I think U.K.was the most stable country based on morals..
Generally even if there was exploitation and even if the poor was ignored..the society gave value to God..and to His Laws and morality..until Thomas Hobbes who ignored God and the devine right of the king(actually the king is let by God,,but God has the right to change it), and initiated the contract betwwn the governement and the people. As I said, Thomas Hobbes was very stupid , because the poeple cannot make a contract, because the king rules for the name of God, not for the name of people, because God made the world, not the poeple, and because God made the people, and the people didn't make themselves.Sothe king will have a divine right as long as the king acknowledges God..When the king will no longer acknowledge God, then the king will rule according only to the will of people and as long as the people will want.
JJ Rousseau also ignored God, but he obtain a fame because he spoke against slavery ..and so..But i think they did a mistake, because actually they were very ignorant. They should have known that the one who rules the world must rule according to the will of God..only and empowered by Him..So i think that they were blinded with hate because of the abuses the kings did. although there were a solution of choosing another king as God did in Israel , an a king chosen with the will of God given to His priests..Instead of this, they proposed a governement chosen by people and leading as long as the people want(Rousseau )while Hobbes said that the contract between people and government cannot be broken. But only the word of God is absolute and cannot be broken.