Exactly the same is the problem with modern education systems, due to its grades, evaluation etc.... Such evaluations are needed for just classification purpose, like milestones to know where we are, nothing more ! But unlike milestones, the glamour around such gradations tends to make a person to get stuck too badly into it ! The gradations are a CONSEQUENCE of the process , effort , but not the purpose !
And, reaching even level 4 required some past life experience ......in what ever field. So, it would be wise to comeback to answers with even newer experiences as and when leisure permits. Apart from these levels etc, the process of answering affords a silent , subtle introspection of what we have been doing with ourselves all along, and what kind of garbage we have gathered in our heads !
So, just keep going , like the hare and tortoise race, just involved in it out of deep understanding, and the rich experience, sharing ideas, making someone's day, leaving the levels to its own course, seeking joy in the very process itself !