Who is your favorite atheist of all time?
2010-01-07 06:13:53 UTC
and why do you like him/her?
Thirteen answers:
Wesley B
2010-01-07 08:02:00 UTC

I'm an atheist and I don't like anyone more than me, so I win!


You might want to recheck your numbers there, buddy. Have some atheists done horrible things? Sure, but VERY RARELY in the NAME of their atheism. They did them in the name of political and financial power. Many theists have done the same. However, many theists DO kill others, directly and indirectly, IN THE NAME of their supposed gods.

Even today it is estimated that the Catholic church has passively allowed MILLIONS of Africans to catch AIDS by promoting no condom, abstinence only programs in HIV-ridden areas. The Catholic church has withheld aid form organizations promoting condom use and the result in those areas where the church has bullied out condom-education has directly resulted in severe rises in the rate of AIDS transmission.

You have Muslim bombers flying planes into buildings, blowing up nightclubs in Bali, trains in Spain, and just about everything in Israel. And still trying to take out jets flying to America. The whole of Bosnia was religious genocide. And do we remember the Taliban letting men throw acid in the faces of women for the mere crime of walking down the street unescorted or, *gasp*, trying to go to school and get an education?

Sure, there have been some prominent people who have happened to be atheist who ran up some impressive death tolls. But they didn't do it in the name of their atheism. And, if you totaled up all the deaths by all the people who DID kill in the name of their gods, you'd have a tally far, far higher than that committed by the atheists for any reason.

"...with maybe Bernie Madoff, the capitalist materialist, as a close second."

Sorry, but Madoff was Jewish, and active at that. Do you just make up facts at will to suit your stance?

He was even on the Board of Trustees of Yeshiva University, a Jewish university, and on their business school's board of directors. He moved among the upper echelons of Jewish society. If he was an atheist, he was one of those sneaky ones that never lets on to the fact.

Religious people do bad things all the time. Just because they did, doesn't mean they aren't religious. They're just very bad at following their religion is all.

"There are very strict natural laws and instinctual controls that ensure that the natural world runs in balance and harmony."

No, there aren't.

Mass extinctions happen from time to time, starvation, disease, and I hardly think the gazelle currently getting its throat ripped out by a hungry lioness thinks nature is running "in harmony." Nature is cruel and oppressive and deadly. And yes, it is also beautiful. But one thing it is not, is in some mythical, metaphysical state of "balance and harmony."

We have proof that other animals can lie to one another, flat out deceive one another for personal gain. We've found animals that essentially go to war with other tribes over resources. Man is just the best and most successful natural example of this is all. Nature is raw and gritty and cruel and the reason we've dominated the chain is that we are the grittiest and cruelest of all.

"Historically humanity has been kept in some sort of civilized balanced cultures due to the moral guidelines that come from religious revelation."

No, it hasn't.

Historically, humanity has been OPPRESSED by moral guidelines that come from religious revelation. Historically, religion has directly CAUSED more (unbalanced) conflicts than just about anything else.

Ever hear of a little period called the Dark Ages? The Crusades? Witch hunts? The Inquisition? etc? Religion has fueled thousands of years of bloodshed with no moral restrictions whatsoever. Killing innocents? Fine if they are of the "other" faith. Killing one's self? Fine if it kills others, too. It was religion that flew planes in the World Trade Center. Where is the moral guideline for that? The moral balance?

"The a-religious movements of the 20th Century were responsible for almost incomprehensible amounts of murder and destruction: National Socialism (Nazi), Communism, unregulated capitalism are all ideologies that make no claim to Divine justification for their excesses."

The Nazi's, oh he who is so ready to white wash, simplify, and ignore history to his own ends, was PRIMARILY Christian. Some of the head players weren't, but even they knew how to use the religious beliefs of their followers to whip up a frenzy. You think it was coincidence the Jews were blamed for the troubles of Germany and subsequently rounded up for slaughter? No, they were targeted because those in power knew they would be easiest for the Christians of Germany to hate. They were scapegoats and targets and common enemies CHOSEN SPECIFICALLY TO PLAY ON THE BIGOTED BELIEFS OF GERMANY'S RELIGIOUS POPULATION. There is actually debate to the religiousness of Hitler, but if he actually was Catholic or not, he was still able to use the tenets of Christianity against his own people.

In other words, the people were even easier to manipulate BECAUSE they were religious.

And Hitler and others like him may be bad men, but so is every preacher, father, bishop, cardinal, pope, imam, rabbi, and other "religious moral authority" figure that stood (and still stand by) while these bad men do such despicable acts. Turning a blind eye to evil is not good, is not moral, is not "balanced."
2010-01-07 06:37:53 UTC
Pol Pot, the communist materialist, with maybe Bernie Madoff, the capitalist materialist, as a close second.

Sometimes logical extensions give us insight into the validity of the initial premise. If human beings are merely physical beings with no intrinsic rights or responsibilities except whatever the process of physical existence dictates, then we are free to use our knowledge and capacities in whatever ways we choose to. This is not however how the other animals on this planet live, nor how oceans and volcanoes work either. There are very strict natural laws and instinctual controls that ensure that the natural world runs in balance and harmony.

Historically humanity has been kept in some sort of civilized balanced cultures due to the moral guidelines that come from religious revelation. Although today, with the benefits of 65,000 years of collective consciousness growth guided by the religious ethos, we can claim that we really can do this job with no further guidance or external moral standards, I think that will prove to be a huge disaster. The a-religious movements of the 20th Century were responsible for almost incomprehensible amounts of murder and destruction: National Socialism (Nazi), Communism, unregulated capitalism are all ideologies that make no claim to Divine justification for their excesses.

We might not need the dogmas and doctrines of former ages but to think that we can create our own morally based material cultures that will reflect the balance and harmony of nature is sheer folly.
Big Bill
2010-01-07 06:28:00 UTC
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso and Carl Sagan.

2010-01-07 08:43:14 UTC
I think Nietzsche. He provided some clear and lyrical ideas on the needlessness of god for those willing to tolerate and embrace self-justified existence. He helped me reclaim and assert my creative powers, which had been projected onto and displaced by god. Nietzsche doesn't deserve sole credit for these realizations, but his "The Gay Science" was a big push for me. I think it's important for us to challenge our intellectual mentors and to forge our own paths. Nietzsche helped me see my freedom, and through challenging him I've discovered my responsibility.
2010-01-07 17:51:30 UTC
Diogenes, because he was a badåŝŝ, brilliant, crazy nut with balls of steel.

Does Socrates count as an atheist? he was one to the Greeks, who executed him for it.
2016-12-08 16:41:34 UTC
Dr. Neil degrasse Tyson. "the earnings of technology is that it relatively is real despite if or not you have faith in it." - Astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson "understand that the very molecules that make up your physique, the atoms that build the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that have been as quickly as the centers of extreme mass stars that exploded their chemically prosperous guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of existence. so as that we are all linked to one yet another biologically, to the earth chemically and to something of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and that i in my opinion experience particularly super on the tip of that. It’s not that we are greater effective than the universe, we are area of the universe. we are interior the universe and the universe is in us." — Neil deGrasse Tyson "They appeal to a greater robust ability in basic terms while staring into the sea of their own lack of information. They call on God in basic terms from the lonely and precarious fringe of incomprehension. the place they experience specific approximately their motives, besides the incontrovertible fact that, God gets not often a point out." - by using Neil deGrasse Tyson
2010-01-07 06:56:55 UTC
The Buddha.

I like him cause he always makes sense.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."


Love and blessings

2010-01-08 05:31:28 UTC
Me. cause im awesome
2010-01-07 06:17:10 UTC
I have no " favourite " atheist, Muslim, Christian, Pagan, I only have favourite persons.
2010-01-07 10:39:55 UTC
I dunno but please don't let him be a fundamentalist atheist - they're as bad as the religious fundamentalists and as remarkably similar in their stubbornness. They suck all the oxygen out of the air IMHO.
2010-01-07 06:16:15 UTC
2010-01-07 06:18:15 UTC
which ever one can spell favourite properly!!
2010-01-07 06:41:42 UTC
SATAN ! ........I like him for inadvertantly reminding me that God exists......PRINCEFREAKASSO

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