The principle of Irreducible complexity is based upon the opinion that the complexity of the creation and workings of the universal world cannot be decreased as its intricacies are considered conclusively unfathomable.
It is a belief by held by novices who also are of the opinion that God cannot be fathomed and the mysteries cannot be entirely understood. The belief is based largely on the holder’s lack of ability than the world’s complexity. It is a theory based upon objectivism.
There are woefully few conclusive scientific premises as research and new finding constantly updating the same. The Intelligent Design Hypothesis is based upon the teleological argument which stipulates the existence of a creator based upon the perceived order of nature. Defining an intended purpose for the creation of the universe by the Creator.
This leads to a requisite definition of the attributes, constituents and nature of the Creator. This has yet to be agreed upon.
The Earth is similar to the Human body in its complexity of mass, tissue, sinew, fluid, bone, hair, nail etc as Plate Tectonics can vaguely substantiate. The Earth as paradoxically juxtaposed with the earth seems an implausible theory yet on closer examination one will find that both are created and function upon similar principles.
It can be concluded if not decisively that man is a fraglet a minute microcosm of the Earth. It is a theory I pondered whilst washing crockery …