Miss Bliss
2011-03-09 17:05:23 UTC
I don't want to die knowing that I spent a significant amount of valuable time on this Earth looking at a screen be it a computer screen, a t.v. screen, the screen of your cell phone because you're texting, using wi-fi, or the screen of something! Although it has advanced many of the experiences in life, I feel that technology has reduced some of them as well! For example; Facebook. To me, this is Facebook in three sentences...
Don't wrongly believe that public presentations tell us about private lives. They tell us nothing. They hide everything.
I mean, people do that in general, but that is essentially what Facebook is on a larger scale. Not only that, but I think it takes away so much from the mystery of getting to know someone! What ever happened to actual conversations where you get to look in someone's eyes, hear the way they say something, take note of their facial expressions, appreciate the tiny little visual things like dimples or the way their eyes light up when they smile or the way they shyly turn their head then look at you when you say something they think is oh so charming! Things like that! Moments you can't capture through facebook and yahoo!! I have a facebook, but I gradually stopped logging on and adding information and making statuses. I just feel like, if I die tomorrow, I don't want to have spent a good portion of time on facebook falsely connecting with others! I feel like for some people who have over 1,000 friends on facebook and strive to get a certain amount of subscribers on youtube, it seems like they're trying to validate their worth. Otherwise what's the point!? What's the point of freely giving so much of your time and thoughts to people you may have never even met or may not even be acquainted with!? To me, it seems to decrease 'moment opportunity'. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?