The new body would't BE you because it would not have had the exact same experiences as you. Even if it did, it still wouldn't share your memories. If it were "made" exactly like the human being you are, there would be no ESP connection between you and it.
You said, "the same memories." You made no mention how, or for that matter, WHY it should have the same memories.
But, all right, lets just say that you COULD plug in the same memories and keep it up to date right up until the moment it wakes. It still wouldnt be you. You died, your consciousness passed away.
HE might think he just woke up as you, but YOU wouldn't.
This has been the subject of many science fiction stories. It comes up with plot line using devices like instantaneous travel from place to place. Suppose, there was a way to "scan" an entire body and digitize all the information, and then transmit the information to reassemble an exact duplicate somewhere else? What happens to the original body? You really can't have two of you walking around claiming to be the REAL you. In one story, part of the job of the technician who scans and transmits the traveler, is to make sure the original is "destroyed." Tecnically, it's kind of the way the Star Trek transporters work. The body is scanned and then destroyed in the same process. The recorded information from the scan is transmitted where it reassembles. (from what material is never explained)
In another story, the duplicates are an accepted part of the technology. But, those duplicates are only used in extremely dangerous and deadly situations, where it is not expected to survive, or come back. Imagine, that you'd volunteer for this. Someone needs a person to go into a dangerous, highly radioactive place and "take some readings" or something. You get scanned and then go on with your life. But your reassembled duplicate "wakes up" in this dangerous place and KNOWS he is going to die. What do you think this duplicate is going to think about YOU? Will he be grateful, or will he hate you for putting him in that position. Understand, YOU won't feel a thing, but that duplicate, who has lived YOUR life, right up untill the "scan," is going to die a painful, horrible death, and KNOWS it.