Have we been taught to ignore our creativity and our gut feeling?
2006-10-04 05:53:52 UTC
I know that my question is mainly true. But when you think about it, especially with traditional teaching in schools and in other areas, we are always taught what to believe or what to think. We are taught to use logic instead of creativity. We are taught to use our minds instead of our hearts. We are taught so many things that renders us incapable of feeling, creating, or learning something in a new way. It renders us incapable to see the truth.
80 answers:
2006-10-04 06:04:18 UTC
The purpose of teaching is to help a person to form their own opinion and learn to discern the truth, the purpose is not to create uniform thinking. Truth is relative and you must find your own truth. I don't believe that things which we tought renders us incapable of feeling, it stimulates us to do the work and research to help us find our own truth.
Wild Ape
2006-10-04 20:34:14 UTC
Yes I think we are taught to ignore our creativity. The creative side of the brain is much more powerful because it also uses logic. The two are not mutually exclusive. Take for instance the way I learned how to type on a keyboard. I would go to school an type yyy xxx ect until I was familiar with the keys. After a year I could type 35 words a minute, this is the traditional method. My kids typed at the same age somewhere around 80 to 90 words a minute. How did they learn? Instant messaging. Their brains were connected to their creative side. This form of learning is called constructivism. If you go with your passions you will seek what you wish to know. Knowledge is layered and builds on its foundation. Any time you have an interest your brain will be more motivated to learn. Does that make sense?
2006-10-05 07:02:02 UTC
Yes you are right! I'm left-handed & a former full-time artist. Being empathic & creative is seen as a weakness in society. Not to mention being honest, asking questions & pointing out stagnation.

Society admires the Donald Trumps, cold reasoning & following the masses. Ask questions & people laugh at you! "Don't fix nuttin that is not broke" they respond.

(Even make one typo & they pop a vein in their brain!)

Einstein was very creative. So was Thomas Edision & many others. To be a "day dreamer" is the label of stupidity. Cold hard logic gave us

the German Nazis.

RX companies & Corporate America only need those who are smart enough to work & pay taxes. Think with your hearts? Oh my, the macho & shallow say that is weakness.

Before we die, will we say "I wish I made another $10,000?" Isn't it better to review our memories...and remember how we helped so & so...created, had heart, invented & lead life as a human being.

Can you imagine if we used our hearts instead of our minds? Well half of Congress would be impeached! Yes you are right about truth. Truth is buried beneath the RX prescriptions humans take. Truth is buried so humans can work against nature & aggregate a large financial portfolio.

Only to end up losing their health, children, spouse & having lived a full life as a feeling human being. I'm not perfect either & have cursed G-d many a time for making me creative.

But I'd rather live & experience life thru colored passionate eyes than just B+W sameness.
2006-10-05 07:05:04 UTC
I don't agree. Nature has its own laws, and you have to learn them. The speed at which something falls due to gravity, the result of 2+2, the cause of rust on steel: all these things have known answers and you cannot know the answers by intuition, you have to learn them. In art and to some extent in other areas, intuition has a role, but again, even there, if you go to a doctor, do you want a doctor who knows little medicine but is creative, or do you want a doctor who knows medicine thoroughly even if he's not creative? I think that modern society encourages people to act on the basis of impulse--so that you buy things without thinking first--and it does so by making you think you're being creative/different/free-spirited when you do so, but it's just a gimmick. The great advances in any field have been made by creative thinkers who really knew what they were doing, and so could see connections that other could not, like Einstein and Salk. But they knew their field first, they studied and learned.
2006-10-04 06:27:57 UTC
Yes, what we are taught is discipline, order, method, propriety etc. which at first sight looks like suppressing or even overruling creativity and gut feel.

On a deeper thinking, one realizes that in fact, the reverse is the truth. That is, what we are taught actually gives useful and meaningful form and direction to our creativity and gut feel. Creativity and gut feel are inherent in human beings, but these are pretty wild and disorderly as they arise. Education and culture are the important reins which make sure that the wild horse would actually serve the purpose by going the distance at the right speed and in the required direction. Education and culture are like the woman's womb to ensure that the sperms fertilize an egg rather than get lost in the wilderness. This is the only way to make creativity and gut feel productive and useful.
2006-10-04 17:29:49 UTC
I really loved your question. Because of you, I signed up to this site. Your question shows true thinking and creativity. You are on track my dear! Have you ever read the book "Artist's Way"? You REALLY should look at that book. It is the most serious book I've ever come across on the topic of rediscovering one's creativity. Most people are hooked after reading the first page. Try a 2nd hand bookstore if your cashflow is tight.

For now this is the best answer I can supply you with, other then saying that multi-national corporations and television have greatly affected individual's creativity in negative and subversive ways. People need to turn off their TV sets and learn to think for themselves. Use the $40.00 that you pay each month for your cable and sign up for an art class, or a spanish class, or learn to play an instrument. The music you play and hear is more up to you then you realize! Cheers! VFR_Girl.
2006-10-04 13:37:51 UTC
Yes, we have been taught to stifle our true self. We should all just be exactly alike, who are we to be powerful? Yes, instead we are taught situational ethics and humanism. If it feels good do it, no matter the consequences. One only needs to look at all of the violence around us to see that we are passing on horrible messages to our youth. After all if we are all alike, then it is easier to control our minds. We are not taught to use wisdom, only facts piled on facts. Learn enough facts to pass a test. How to use the information we have accumulated to find an anwer we have not been taught? NEVER! That is just the way the government likes it! Keep us "dumbed" down. I heard of someones neice who was baking a cake that required 3/4 of a cup of water. All she had was a 1/4 measure cup, and she couldn't figure out how to make that into 3/4 of a cup. She was ready to throw the whole thing away!

Sounds like we need to return to teaching children how to think, not just how to remember a bunch of facts.
2006-10-04 08:53:03 UTC
This is definately a realy good question, I have often wondered if why the systems is set up in such a manner. I think School and education is the good but we definatley become robotic as we simply take classes to get grades and not really to learn. Having said that I don't think anyone has the ability to take your creativity away from you. The system is the way it is and we should try to change it if possible, but that is not likely; however we can change our attitudes in such a way that we will overcome this obstacle by deciding for ouselves to remain creative, to take what we can that is good from the system and then discover our own paths. This will always be a big question in large societies. I believe that it is up to the individual to step outside of the bubble and choose for themselves. Creativity will come to those who do this. Thankyou and great question. -Boomer
2006-10-05 06:49:33 UTC
It is a delicate matter to help people to develop their creativity and to listen to their gut feeling.

That may be the reason why in most teaching situations that kind of education is avoided.

How could you have an army if you helped people to love each other and to live life with real joy ?

How could people be pushed around if they were taught to speak up for their rights ?

Great question and lots of soul searching needed to answer it.
2006-10-04 13:27:30 UTC
Yes, that is why I have always hated conventional schooling. They don't teach children to think outside the box. I mourn for the lost creativity of so many young people. Education should bring out from within, not make robots out of us. Didn't Plato believe that as well? When my son was young, I had him in a Montessori school, because the philosophy was based on bringing out the child's own creativity, and encouraging independence. Also, when a child was ready to learn something, he would not be discouraged because it wasn't in the teacher's plan that year. He would be given the means to find the answers to his questions. I think as parents, we can help our children learn how to think for themselves. It's hard- the public schools will tear it all down. But if you feel you or your child are gifted in certain areas, pursue ways to express your gifts.
Karina B
2006-10-05 07:04:43 UTC
Yes and No, when it comes to choosing our own path in life we sometimes have to use creativity and our gut feeling. When teaching in schools they almost teach by the exame or the test, You will not get the answers correct if you don't suck up to them.(Pardon

the language) Anyway, you have to do what is told to you in schools, but when it comes to other things, such as sports, music and art you need a sense of creativity and you have to use your gut feeling.

So, it's all a choice one has to make, you have the power to choose to be creative or not, it all depends upon you.
2006-10-04 23:10:05 UTC
I think it's a gender issue really. Men are taught to use logic and never gut and women are taught to use gut and never logic. (I'm speaking generalities here.)

As for creativity, I disaggree. I have kids in school that are taught music, art, and are encouraged to creatively solve their problems.
2006-10-04 07:38:46 UTC
Well stated and true. Nobody can really teach you to read your "gut" feelings, or to expound on your creativity probably because it is not a "science" per se. In schools we are taught the basic disciplines because they are theory based. Intuition is something that has to be developed by each individual, unfortunately those who ignore it often have problems. I would like to see psychology taught in elementary schools, I think it would be highly beneficial to younger minds and the development of intuitive skills of which you speak. There remains so many uncharted courses in life that are not addressed at any level. Keep asking. "Knock and the door shall be opened............."
2006-10-04 15:00:09 UTC
Yeah. I believe all of what you just said.

I mean, no wonder why some people are so depressed.

We're taught facts.. and facts... and more facts... and the reason behind it isn't so that WE can get the education... it's just so that people can get good jobs that allow the government to work to the fullest. It's just like everyone getting their niche in society.

We aren't taught what's important right off the bat. We aren't taught about the basic facts of life and I think that before we learn all these redundant facts that we learn in school, we ought to know how to live life by listening to our hearts and to, more importantly, be ourselves and not let other people influence us.

School is holding us back in some ways.
The Sushi King
2006-10-04 07:37:26 UTC
The truth is that creativity comes from the brain. The heart pumps blood.

I understand what you are saying, but this topic really requires a more specific context than what you have introduced.

If we did not have structures and modes of thinking in place, then every generation would have to re-invent the wheel. Yes, sometimes the old models do not encourage innovation, blah blah blah...but really, there's plenty of wonderful creative things happening in the world. All you have to do is find them, instead of "dealing with" what was given to you.
2006-10-04 06:17:26 UTC
We are taught to use our logic and minds which translated means we are taught to think. Schooling provides the basics. What we do with that knowledge later in life dictates how we live. From a very young age, my father taught me to think. I was arguing Darwin with the nuns by the 4th grade. I have been questioning traditional logic ever since. Rebellion? Maybe to some. I prefer to call it innovation and originality.
2006-10-04 17:41:13 UTC
I had a few great classes in high school, and a couple of outstanding teachers, who encouraged thinking outside the box...encouraged paradigm "smashing". Most teachers, and people in general, do not encourage that type of thinking. On a whole, yes, I agree with you that we have been taught to just follow the rules and blah blah blah, but it's very freeing when you come across someone who nurtures your creativity and lets you have a mind of your own. There are a few people out there who like to help you think outside the box.
2006-10-04 10:12:49 UTC

We are taught in schools, in law, and from our parents what is right and what is wrong, without any room for leeway. In reality, life is much more complex than this black-and-white view. Take language, for instance: what is incorrect grammar one day may be perfectly acceptable the next. The word "cool" made it up into the uppermost echelon of society, even though it began as mere slang. In law, the same is true. Marital rape used to be perfectly legal and it used to be illegal for women to show their ankles. I personally encourage others to question everything and think in a more scientific manner, supporting all of their beliefs with evidence. This questioning, I believe, is where true creativity stems from, even if it is not from a scientific perspective.
2006-10-04 09:27:42 UTC
When I was only 10 I was playing in the garden when suddenly arrived an old man that lived in my building carrying a lot of grocery's bags.

My gut feelings told me to not to go to help him, just to stay in the sunshine of the garden, but I was taught that I had to help elderly...

You know what happened? I got sexually harassed in the lift...

That's the power of the so called "civilization" over the instinct. If I had been an animal I would have bit him and run away but unfortunately I was only a stupid, well brought up, polite little girl...
2006-10-04 13:52:37 UTC

They don't even teach logic in school, really, they just teach what to think and to do what you're told.

It would be so much better if we were taught at an early age to use our intuition and our logic and our creativity and how to differentiate between them. For example, it is so easy for a person to ignore an intuitive impulse because they think it is just their imagination. Hopefully, things in this area will change for the better.
2006-10-04 09:52:37 UTC
Ignoring your ceativity and gut feelings is a personal choice.

When you are faced with a task or school assignment, the easiest/safest method is to stick to what you have been told. It takes courage and confidence to venture into new territory without a guide. A teacher is only supposed to giv eyou something to stand on. You have tomake your own choice about where you want to go and do the work to get there.

If the truth interests you, explore it. If you discover something wonderful, incorporate it into your life.

I see so many questions from young women who have assignments to complete. They are asking the public for ideas for essays and examples to support it instead of figuring it out on thier own. it's their choice not to engage their own creativity/insight.

In a school setting, logic is the foundation. Creativity will get you nowhere if you have nothing to stand on.
2006-10-04 07:41:55 UTC
On the contrary, I think people are taught to "express their feelings," "let it all hang out," etc. Learning to use analysis and logic is not easy in a public school, where many of the teachers have no clue about such things. "Express yourself" becomes the fashion of the day.

Also, I disagree with your premise that these things -- rational thought and creativity -- are mutually exclusive. Look at DaVinci, for example. And many of our most creative thinkers are thinking with logical reasoning.

Creativity is not the exclusive domain of painters and musicians, after all. Creativity exists everywhere, including the most mundane places. In your grocery store, creative thinking causes people to put out new displays, attractive to the customers. In the computer lab, creativity gets people to think, "Well, let's try this," and go forward with an experiment or idea that came out of nowhere -- or rather, came out of who knows where.
robert r
2006-10-04 15:34:10 UTC
I think we must use both, our hearts interpreted by our minds. We need form, we need reason, and logic, or we have only amorphous blobs of feeling from which no life can spring. But our creative sides have been ignored in favor of our rational, money making, passionless side. It makes for a more ordered-and more boring-world. I agree with you, truth lives in the heart. I follow the Franciscan doctrine in that. But I am a believer in form and discipline, as I publish poetry, play flute and jazz/Latin music, and do photography as a hobby.

And yes, ignoring our creative and passionate selves can harden us to the world, allowing us to ignore the homeless, or commit atrocities, such as bombing Iraqis, elderly, sick, women. children, innocents, into oblivion without batting an eyelid.

As St. Francis taught "God is love! Our mission is to love more: better, stronger, more fully. To open and expand our hearts and by doing, know truth." As you say.
2006-10-04 15:25:32 UTC
to answer your question - Yes, we have been taught to ignore our creativity, but it goes much deeper than that. It boils down to authority itself. If everyone truly thought for themselves, the first thing they would think was "Why do I have to pay for water?", or "How can the Government OWN an ocean?". Dominance in both the physical world, and the mental world are what make for unquestionable authority. Take for example the Declaration of Independence and such documents. While they are beautiful in their respects, if you step outside of your ordinary perception (key to creativity), and look at them in a new respect, you realize that they are *literally* documents where the authors are proclaiming to provide *freedom* & *laws* within the same document. How can you provide freedom,(definition = no laws to hold you back) and laws (definition = laws that hold you back) within the same document? Logically and per-definition it's a -giant contradiction-, but the reason it works is because it hits our creative senses. Even the word "freedom" brings a nice feeling to your day and makes you feel "free", just because they people in power said you were, while the word "law", makes you feel safeguarded and secure inside. Creative documents themselves are what are binding the creativity of the masses. The abuse of creative power is really what is going on recently. You can't extinguish energy in any form, you can only transform it. Creativity, instead of being used to tell stories by the campfire, has been brainwashed into being dormant and staring at a large monitor, be it TV or your computer, or taught in a school that there are "rules" to things, such as math and the number system. The 24 hour time system itself is nothing more than a creative concept that controls the globe.... It's whether or not you, as an individual wants to face and accept that fact. Recently, the creative powers of the masses have gone from creating parables and poetry in life to a cold digital world of sarcasm, wit battles, and are being silently motivated to create marketing artillery for corporations that buy programmed minds, and yes, people notice. I do at least. Viva la resitance!
2006-10-04 07:42:53 UTC
I am an 80’s kid and as you know it was kwel to be feminine then [see Duran Duran]. With that said intuition and creativity was primarily a woman thing; however, I submit that that is no longer the case, generally in society that is to say.

Your post obviously has deeper implications but at the heart of equipping the young with creativity is something that must happen at home and will need the balance of lesson in character studies.
2006-10-04 14:41:25 UTC
In a way, modern education helps scholars express their opinions using words and concepts. However, while these new techniques open doors for many individuals, it, at the same time, limits the doorways thorugh which we can express ourselves. In time, we automatically to associate thoughts with words and it becomes impossible to separate the two apart. It truly depends on the way you think of it: would you rather be creative but incomprehensible or would you rather be understood but not special.
Peace Dog
2006-10-04 19:43:12 UTC
Yes Kyra we have. But these are narrow minded people that say to think with our minds before our hearts. When in fact the creations from dreamers, I think, actually came from there hearts and then from there mind. You see Kyra, without heart there is no mind. Just like the dreamers that were told what was in there heart driving the passion to create were told that "It can't be done." or "It just won't work." But their hearts would'nt listen and they conceived great creations anyway. Don't get caught up in the bureaucracy of foolish minds. Because without dreams and heart there is no creation. So, Kyra, the heart is what drives the mind, for the mind can be fooled but the heart can't. It is what is inside your heart that truly creates. And don't let foolish minds tell you that logic is always better, for the logic that comes from your heart will be more cunning than any of theirs.

Concernd Artist

Peace Dog out
2006-10-04 13:34:48 UTC
now basicly yes i do hear what your saying but i know that when i come home from a long day of school to not let my mind get in the way of having fun or a little creativity. some kids are so focused on creativity that they are not very smart..but i do come from a different school from you or anyone else so i hope that your school learns to use more crativity mixed in with a little logic.=)
2006-10-04 06:05:12 UTC
We are taught to pass exams.

This is achieved either via question spotting or ability.

Creative people will lots of ability follow they gut instincts and don't bother reading past year's papers - the rest lose whatever creativity they had.

The teachers and exam setters are to blame.

Interestingly, in England you can get into Cambridge University through an interview to Gage your creativity - rather than through your exam results. But this type of evaluation is rare.
2006-10-04 19:21:29 UTC
And just look where the teachings have brought us. Overall sadness, in the news daily. Nobody wants to trust anybody, for fear of being hurt or used. Instead of supporting our country's leaders, we hear over and over and over , how incapable they are. We don't feel safe when we take our kids to school anymore, in the back of our minds, we worry for their safety. Some of us have no use for priorities any more, it's who can get the most, the biggest,the classiest.

And yet we sit at home and wonder, what can I do, I am only one person.
2006-10-04 06:05:32 UTC
It's difficult for a teacher in any setting to encourage creativity when he or she has so many assigned teaching tasks to complete in the allotted time.

Parents, however, can encourage and facilitate creativity and teach their children to lead with their hearts. I was brought up that way, and I must say that my husband was better at both with our children than I was. I always hated to see the kids "making a mess." Tsk! What a tragedy! Now that our children are grown, I see that his way was much more encouraging of the kids' individuality than mine was. I'm really glad they had both of us.
2006-10-04 11:07:37 UTC
In order to create a better mousetrap, first you must understand the basic workings of a moustrap. After that it takes creativity. When you have a multiple choice test, sometimes you can narrow it down to one of two possible answers. Then you go with your gut.
2006-10-04 17:45:12 UTC
We followed our hearts and ate each other. Logic helped us to learn that cannibalism is unhealthy. We used our hearts and cut each others hearts out to give to the gods. But, logic helped us to learn that human sacrifice, no matter how good it made our gut feel, was wrong and not good for mankind. We used our hearts and enslaved each other. But, more logical, rational parts of our souls than our "gut" led us out of that diseased creative expression of human experience. We poured our human waste into our water system and creatively blamed evil spirits for the subsequent disease until more logical, rational thinking led us to learn about microbes and that we are all part of a larger interactive ecosystem. We brainwash each other with religious dogmas that creatively and from the "goodness" of our hearts let millions of people die of AIDS by preventing logical distribution of condoms. We felt with our hearts that the earth is flat. We felt with our hearts that black people are inferior. We felt with our hearts that making lampshades out of human skin was a creative use of the "byproducts" of Nazi, heartfelt cleansing of the Jewish race. We creatively conjure diseased realities, and we then logically fix the horrors that follow. There is no goodness unless it is based on a commonality. We each have a "creative" perspective. But, rational reality is the only good and decent commonality. We go to school to learn about that reality and our compendium of rational knowledge about reality. We cannot truly be creative unless our creativity has meaning. There is no meaning without reality. But, I agree. We should be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
2006-10-04 17:33:03 UTC
The job of the public school system is to churn out producers and consumers, not aware human beings. The school system is an extension of government bureaucracy. Government is usually for the benefit of the governing, not the governed.

That much said, anyone who has somehow escaped the full fury of the conditioning process does have choices. If we passionately desire to see with our own eyes, we can rise above the rewards and punishments to see. Family and friends may become alarmed and warn you to be more practical. How to survive is something we have to figure out for ourselves if we choose to be free. But doing so makes us very strong.

If you really choose to be creative and live from your heart, you can. But the commitment you make has to be unconditional.
2006-10-04 16:13:14 UTC
From the age of 2 we're told NO,NO,NO,...don't do that, stop.Although most of these words are to keep us from harm ,they ARE restricting.I remember a time about 20 or so yrs. ago when doctors {psyche} told parents to use different phrases to keep us from harm like,let's go play over here where it's safe or let's play with toys instead of dangerous things .I don't think it stuck though.When you see a child about to do something dangerous you automatically respond with a NO.We've been programmed to do the SAFE thing but as adults we have the ability to change that and move out of the box.
2006-10-04 14:05:58 UTC
Truly, schools can be centers of brainwashing. And in many classes imagination use is limited. Teachers can go so far as to try to force upon their views to their students, so I would say I agree. And I say, yes, when you get an education, you're at risk of losing creativity and independence.
2006-10-04 13:44:52 UTC
we are not taught. we are told to memorize, and make our school look good in standardized tests. we are taught more ways (tips) to try and cheat on a test than we are taught actual information. we are also tested on areas of the subject that we havent had time to learn bc we spend so much time cramming to take "end of course tests" that are 6 weeks b/4 the course ends!!!
the one and only robertc1985
2006-10-04 13:09:49 UTC
i also believe that the "system" has devised a plan to keep all partially "brainwashed"

i believe television is their most powerful tool.

this is why the hippies took LSD.

even though acid was circulated by the government until 1967

i am afraid that this answer / question will not be seen by too many people if big brother does not want us to know the truth
2006-10-04 20:09:30 UTC
You are so right! We are taught to think practical and not to follow our passions. Maybe if we followed our hearts there would be alot more people out there living there dreams. In some cases logic are good and sometimes it isn't.
2006-10-04 11:38:02 UTC
Yes I agree we are taught that but sometimes logic is not the answer. You look for gut feelings.
2006-10-04 14:48:21 UTC
I certainly was by my traditional parents and the public school system I grew up in plus the three colleges I attended before I finally blew off college.
2006-10-04 14:44:28 UTC
Yes. in school we are told what to do, what to think, and what to believe. everything is mathematical, or HAS to make some sort of sense, and all our lives we grow up know only that which is inplanted into our heads. then there are the few of us (me included) that are able to break away from that cycle and go on living not thinking what we are told to, but thinking as our imagination takes flight into those shapes and colors and flying mythical creaatures into the world of fantasy.

in short...yes we are told what to do, think, feel, and believe.
jack d
2006-10-04 12:42:36 UTC
you are referring to intuition...

you are completely right, except for the fact that when you say 'we are taught to use our minds instead of our hearts'

implying that intuition is not using your mind....on the contrary....using your intuition is very mind consuming...

It is the deep intelligence of your mind...Not just your poker-playing superficial intelligence...

It is the intelligence of the mind-hive...

when the human race learns to harness this intuition, instead of ignore it, I think we will be able to see the truth and evolve in science much faster than currently...

although use of traditional thinking (coded thinking) that follows certain parameters is also needed to have a common language protocal...but to ignore intuition over this (SAT based thinking) to ignore the greatest intelligence of the human race

the 95% of our brain we don't use...this would be a mistake. I know this from personal experience. I have seen different cultures...and the US one seems the most "same" ---monotonous and stupid to me...

Yet they are so intelligent in a certain area, this is SAT based intelligence...efficiency intelligence, poker intelligence...which makes them productive in the marketplace...but they have lost their intuitive sense...since some render science and logic to sometimes be "counter-intuitive"...and dismiss it as useless..

but this is not true...It is only because they have not meditated and thought enough with their 'deep mind' to realize that its one and the same...It takes time...years, decades...but when you acheive become a genius...

think about Einstein...he knew about relativity BEFORE he did the math and equations....It was his intuition that lead later, to him trying to explain it through math...

so is intuition really that counter to reality?

If geniuses use math, simply to explain their intuition...

could intuition...not be the voice inside us all...telling us the truths about the Universe?

if we but listen, learn, study, and meditate....we will find the answers...with no outside input...because we are from the Universe....

we try to find the answers outside, but the answers are your mind...

observe the world...and make connecitons...some will be untrue...but some will be to what is true...and re-process..

You will merge and become one with the understanding of the concept and yourself...until reality and you are one...and you reach pure understanding. ...
2006-10-04 09:28:16 UTC
I think you are right on this.

My wife is a teacher in the local school system and she teaches music, she always tells me how hard it is for her to get the kids attention and keep their attention. they are always looking for something to do, instead of just listening and looking through their minds eye. I have also worked with Kids myself, but my approach was alil different. I tried to have them come up with ideas and use whatever imagination they had left, even that was a challenge. ( these kids were young too !! in the 5 to 11 year old range) so i completely agree with you on this one. !!
2006-10-04 18:19:03 UTC
omg yes !!! I find we become more jaded as we get older for kids are told that tehy way thie see the world is not a reality and their clear perceptions are not true and should be stiffeld. I think its a way to precent anarchy, really . Children dont lie, They call it the way they see it. Our parents, out of the way they were taught, told us to be quiet and not to say such things. We grow up with that fear instilled in us that the truth is harmful
simon s
2006-10-05 00:23:17 UTC
YEAH this damn system of education is so

they don't really even teach value education .only upto some years in the school

they teach you to not to be creative because the assholes who are teachers themselves either don't know what is creativity or the system doesn't let them to teach one.

if you're having problem with creativity them contact they will surely help you if you want to be creative .and try to read some books which might help you .for example your thoughts and problems are exactly reflected in osho's books .try them .i know you're gonna like it .
2006-10-04 09:37:42 UTC
Yes, those of us who are creative face the brunt of society's criticism and chastizement for our talents, but they don't seem to mind it when they're being entertained. It's a double standard, and yes, our traditional schools teach that as well.
2006-10-05 08:18:37 UTC
Creativity comes from mind, I think. I don't understand how you can use heart instead of mind to imagine something.
2006-10-04 15:12:06 UTC
Yes, our society wants people to go with the flow, and be apart of the "norm". Our society has lowered the value of the arts (look at funding in the schools.), and we as a society have learned to place gut feelings low, on our loaded priority lists.
2006-10-04 12:28:07 UTC
if we allow it we will all become zombies who do only

what we are taught is correct. the schools can do only

so much. no teacher can be expected to teach 30

different curricula each 7 hour day. parents have jobs

and try to do their parenting after they punch out. any

child who wants to be different needs to have a strong will

to be able to rise above all that sameness.
2006-10-04 14:23:59 UTC
We kinda have because if you get caught drawing or doing something creative in school, they instantly stop you. Sometimes if you tell someone you're scared or frightened people tell you to shut up or stop being such a scary cat.
2006-10-04 12:54:01 UTC
Hi Kyra,

Very wise.

I agree.

We depend on

everybody and

everything instead

of our essence.

There is so much

we ignore that is

innate to us.

If one tries hard

you can recapture

some of those

abilities, but it is

a tough battle

with all that we

are exposed to

and surrounds us.

Loved your insight!
2006-10-04 12:14:41 UTC
I think it's more like we've been taught to fear or mistrust our creativity and gut feelings.
Karma Eve
2006-10-04 10:08:06 UTC
I think so. That's why so many of us as adults never get to do what we love or what our spirits call for us to do. We're always told to do what makes us money. Usually people think what makes you happy will not make you rich. I think if you're happy you're wealthy beyond all material things. Plus if you do what makes you happy and that is your passion, you can make the funds you need. :)
2006-10-04 08:10:49 UTC
Robots! Thats what our society and schools want our children to be! Not to mention in our work areas...........They say before long Robots will rule the world. This is true, because they are programing our children in schools now be be thoughs Robots.
2006-10-04 11:12:53 UTC
we live in a duality,so the proper answer for your question is that in larger society, we are taught to be conformist,that does not hold true for our personal lives.
2006-10-04 23:17:23 UTC
I have always felt you should go with your gut instinct. I have never known it to be wrong.
Clown Knows
2006-10-04 20:11:44 UTC
People are inclined to either feel their way through life, or use logic. People who feel are attracted to liberalism, and people who think are attracted to conservatism.
2006-10-04 19:45:07 UTC
Most defiantly. I had to get out of school and living on my own to learn to trust myself.
2006-10-04 10:20:18 UTC
i have to follow my guts and my mind. If I were to follow what everyone else tells me to i would not know what i do. I would ignore my dreams my gut feelings and then where would we be.
Ellis S
2006-10-04 16:18:30 UTC
completely true. the only time we are completely ourselves is when we get spanked for "lying" when we are little. and most of the time what we said was either completely true if you think about it, or USING OUR CREATIVITY like they tell us in kindergarten. life is full of contradictions in its teachings
2006-10-04 14:44:51 UTC
very true...actually today in school my teacher was talking about gays and how they are wrong and should not be that way...and i said that they cant help that,they were Born that way its who they choose to be,and i said he is very ignorant for saying that....and i got detention
2006-10-04 12:41:20 UTC
i have not because i use my gut feeling all the time beacause of a problem at school
2006-10-04 05:56:01 UTC
No way. I thrive on creativity and my gut feelings.
2006-10-04 15:37:39 UTC
No i have not. But u shouldn't listen to what they say but what ur heart says.
2006-10-04 08:15:02 UTC
people are sinful and your gut feeling will always lead you into sin.

You should judge your actions based on what God has taugh in His book, the bible.
2006-10-04 10:43:19 UTC

corporate america needs mindless zombies to buy their products
2006-10-04 07:01:41 UTC
Both attributes, when used, move us closer to who we really are. It is easy to control someone when they don't know who they really are.
2006-10-04 19:12:28 UTC
2006-10-04 16:37:41 UTC
Leave the we out of the theory and you are most correct.
2006-10-04 13:55:06 UTC
it depends on who youre around
2006-10-04 09:51:59 UTC
no people just want to ignore it but i am not
2006-10-04 14:56:03 UTC
2006-10-04 13:29:37 UTC
I think you are deluded; seriously.
2006-10-04 09:29:22 UTC
we are taught crap stuff at school
2006-10-05 08:42:19 UTC
What YOU said.
Mary S
2006-10-04 10:33:50 UTC
no but we are being pressured to.
neeraj b
2006-10-04 16:43:09 UTC

u r absolutely wrong

bcoz ,i think in this world

group of gud people r alive

& i m member of that group...................................
2006-10-04 11:37:34 UTC
2006-10-04 14:32:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.