what is our purpose in life ?
2016-06-18 17:55:17 UTC
why are we here ? whats the point ? is it a higher being who put us here for a reason ? what is that reason ? I NEED TO KNOW
98 answers:
2016-07-07 09:39:38 UTC
There is no purpose. It's random existence.
2016-06-21 13:35:07 UTC
feed my penis
2016-06-21 10:41:23 UTC
Reason is simple: We fell down from the spiritual word. Because we didn't want to be servant of God, and we wanted to be God ourselves, God send us here, so we can work in our God project.
2016-06-21 09:35:53 UTC
Our purpose in life is to prove that we deserve to be alive.
2016-06-21 03:41:24 UTC
What ever you see how it goes.
2016-06-21 01:51:41 UTC
our purpose in life is to always question - why
2016-06-20 19:21:31 UTC
Q. What is the chief end of man?

A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

Or if you are a sufficiently daft punk to ignore God and pursue worldly gains then you better be harder, better, faster, stronger to achieve maximum benefit from natural selection...

But in work and in material goods deriving from it, there is a limit to the satisfaction found. So as long as we're looking to explain with songs, lets try Ecclesiastes 3...

And the Byrds did a song based on this passage you may have heard...

To every thing there is a season...
2016-06-19 18:49:54 UTC
Your purpose in life is to pro-create if you want to that is , to live a honest and just life to the fullest of your own ability; to show compassion and be of an altruistic nature. After 52 yrs i see that to treat others in how you yourself would like to be treat is a trait that should be apart of everyones nature. Unfortunately not everyone is in touch with this inherent property due to the herd mind. With age comes wisdom and regret don't be the latter as it kills your purpose.
2016-06-19 03:39:03 UTC
Enjoy , happiness
2016-06-18 20:05:01 UTC
To use energy efficiently as it heads for entropy , the more efficiently you use it the less you need a purpose and the more you like you have one , animals do not need one , as an Evolutional Goodhist I increase my energy efficiency increase goodness the most efficient state of energy , science is on to it energy driven evolution is here , they will probably not call it goodness but some new energy term , it answers all the questions we need answered.
2016-06-24 21:40:50 UTC
You are here simply to be.
2016-06-24 06:32:57 UTC
to troll assholes like you
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2016-06-24 00:36:18 UTC
Our primary purpose is to love, help and give to others, unconditionally. We are here to 'learn' through experiences. It is how we learn and what we choose to carry from each experience. This life is definitely about "Me"! It is a difficult and challenging journey to remember this, always. You absolutely must follow your own path. :D
2016-06-23 12:11:26 UTC
When everything is said and done, any answer is as good as that of anyone else. Some wise people will tell you, just live one day at a time as well and as interestingly as you possibly can. Not knowing what anything is for has no meaning and doesn't have to have a meaning to 'use it'. I only know that grandmother has died aged 100, not where she could be now.
2016-06-22 11:01:06 UTC
to learn to become self-less and to teach others to do so and love, help and enjoy each other as Jesus has.
2016-06-21 20:30:18 UTC
In very simple words:

Find out someone who is in some problem/bad situation.

Try to make that someone happy/solve problem without any expectation, selflessly.

The moment they smile, you will know your purpose.
2016-06-21 15:58:37 UTC
there is no point...
2016-06-21 15:37:36 UTC
Everyones purpose is different. I dont know what your beliefs are but i believe in God and i seek His guidance on my purpose in this life. When my life is over, i hope i spend my eternal after life in Heaven.

(those who disagree its fine, not everyone believes in the same thing but we should respect the differences.)
2016-06-21 14:50:56 UTC
when Adam and Eve made a mistake God sent us to the world instead of killing us for he loved us so much. We are here to be tested ( I don't know if that is the perfect word to describe it but yeah) if we deserve heaven. to find the way to God. You can seek God and you will find him.

If you have any difficulties in finding the right God we all know that every believer prays so pray to God to show you the right way/ religion and if you really seek God,... God will reveal himself. just have faith that he will.

This happened to me when I was around 14 I was wavering in my religion which is Christianity and then I didn't like the fact I was doing so, so I asked god to show me the right religion for few days and I remember I also cried once and one night I saw Jesus Christ with a lot of angels wearing all white and filled with light. that was the time I stopped wavering in my religion and became faithful more than I ever was.
2016-06-21 10:55:08 UTC
To find out what is out there
2016-06-20 21:48:10 UTC
Our purpose in life is to enjoy God'd gifts and make the most of it.
2016-06-20 16:01:51 UTC
eat,prey, and love. Not in that order of importance.
2016-06-20 07:48:39 UTC
OUR purpose is to fear God and keep His commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13

MY purpose is to spread the gospel to all nations. Matthew 28:19-20
All hat
2016-06-20 05:43:17 UTC
We would all like to know. We don't "need" to know, thankfully, because if we did, we'd be lost - since we don't know. It's annoying to have an open question, but we have one. Just have to learn to live with it.
Zia Uddin
2016-06-20 03:19:56 UTC
i believe every one is different individual so god has also made their different goals...and nobody dies without completing their goals... so nobody can tell you your goal exactly..but i have a rough idea first ir is to meet your soulmate second it you to contribute something to this society and your country no matter how small you contribute but the thing is you contribute and make places in heart of other people and then go to other journy to meet ur creator
2016-06-20 01:31:58 UTC
Preparing our self to meet the One and Only God.

All souls has to return to it's creator.
2016-06-19 08:17:51 UTC
Meaning or purpose of life is one of those most important questions that arise in our minds every once in a while and yet we never seem to find any 'right' answers.... this indicates that probably there is no fixed or definite meaning or purpose of life that applies to everyone universally at all times.... the meaning is perhaps as dynamic as life itself. I therefore believe that instead of trying to find a unified and universal meaning of life, we just need to apply our mind to what ever seems the most important to us as of now (not momentarily, but rather on a reasonably continued basis)..... we need to be genuine in our quest and as objective as possible..... since the current meaning arises from the current situation and circumstances of life, this meaning would keep changing as we proceed in our life whereby it would be dynamically changing course as is its wont. In other words, meaning of life lies in going along the current that the life itself follows rather than trying to find a cross or a jump ahead. We also need to realize and accept that there is nothing absolute nor ultimate in our world..... everything is relative and transient. The reason I live, all said and done, lies simply in the fact that I have hope for lots of happy occasions to come in future and those happy occasions would consist only to a limited extent of achievements and success and would mostly be arising from simple, small pleasures and satisfaction generated from routines and relationships. I think life is too dynamic and transient to be given any more steadfast and significant importance than just flowing with it with as much consonance as possible.
Bala I
2016-06-19 06:49:40 UTC
Worship God
2016-06-19 01:22:43 UTC
2016-06-18 18:40:05 UTC
Hey hey hey. Life didn't ask you. You asked life. Since you are so demanding and butt hurt you didn't get it handed to you in a pretty doggy bag. Why don't you invent your own.

I got that from the book Mans Search for Meaning. By Viktor Frankl.

You know what your purpose is. You just can't bring your self to do a whole bunch of structuring and creating. Because you think you should just show up and it will work out.

It would if life asked you, but life didn't.

So yeah, you gotta do EVERYTHING until you figure it out. That's your current purpose and mission in life.

Or you can just sacrifice your "life" and "purpose" and just drift.

You either have a life plan you invent or you drift. You figure it out.
2016-06-28 17:22:40 UTC
To love God and your neighbor.
2016-06-23 06:34:49 UTC
The purpose? There is no purpose... But there is faith... No not God, you can believe that if you want. No I'm talking about real faith... The belief... No, the fact... But more appropriately the choice... The choice to choose your own purpose... WE, make our purpose... And that's my answer... Or you could not give two shits and take heroine and meth.
Rushabh Soni
2016-06-23 01:00:50 UTC
The only purpose we were created to make this world a better place and god or any other power source produced us with hands, legs, senses more than any other creature to feel everything and help eachother. As you see today we are dying just because we broke their principles. It was just a philosophy in past times but now I dont think so. TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF HUMANITY.
2016-06-22 15:00:09 UTC
Some people just don't have a purpose in life, some were born to die, some want to end the pain but they keep on going hoping it will get better *but it never does*
2016-06-21 18:50:21 UTC
We are alive in the physical sense to help others along with love, compassion and selflessness to get them helping and so on thus raising our collective human consciousness ever higher...until eventually... The geavenly penhouse elevator door opens, and holy crap! We are Gods peer and God finally has someone to chill with...but the tragic catch is...its all or nothing on the human consciousness progress... No loser left behind..
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-06-21 14:56:05 UTC
The purpose in life is to create a life with a sense of purpose.
2016-06-21 13:44:20 UTC
To discover and produce akin to reproducing.
2016-06-21 11:02:08 UTC
2016-06-21 10:29:50 UTC
To teach lessons... But there is always a why
2016-06-21 08:46:35 UTC
The PORN there SKIPPY.
Barney Google
2016-06-21 07:38:35 UTC
My purpose is not so much an example or a reason. For that matter we're not even as significant as a piece of dust that thinks. Maybe we've our significance in the far distant remote future. Because reasons are our contentious modes. We have this adversarial fabric in time, which we will fight for come what may.
2016-06-21 03:57:49 UTC
why do you need to know? - nobody knows.
2016-06-20 21:04:32 UTC
The purpose of our life is different philosophical view depends on every individual's perspectives,beliefs,religions and different factors.for example for me as a Muslim.I believe that our god created us to worship him and we consider this life as a farm in which we grow our fruits we will collect in the the answering of this question will reflect different perspective.It relies on what you are !!!!!
2016-06-20 08:21:02 UTC
fcking, eat, sleep, kill. play.
2016-06-20 06:42:41 UTC
Purpose of life is to help the people and worship of God.
2016-06-20 01:23:02 UTC
Our purpose is death. There is no outcome that sees us living a peaceful existence. All has an end. Every moment in our lives leads to death.
2016-06-20 00:56:10 UTC
2016-06-19 17:50:58 UTC
The purpose in our life is mainly devoted to the community and for the benefit of mankind.

2016-06-18 20:43:01 UTC
Our purpose is to Live, Love and procreate.
2016-06-18 18:10:35 UTC
We should strain for universal peace, universal happiness, universal welfare and universal prosperity. That is our main purpose in life.

Our whole body and mind is meant to serve the humanity. Thus you will get spiritual emancipation. That is the point.

Even a small doubt in negative direction may destabilize us from our moral foundation and we may misunderstand, misinterpret or misconstrue God"s real intentions.
2016-06-23 23:47:44 UTC
there might or might not be a purpose but that doesn't matter just enjoy your life, have fun and be a good person
2016-06-23 19:53:13 UTC
No one can just hand it to you. You yourself have to find it out. The best thing you can do is learn to meditate. Most people have opinions and theories about the purpose of life. 99.99% of them are wrong. You don't need opinions and theories. You need the experience of what life is about. You might want to try the sensory-deprivation tank. People have had some profound experiences doing that. And, of course, there's LSD and ayahuasca, but I'm not recommending those. You'll never get to the truth simply by thinking and talking. You need to experience it. That can happen if you learn how to meditate. And remember: The straight crowd will tell you that whatever you experience in meditation is all "illusion." But of course, they themselves won't meditate. I'd recommend the book, "Autobiography Of A Yogi," by Paramhansa Yogananda ... it's a good read and he speaks of "Kriya Yoga," an adjunct to meditation, an ancient breathing yoga that is explained to a certain extent in this book. If you actually want to know what life is about, you can find out, but I'll tell you this: It's a lonely journey. And only a few will stick with it to the end. Good luck ...
2016-06-23 12:39:59 UTC
To love and praise God and love and help our fellow man and all creation as good caretakers should
2016-06-22 19:31:44 UTC
Right now my purpose in life is to scrape together enough money to buy a new toothbrush. Oh and those little plastic dixie cups you put in the dispenser by the vanity.

Stay tuned for when my purpose in life changes to being able to scrape together enough pennies to buy soap and find a place to take a shower.
2016-06-22 02:44:11 UTC
To have a good life
Winter West
2016-06-21 22:13:34 UTC
Purpose in life is like a bee. birth, grow up exploring world, produce offspring, then die. Nothing more nothing less. You can have money, power and fame, but when you die, who cares then. You can be poor, step stool, unknown, but when you die, who cares then. Meaning of life: birth, populate, die.
2016-06-21 10:03:36 UTC
2016-06-21 09:13:15 UTC
we were created to worship god
2016-06-21 08:42:44 UTC
To make a difference
paul s
2016-06-21 08:30:43 UTC
The purpose of life is to help others get through it.
2016-06-21 06:31:01 UTC
Just to play games and and use our TIME to create a good stories for the people that will be left behind like your friend and love one.

But some will tell you a simple story like this one which is normal.

What ever you see how it goes.
2016-06-21 05:19:31 UTC
To enjoy :D
2016-06-20 18:30:17 UTC
2016-06-20 09:57:40 UTC
for the amusement of superior beings
2016-06-19 21:30:23 UTC
Life has the meaning you give it. It depends on what matters to you. Can you think of a better game to play with eternity?
2016-06-19 19:59:40 UTC
Sorry to disappoint you but NOBODY KNOWS the answers to these questions beyond a doubt and it may always remain unknowable.
2016-06-19 14:11:02 UTC
Suppose to be that we all live in peace together and enjoy life together as well. Something went wrong though. May a fix be in the works. Or hopefully with all the Good in the Universe, may all our problems be solved one day and that peace and enjoyment of life be a reality for Us All.
2016-06-19 12:23:41 UTC
To get to know, glorify and serve our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and be prepared for eternity.
2016-06-19 03:32:50 UTC
Then look and search for the so-called purpose. Laziness isn't going to provide !
2016-06-18 20:38:18 UTC
"Everyone's" purpose in life is to realize God; for a Christian, it = "letting this Mind abide in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (= Son or Daughter of God, Child of the Light).

For you specifically, it is a generally applicable list: keep healthy (moderate regular exercise, good sleep pattern, good nutrition and personal hygiene); loving and respecting (at least the offices of) parents, relatives, husband/wife, one's children; learning to earn a living in a way that is pleasing to God (right livelihood) and putting modest sums regularly to your retirement account (such done in one's teens and 20s is very effective); progress in Soul-realization (same as letting Mind abide in you).

Related: "For Couples Only," "God at the Speed of Light," "Golden Rules for Everyday Life," "The Great Divorce," "Mere Christianity," "Popular Economics," "The Spark" by Barnett, "Expecting Adam" by Beck, "Windows to the Womb: Revealing the Conscious Baby from Conception to Birth."

What may be less evident: if everyone followed such, life on earth would be a lot better. Hence, if you wish to make life better, act in such ways; that is doing your part. Nurturing and championing your inner child (your soul-sense), your joy, kindness, truthfulness, and love--and healing childish fear, anxiety, etc.--and doing the same for your husband and children--and teaching them to do the same for themselves and others--is pleasing to God and true man and woman in God's image and likeness.
Ahad Arzi
2016-07-02 16:23:02 UTC
Enjoy, love, respect, helping, piece
2016-06-23 05:53:39 UTC
2016-06-22 16:44:45 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-06-22 12:33:32 UTC
To find a purpose in life
2016-06-22 10:37:24 UTC
2016-06-22 07:12:28 UTC
Our purpose in life is because of Jesus. He came and died on the cross for our sins and now he wants us to spread the word and get people saved. :)"Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7. I don't want to offend anyone in beliefs. I'm just answering a question. :)
2016-06-22 02:50:23 UTC
Make kids!
2016-06-21 16:03:49 UTC
To serve in the military.
2016-06-21 15:00:49 UTC
It is happiness and harmony
2016-06-21 10:34:59 UTC
2016-06-21 07:07:38 UTC
To vote for Donald Trump as President?
2016-06-20 21:06:12 UTC
2016-06-20 18:25:21 UTC
your purpose is to fulfill your own life. that is best done by overcoming the sufferings you have in your daily life. even succeeding in your daily work is your purpose in life. happiness comes from having the spiritual strength to overcome your obstacles to happiness.
2016-06-20 17:02:28 UTC
To help each other be better humans.
2016-06-20 12:42:04 UTC
The only purpose I have ever been able to attribute to my life is that I have to BE me, because no one else can be me. Only I can. It is the only thing in my power that I alone am able to do. So to you, I say be yourself.
2016-06-20 03:54:01 UTC
live happily get our goal and also most of is setisfied with every situation.
great knight
2016-06-19 21:13:18 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Get a king James bible and believe. Jesus loves you. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Romans chapter 5,8,10,12. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and 15. Read Matthew. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Pray for help and guidance and understanding. Ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- the Word of God.
Josh Alfred
2016-06-19 09:30:07 UTC
Purpose means effects. There are too many to number, but many agree that the comprehensive purpose of life is to achieve happiness. If you can do this than your soul may wish to be immortal, living out a happy existence on the other-side. If not, than rebirth or even the void may be what you're alloted or what you choose.
2016-06-19 03:53:12 UTC
Your choice other than that of all life. To reproduce and make things better for the next generation.

For those that think purpose can come from a god, well what is the god's purpose? It has to have one that is inherent for you to inherit one from the god.
2016-06-18 19:29:00 UTC
Respectfully, I ask, do you really need to know?

We often hear people say that religion gives us ideas about the nature of the universe and tells us we must believe them. That's not entirely true. Here's a quotation from the Buddha.

"Suppose there is a hereafter and there is a fruit, result, of deeds done well or ill. Then it is possible that at the dissolution of the body after death, I shall arise in the heavenly world, which is possessed of the state of bliss.' This is the first solace found by him.

"Suppose there is no hereafter and there is no fruit, no result, of deeds done well or ill. Yet in this world, here and now, free from hatred, free from malice, safe and sound, and happy, I keep myself.' This is the second solace found by him."

- Kalama Sutra

He's saying it's possible to live with doubt about a fundamental question such as afterlife - live contentedly.

I think a lot of people feel better if they have some evidence, even if it's not "smoking-gun" evidence. An analogy I like is the scene in It's a Wonderful Life when George stops a panic at the bank by asking people how much money they need to get them through the week. I think I can offer you enough evidence that you'll see the idea of a higher power concerned with individual men and women is possible, if not probable,

About the higher power, read "Near-Death Experience" in Wikipedia.

Since the 1970's, scientists have been studying the stories told by people who have survived heart attacks. At first, it was a matter of collecting a few stories here and there. Then it was big studies in hospitals, like the 2001 study by van Lommel, which was published in one of the world's most influential medical journals, The Lancet. In 1997, two researchers named Ring and Cooper published a study about people born blind. People blind from birth were interviewed about their near-death experiences. That people blind from birth report seeing for the first time is interesting. What is truly remarkable is that they report recognizing what they see. Congenitally blind people who acquire sight through surgery don't recognize anything they see at first, and require training in this. Expecting the congenitally blind to recognize what they see immediately is like expecting first graders in an Idaho school to read hieroglyphs from King Tut's tomb when first exposed to them.

MSNBC report - the surgeon who performed the hour-long procedure on Pam Reynolds says that he has considered but dismisses explanations provided by skeptics

Comments related to the validity of these studies and their conclusions is welcome.
2016-06-30 17:22:02 UTC
That's a good question, to answer that question though we must identify where life came from. If evolution were true, then life would have no purpose, due to the fact that the theory of evolution makes it seem that life was creatured by accident. However only if life was given to us by a creator would life have a purpose. That purpose would be depended on our creator. "Fear the true God and keep his commandments for this is the whole obligation of man". (Ecclesiastes 12:13 )Here the word "fear" is referring to a healthy respect for God. So the scripture is telling us to honor God and keep his commandments, it continues " that is the whole obligation of man. By honoring God and keeping the commands he has set, we are fulfilling our purpose. Exactly how obeying God's commands nane our life meaningful is explained further in detail in the bible.
2016-06-28 12:53:02 UTC
To live it to the fullest as we all have a expiration date
2016-06-22 14:59:22 UTC
To learn and grow from the experiences we go through in life to become better.
2016-06-21 17:42:50 UTC
we have different purposes were the reason why this world is great and bad
2016-06-21 11:47:33 UTC
To help and love humanity
2016-06-21 06:33:25 UTC
to answer questions for the sake of having our own questions answered
2016-06-21 04:58:28 UTC
Worship God and vote republican
udaya k
2016-06-20 09:32:43 UTC
Continuity of universe, create progeny, evolution of Soul.....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.