Do u think there will be any life after death?
2006-02-16 22:44:42 UTC
Do u think there will be any life after death?
Eighteen answers:
2006-02-17 07:38:43 UTC
Another FAQ


People misunderstand the correct model of life and death.

(1) Death is not the opposite of life (Dualism), Death is simply the ABSENCE of life.

(2) If death is nothing, then what were you before you was alive? You were nothing i.e. dead, so the correct order is lifer AFTER death and not the other way round like some people assume. So it is incorrect to say that no one has come back from death, since everyone that has life has come from death.

Hope that answers your question.

Anhar Hussain Miah
2006-02-17 07:06:30 UTC
Two answers. First, there's other life after your death (or mine). Secondly, if I die I'm told I will come back - I guess that counts but you threw in the word "think" in your question. I don't think this, I'm told this and that I must take it as an article of faith (and I do). Problem is it gives me nothing on which to base action today, except maybe to tell me not to blow up an atomic bomb and make the planet hostile to human life. And don't litter. And be nice to people. But I could get that whole "do unto others" lesson without believing in life after death or reincarnation.

In conclusion, no, I don't think there will be life after death only for the technical reason that thinking about it doesn't make it so or not so. I believe something but will have to wait till some other day to know. That said, I did flunk confirmation classes as a 'young adult'. It was a first, they said at the time.
Em la Gem
2006-02-17 06:45:38 UTC
Having had a near death experience in September 1989, I have no doubt what so ever that there IS life after death.
2006-02-17 06:49:01 UTC
Yes, and I plan to be the life of the after death party. See ya there!
2006-02-17 06:53:12 UTC
I really have no idea. But I believe that it would be best to just live our life well this lifetime, ensuring that are actions do not hurt anyone or anything. So whether there will be life after death or not, we are prepared and have no regrets.
2006-02-17 06:54:05 UTC
It only makes sense that there is some higher order to things, and that after a person passes on, their energy continues to move forth and is felt for ever. Remember that in life, we are just a very small part of something bigger. There is order to everything. There is a consequence for everything. All of everything is intertwined.
2006-02-17 06:53:19 UTC
According to Niesztche, he believed that there IS life after death but it is your own life, what you live now. He says it happens that there exist a neverending life cycle that repeats every time forever. What i didn't understand is if one can modify his own destiny.
2006-02-17 06:47:18 UTC

when the brain chemicals stop swiring, it's over.

near death experiences can be biologically explained. the 'light at the end of the tunnel' is due to brain synapses miss firing, and the euphoria is from massive amounts of epinephrine being pumped into the blood stream to calm the body. the lack of blood and oxygen going to the brain causes halucinations.

don't bother making peace with god when you're dieing, make peace with the people around you while you're still alive.
2006-02-17 06:50:02 UTC
Aristotle proves that the soul is immortal. Thus, there is life after death. Philosophically, however, there is not a proof that the soul is in heaven or hell.
2006-02-17 07:51:48 UTC
if there is life after death, it definately wouldn't be "you" experiencing the afterlife. everything about you is in your brain, which rots away after you die. unless your spirit has some kind of massive storage device to hold all the information your brain has in it, then there is no possible way that "you" would be the one in the afterlife.
2006-02-17 08:24:58 UTC
yes i'm convinced there is an afterlife, we think to deeply, we are too resourceful, to advanced for there not to be one. No other beings on the planet or in the universe to our knowledge are even close to us mentally. if people are here just to exist then why aren't we like animals, acting solely upon simplictic instincts.
2006-02-17 07:25:20 UTC
yes... I believe there will be life after death.. it will be real scary if you go to HELL... btu if your a good person, you life after death is in HEAVEN
2006-02-17 07:20:26 UTC
der cant be life after death.cos we don have any proven evidences sayin life after death.we cant move along with assumptions.until n otherwise its proven it is goin to be no life after death
2006-02-17 06:52:45 UTC
Hope so. If there is not, what a pity for mankind, since soon enough man could go exstinct. There just HAS to be more to us than life here, and thats all.
Dr Dee
2006-02-17 06:49:38 UTC
There has to be. People have to be rewarded for their good deeds for which they did not get anything while living. The bad people have to be punished, for which they were not punished while living.
2006-02-17 06:49:19 UTC
i was leagly dead for 4 mins, hope death isnt what i saw and heard.... it was horrifying
Marianne not Gingerâ„¢
2006-02-17 06:47:57 UTC
Maybe not "life" as we know it.
2006-02-17 09:05:54 UTC
there surely is!

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