyone. Many figures throughout history with great significance on the way we live our lives today have had little or no direct impact in society while they were alive; Socrates, for instance, never wrote a book in his life. The only way anyone learns about him is through Plato's writings. Indeed, many philosophers die with unpublished works, and many of the works they did publish received very little credit while they were still alive.
Well, that sounds sort of depressing; even if you are a great philosopher, you may die before you are even recognized as such. But, we must understand that our actions in the present are eternal. Noone can change what has already been done. Life your life by example, do what you think is best, and people will recognize your sacrifices and passions to live their lives. It is the way that us, as humans, gradually improve ourselves.
It is impossible for you to "hardly participate in life at all" because you've spent as much time alive as anyone else your age. Even if you live as a hermit, you serve as an example for all those who are aware of you. Perhaps you want to live in seclusion out of a moral statement against globalization, civilization, and anthropocentrism; and perhaps someone who knows you will rethink the way they live their lives and one day pave the way for others to construct concrete moral arguments against the progresses of civilization.
My point is, basically, that as long as you do what you think you should do, you're doing as good as you can do, and still impacting people in ways that you can't possibly fathom. Be a good person, live as you think you should, and many people will learn from you whether you realize it or not.
It is human nature to be dissatisfied. If we got to a point where we were suddenly completely satisfied then there would be nothing else left to do. We are always dissatisfied; fat people have big appetities, drug addicts always want more drugs, etc. In fact, the entire casino/gambling industry is built on the inability of humans to ever be truly satisfied.