Matter? Philosophy?
Title: Matter is a meaningless concept. How can I argue for and agaisnt with that title? I don't even understand it.
~~~ Before arguing the question, there are certain preliminary procedures, in philosophical thought.
One is to understand the question.
That first requires the understanding and clarification of the terms used in the statement.
''Matter' must be clearly defined.
At what point is something considered not-material?
At what exact and clear point is there some 'boundary' to be found?
Science has shown us that there is no such point, that the basic 'stuff' of a rock, is no different than the basic stuff of a dream, or an imaginary unicorn!
Or the sun!
Or me!
Now we move on to the 'meaning'.
All 'concepts' exist in the imagination, 'thought'!
Thus all 'meaning' also exists solely in the imagination of the beholder!
Like 'Beauty'!
It is a matter od Perspective.
I can look at a falling leaf and imagine meaning that you cannot dream of!
Someone else observes that leaf, draws a blank, finds no 'feelings' of understanding, no 'meaning'.
It remains the same leaf!
The error is identifying the 'meaning' with the 'object' observed; in this case, a simple falling leaf!
Another problem is the 'concept'.
1. a general notion or idea; conception.
2. an idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct.
3. a directly conceived or intuited object of thought.
By definition, a concept is a thought structure, a 'thing', like the falling leaf.
The 'meaning' is not in the concept, it is in the eye (thoughts/imagination) of the observer.
So there can exist no such 'object' as a 'meaningless concept'!
A 'concept must be neutral of 'meaning'.
It is a matter of Perspective, and;
Every Perspective is unique every moment!
"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" - The First Law of Soul Dynamics (Book of Fudd)
"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be completely defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd
'Matter' can be a meaningless concept in the metaphorical sense that, ultimately, 'matter' is no different than 'non-matter', which renders it, scientifically, philosophically, a 'meaningless' concept, due to it's subjective vagueness and 'long roots back into historical ignorance'! And false assumptions.
"All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense." -Robert Anton Wilson
"There are no whole truths: all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil." - Alfred North Whitehead
"You don't need to take drugs to hallucinate; improper language can fill your world with phantoms and spooks of many kinds."
-Robert A. Wilson
Well, that's probably the best lesson in philosophical examination, that you'll get on that class! *__-