2010-01-02 16:46:16 UTC
HERES THE INGREDIENTS - Me, a sports headband, my books
HERES THE PLAN - I put this headband on which has been lying around in my closet for so long that I cant remember the last time I wore it, and every time I go to sit down and read for a 3 hour session( right now Im on Verbal behaviour by B.F skinner) I will put the headband on first and then read for 3 hours and then remove the headband and only wear it while I am reading during a 3 hour session.
THE QUESTION - Will the practice of only wearing the headband when I sit down to read for a duration of 3 hours have the side affect (or essentially condition me) so that next time I need to read for 3 hours but I dont feel like it and I am just generally feeling lazy I will immediately start to FEEL like I can and want to read for 3 hours. Like can I condition myself to behave in a certain way for a certain time and associate that behaviour with the trigger of putting on the headband so essentially Ill be able to study anytime just by putting a headband on and starting an automatic process? Do you think this is possible and do you know any examples that might prove or disprove its efficacy?