2014-02-05 00:41:47 UTC
For example I am an Atheist. This wasn't a choice made of spite, or to get back at my parents or anything like that. It was something that was more of a process than an overnight "I don't believe!".
The rebellious and closed minded come in the fact I reject Christianity to the point of not listening to anything it says, so I don't even give it a chance and that's foolish. For some reason I'm willing to give some exotic religion like Buddhism all the time in the world to study... but have a hard time picking up a Bible and just reading it too see for myself what is written there and I know that even if I did read it I would not be able to keep a fully open mind to what's written there. It's like I'm so set into my ways that I'm not willing to be open to other possibilities that surround me.
This happens with a lot of things I noticed. Like for example the TV show Breaking Bad... I've already made up in my mind that I don't like that show due to the fact it's hugely and just ridiculously overrated... So I don't even give it a chance and again, if I watched it, I know I wouldn't have an open mind about it.
I want to find wisdom in this world and I want to be open to everything around me... but I hold too many prejudices to do that.
I don't mean being so open minded that my brains fall out (As I heard somewhere long ago) but open enough to where I can actually answer things in life and experience life. Like for example, so many people believe in Spirits and a God and I am so quick to reject that... but how do I know if those things do or do not exist if I am not willing to give them a chance?
This isn't really all about God or Religion, It's just the biggest example I could come up with. It's in all wakes of life for me.