What is the meaning of life?
Parker S
2006-06-20 03:06:57 UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Seventeen answers:
2006-06-20 03:09:35 UTC
Just a cereal (or serial), nothing more.
2006-06-20 03:14:48 UTC
2006-06-20 04:17:25 UTC
LIFE has so many meanings if you do not follow rules and regulations.You can not escape from this high traffic world and leave a meaningful life of your own.LIFE is simply an adjustment with nature and nature of people.LIFE is full of experience or KNOWLEDGE.It is the market place for the people with Knowledge and the money on the otherhand.You will be facing troubles if do not find truthful and kind people.If you trust GOD,HE will provide you with satisfation and make you to live a meaningful life in this world
2006-06-20 03:11:55 UTC
Life is what we get rather than what we demand. Life is getting an unexpected thing and praying for the needed once. Life is just what we live without know that we are living.. and enjoy that most precious gift of the God.. Life is what you do in the whole day and what u receive in night for that.. Life is what u see from your eyes and feel from your heart..
Eric Inri
2006-06-26 03:54:45 UTC

Well, you don't think the whole universe works the way Earth does, do you? No! One species, one planet! There is a planet of deer, a planet of Asians, and so on! We put them all together on Earth and the whole universe tunes in to watch the fun!

Most of the races of Earth are descended from alien races, in order to create drama from racial tension from their unnatural cohabitation of the planet.

The purpose of our lives as humans is to entertain the life forms on other planets through the reality television show that they know as EARTH.

After 100 episodes the only reason that the show was not cancelled, the planet of earth not demolished, the sun not turned off, and we are still alive is because I blackmailed the Joozians who produce the show with some dirty pictures that Kenny took of them while they were high on blach. Now, look behind you.

This was revealed to me in

South Park, 100th episode, Season 7 - Episode 4 - Cancelled.
2006-06-20 03:28:34 UTC
The meaning to life is that you are blessed with senses to experience this beautiful world having an option to take the best of it.. Lot of things fall on the path its upto one as how to take it.. So hope all realise this and enjoy the beautiful journey , cause life is someting where the road to the desitination is more interesting..
2006-06-20 03:30:19 UTC
I have answered this question many times... why do you all want to know for? nobody knows for sure... at least no one who is a human... it doesn't matter what the meaning of life is...IF WE KNEW WHAT THE MEANING OF LIFE WAS, LIFE WOULDN'T BE WORTH LIVING... there would be no point in living, it is for the best if we don't know.
2006-06-20 06:53:58 UTC
there is no meaning of life , there is just living
2006-06-20 03:20:39 UTC
Life is anything that provoked emotion from the day of your birth to the present time that is worth noting, commenting and reflecting on.
2006-06-20 06:40:35 UTC
Life is a gift of god to us.It starts from birth and ends at death.How a man is living from birth to death that's called his life.You May take it as a struggle,mystery,process,war etc.A man has no right to destroy it but have the right to enjoy it .
2006-06-20 03:28:49 UTC
Since human beings are necessarily interdependent, every human action is both self and other regarding. When we develop ourselves we awaken others to their potentials and inspire, encourage and raise them up aswell. And when they fall others suffer damage too. For me human beings cannot degrade or brutalize others or inflict emotional or moral damage on others without inflicting it on themselves. This happens in three ways;

1.To degrade others is to imply that human beings may be so treated, and thus lower the moral minimum due to all human beings from which all alike suffer.

2. To degrade others is to damage their confidence and self-respect, and potential for good, and so both deny the benefits of their possible contributions and to increase the Collective moral, psychological and financial cost of repairing the damage they were likely to do to themselves and others.

3. As beings capable of goodness and self awareness, we could not degrade or mistreat others without hardening ourselves against our victim’s suffering, we build up distorted systems of self justification, roughening our moral sensibilities and lowering not only our own moral standard but that of humanity.

As Gandhi said “no man takes another down a pit without descending into it himself and sinning in the bargain”.

This is the basis of my philosophy of loving kindness. We should not only learn HOW to be good people but WHY we should be good people.

In Deepest Kindness,

2006-06-20 03:17:34 UTC
Life is a journey not a destination.
2006-06-20 03:11:48 UTC
life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.....
2006-06-20 03:10:10 UTC
you'll taste the meaning of life when you're in LOVE.

LOVING your wife

LOVING your children

2006-06-20 03:13:52 UTC
not-not-being around, and the ability to ask the question you just asked,..
2006-06-21 04:06:35 UTC



Have you ever wondered about the reason of our existence? Have you ever wondered why we die, and where we go after death? What will happen to us in the end? Have you ever asked yourself why God made the earth and all that is in it under man’s dominion? Why were the night and the day, and the sun and the moon created? What are we supposed to do during our lifetime? Were we created just to eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves before we die? As one poet put it:

“I do not know whence I have come.

I saw my feet walking on the road.

As they please I go and stop.

What am I doing here?

How did the road find me?

I do not know! I do not know! I do not know! ”

God has emphasized in many verses of the Qur’an that He did not create us without purpose. He said: “What! Do you think that I created you simply in jest? And that you would not be returned to Me?” (23:115) He also said: “What! Does man think that he will be left to roam at his will?” (75:36) In addition, He said: “Do people think that they will be left to say: “We believe,” and they will not be held accountable?” (29:2)

Indeed, God Has created human beings for a purpose and with a purpose: TO WORSHIP HIM ALONE (Monotheism). He said: “I have not created the Jinn and humankind except only to worship Me. I don't require provision or feeding from them. Surely Allah is the All-provider, the Possessor of all strength, the Firm.” (51:56-58) In fact, all prophets told their people to worship God alone (Monotheism) and shun worshipping His creation (Paganism). God said: “I assuredly sent among every people a messenger with the command: Worship Allah and avoid worshipping false gods.” (16:36)

Prophet Abraham, for example, believed in One God, who had no partner. Anyone who holds a different understanding of God than this has contradicted the religion of Abraham and follows falsehood. God says in the Qur’an: “Those who reject the religion of Abraham make fools of themselves.” (2:130)

Prophet Jesus was reported in the Gospels to have said: “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only’.” (Luke 4:8)

Prophet Jacob also said (in the Qur'an) to his people: “Indeed, those which you worship besides Allah are only names that you and your forefathers have established, for which Allah has sent down no authority. The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the right religion, but most people do not understand.” (12:40)

Read more about the TRUE BELIEVE which supported by the Miracle Holy Quran :



Real happiness and peace can be ONLY found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in the Qur’an: (Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.)

(Qur’an, 13:28)

On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Qur’an will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:

(But whoever turns away from the Qur’an, he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.) (Qur’an, 20:124)

This may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success.

To read the stories of people who have converted to Islam, please visit

At this web page, you can read the thoughts and feelings of these people, who are from different countries and have different backgrounds and levels of education.



God, the Most Compassionate, didn't leave man to go astray without an unadulterated reference. Indeed, He revealed the Qur’an and promised to preserve it as the final revelation for humankind for all times. It is the word of God which He revealed to Prophet Muhammad (mercy and peace of God be upon him) through the Angel Gabriel. It was revealed in parts over a period of 23 years. The Quran deals with the basis of creeds, morality, history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, God-man relationship, and human relationship in all aspects. Comprehensive teaching on which, can be built sound systems of social justice, economics, politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and international relations, are important contents of the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad (mercy and peace of God be upon him) dictated the revelation to his companions who wrote it down during his lifetime on palm leaves, parchments, bones, flat stones, etc. In addition, the Qur'an was committed to heart by many of Prophet Muhammad's companions. One year after the death of Prophet Muhammad (mercy and peace of God be upon him), the first Caliph (Ruler), Abu-Bakr, instructed the Prophet’s companions to collect the whole Qur’an in one volume. The third Caliph, Uthman, prepared several copies from the original text and sent them to the major centers of Islamic Civilization. From that time onwards, more than 1400 years ago, the same Qur’anic text has been in use with the exact wording, order and language (Arabic). Not a single word from its 114 chapters has been changed since it was revealed. Indeed, God promised in the Qur’an to preserve it forever. He said: “Verily, I have sent down the Qur’an, and indeed, I will guard it from corruption.” (15:9). An essential point to understand about the Qur’an is that it is a miracle both in its revelation and content.

I advise you to see the following links which show the evidence that the Holy Qur’an is a miracle.

At the time of the revelation and since, there have been those who have denied the divine and miraculous nature of the Qur’an saying that Muhammad (mercy and peace of God be upon him) was either taught by others or that he wrote it by himself! In order to counteract this claim, God lays down a challenge to the whole of humankind saying: “ If you are in doubt concerning what I have revealed to My slave (Muhammad), then produce one chapter like it and you may call on your helpers beside Allah, if you are truthful.” (2:23) .These are from the prophecies which the Qur’an foretold as no one from the time of the Prophet (mercy and peace of God be upon him) until this day has been able to produce the like of one chapter or even a verse of the Qur’an.

This link for the Holy Quran translated in English language:



2006-06-20 03:10:48 UTC
For the Monty Python film see The Meaning of Life. For the number 42, see The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

The philosophical question "What is the meaning of life?" means different things to different people. The vagueness of the query is inherent in the word "meaning", which opens the question to many interpretations, such as: "What is the origin of life?", "What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which we live)?", "What is the significance of life?", "What is valuable in life?", and "What is the purpose of, or in, (one's) life?". These questions have resulted in a wide range of competing answers and arguments, from scientific theories, to philosophical, theological, and spiritual explanations.

Contents [hide]

1 Popular beliefs

2 Scientific approaches and theories

3 Philosophical views

3.1 Value as meaning

3.2 Atheist views

3.3 Existentialist views

3.4 Humanist views

3.5 Mystical view

3.6 Nihilist views

3.7 Positivist views

3.8 Pragmatist views

3.9 Transhumanist views

4 Religious beliefs

4.1 Relationship to God

4.2 To "be fruitful, and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it"

4.3 To love God and Neighbor

4.4 Reformed Theology: glorify and enjoy God

4.5 Worship God

4.6 Sapiential Meaning of Life

5 Spiritual views

6 Humorous and popular culture treatments

7 See also

7.1 General philosophy topics

7.2 General philosophy lists

8 References

8.1 Philosophy

9 Further reading

10 External links


Popular beliefs

"What is the meaning of life?" is a question many people ask themselves at some point during their lives. Some people believe that the meaning of life is one or more of the following:

Survival and temporal success accumulate wealth and increase social status compete or co-operate with others destroy others who harm you, or to practice nonviolence and nonresistance die having succeeded in your purpose live protect one's family gain and exercise power leave a legacy, such as a work of art or a book produce offspring through sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction seek freedom, either physically, mentally or financially seek happiness and flourish, experience pleasure or celebrate survive, including the pursuit of immortality through scientific means (see life extension)

Wisdom and knowledge be without question, or to keep asking questions explore, to expand beyond our frontiers learn from one's own and others' mistakes seek truth, knowledge, understanding, or wisdom try to discover and understand the meaning of life expand one's perception of the world

Ethical express compassion live in peace with each other, and in harmony with our natural environment (see utopia) give and receive love seek and acquire virtue, to live a virtuous life serve others, or do good deeds work for justice and democracy

Religious, spiritual and esoteric turn fear into joy at a constant rate achieving on literal and metaphorical levels: immortality, enlightenment and atonement achieve a supernatural connection within the natural context achieve enlightenment and inner peace become God, or God-like experience existence from an infinite number of perspectives in order to expand the consciousness of all there is (i.e. God) follow the "Golden Rule" produce useful structure in the universe over and above consumption (see net creativity) reach Heaven in the afterlife understand and follow the "Word of God" worship, serve, or achieve union with God achieve rebirth in the Pure Land

Other advance natural human evolution, or to contribute to the gene pool of the human race advance technological evolution, or to actively develop the future human contribute to collective meaning ("we" or "us") without having individual meaning ("I" or "me") die, or become a martyr find a purpose, a "reason" for living that hopefully raises the quality of one's experience of life, or even life in general live, and enjoy the passage of time have fun protect humanity, or more generally the environment pursue a dream, vision, or destiny relate, connect, or achieve unity with others seek and find beauty simply live until one dies (there is no universal or celestial purpose) participate in the chain of events which has led from the creation of the universe until its possible end (either freely chosen or determined, this is a subject widely debated amongst philosophers) resolve all problems that one faces, or to ignore them and attempt to fully continue life without them, or to detach oneself from all problems faced (see Buddhism)

...still some do not even think there is any purpose whatsoever (see nihilism) there is no intrinsic meaning to life, to each individual, the "meaning of life" is whatever he/she decides it is. In that sense, every point above is potentially valid.


Scientific approaches and theories

Where scientists and philosophers converge on the quest for the meaning of life is an assumption that the mechanics of life (i.e., the universe) are determinable, thus the meaning of life may eventually be derived through our understanding of the mechanics of the universe in which we live, including the mechanics of the human body.

There are, however, strictly speaking, no scientific views on the meaning of biological life other than its observable biological function: to continue and to reproduce itself. In this regard, science simply addresses quantitative questions such as: "What does it do?", "By what means?", and "To what extent?", rather than the "For what purpose?".

But, like philosophy, science tackles each of the five interpretations of the meaning of life question head-on, offering empirical answers from relevant scientific fields.

Thus, the question "What is the origin of life?" has resulted in the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution, which explain where the universe, sun, planets and human being came from, but which still do not account for the origin of the very first microscopic lifeform. Some scientists theorize that life on Earth was created when a lightning bolt, comet, or meteor impact, or other accidental event caused a group of organic compounds to bind together, forming a primitive cell. This cell was able to reproduce and eventually evolved into higher life forms. Based on these or similar theories, some philosophers say that because life was entirely coincidental, one cannot expect life to have any meaning at all, other than its own self-perpetuation — reproduction.

Toward answering "What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which we live)?", scientists have proposed various theories or worldviews over the centuries, including the heliocentric view by Copernicus and Galileo, through the mechanistic clockwork universe of Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton, to Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, to Benoit Mandelbrot's Chaos Theory in an effort to understand the universe in which we live. Meanwhile countless scientists in the biological and medical fields have dissected the human body to its very smallest components to acquire an understanding of the nature of biological life, to determine what makes us tick.

The question "What is the significance of life?" has turned scientists toward the study of significance itself and how it is derived and presented (see semiotics). The question has also been extensively explored from the point of view of explaining the relationships of life to its environment (the universe) and vice versa. Thus, from a scientific point of view, the significance of life is what it is, what it does, and why it does it.

The questions "What is valuable in life?" and "What is the purpose of, or in, (one's) life?" are staples of the social sciences. These questions are explored by scientists every day, from the perspective of the life forms being studied, in an effort to explain the behaviors and interactions of human beings (and every other type of animal as well). The study of value has resulted in the fields of Economics and Sociology. The study of motives (which reflect what is valuable to a person) and the perception of value are subjects of the field of Psychology.


Philosophical views


Value as meaning

In that they attempt to answer the question "What is valuable in life?", theories of value are theories of the meaning of life. Famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, and many others had clear views about what sort of life was best (and hence most meaningful).


Atheist views

Main article: Atheism

Atheism's strictest sense means the belief that no god or supernatural overbeing (of any type or number) exists, and by extension that neither the universe nor we were created by such beings. Atheism pertains to three of the five interpretations of the meaning of life question: "What is the origin of life?", "What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which we live)?", and "What is the purpose of, or in, (one's) life?" Since they believe gods had nothing to do with it, most atheists believe that life evolved and was not created. The nature of the universe is one in which no god exists, and therefore its nature is left to our devices to determine, via more or less scientific means. As for the purpose of life, some atheists argue that since there are no gods to tell us what to do, we are left to decide that for ourselves. Other atheists argue that some sort of meaning can be intrinsic to life itself, so there is no need for any god to instill meaning into it.


Existentialist views

Main article: Existentialism

The 19th century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer offered a bleak answer by determining one's life as a reflection of one's will and the will (and thus life) as being an aimless, irrational, and painful drive. However, he saw salvation, deliverance, or escape from suffering in aesthetic contemplation, sympathy for others, and ascetic living. Søren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher of the 19th century, argued that life is full of absurdity and the individual must make his or her own values in an indifferent world. For Kierkegaard, an individual can have a meaningful life (at least one free of despair) if the individual relates the self in an unconditional commitment to something finite, and devotes his or her life to the commitment despite the inherent vulnerability of doing so. This is a similar notion to the Buddhist quest for Nirvana or enlightment by the betterment of oneself through the aid of others.

According to the philosopher Martin Heidegger, human beings were thrown into existence. Existentialists consider being thrown into existence as prior to, and the context of, any other thoughts or ideas that humans have or definitions of themselves that they create. As Jean-Paul Sartre put it: "existence precedes essence", "man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world — and defines himself afterwards. There is no human nature, because there is no God to have a conception of it."

Since there is no predefined human nature or ultimate evaluation beyond that which humans project onto the world; people may only be judged, or defined, by their actions and choices. Choice is the ultimate evaluator. Again, quoting Jean-Paul Sartre: "Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself."


Humanist views

Main article: Humanism

To the humanist, (biological) life's purpose is built-in: it is to reproduce. That is how the human race came to be: creatures reproducing in a progression of unguided evolution as an integral part of nature, which is self-existing. But life's purpose isn't the same thing as human purpose, though it is a factor thereof. Human purpose is determined by humans, completely without supernatural influence. Nor does knowledge come from supernatural sources, it flows from human observation, experimentation, and rational analysis preferably utilizing the scientific method: the nature of the universe is what we discern it to be. As are ethical values, which are derived from human needs and interests as tested by experience.

Enlightened self-interest is at the core of humanism. The most significant thing in life is the human being, and by extension, the human race and the environment in which we live. The happiness of the individual is inextricably linked to the well-being of humanity as a whole, in part because we are social animals which find meaning in relationships, and because cultural progress benefits everybody who lives in that culture.

When the world improves, life in general improves, so, while the individual desires to live well and fully, humanists feel it is important to do so in a way that will enhance the well being of all. While the evolution of the human species is still (for the most part) a function of nature, the evolution of humanity is in our hands and it is our responsibility to progress it toward its highest ideals. In the same way, humanism itself is evolving, because humanists recognize that values and ideals, and therefore the meaning of life, are subject to change as our understanding improves.

The doctrine of humanism is set forth in the Humanist Manifesto [1] and A Secular Humanist Declaration [2].


Mystical view

The view of mysticism varies widely according to how each speaker describes it. In general the view is broadly that life is a happening, an unfolding. There is no duality, it is a nondual worldview, in which subject and object are the same, the sense of doer-ship is illusionary.

For a clear summary of one mystic's view on the meaning of life, see the article on Ramesh Balsekar, or the article on Mysticism.


Nihilist views

Main article: Nihilism

Friedrich Nietzsche characterized nihilism as emptying the world and especially human existence of meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. The term nihilism itself comes from the Latin nihil, which means "nothing". Nietzsche described Christianity as a nihilistic religion, because it removes meaning from this earthly life, to instead focus on a supposed afterlife. He also saw nihilism as a natural result of the idea that God is dead, and insisted that it was something to be overcome, by returning meaning to the Earth.

Martin Heidegger described nihilism as the state in which "there is nothing of Being as such", and argued that nihilism rested on the reduction of being to mere value.

Nihilism rejects claims to knowledge and truth, and explores the meaning of an existence without knowable truth. Though nihilism tends toward defeatism, one can find strength and reason for celebration in the varied and unique human relationships it explores. From a nihilist point of view, the ultimate source of moral values is the individual rather than culture or another rational (or objective) foundation.


Positivist views

Main article: Logical positivism

Of the meaning of life, Ludwig Wittgenstein and the logical positivists, said: expressed in language, the question is meaningless. This is because "meaning of x" is a term in life usually conveying something regarding the consequences of x, or the significance of x, or that which should be noted regarding x, etc. So when "life" is used as "x" in the term "meaning of x", the statement becomes recursive and therefore nonsensical.

In other words, things in a person's life can have meaning (importance), but life itself has no meaning apart from those things. In this context, a person's life is said to have meaning (significance to himself and others) in the form of the events throughout his life and the results of his life in terms of achievements, a legacy, family, etc. But to say that life itself has meaning is a misuse of language, since any note of significance or consequence is relevant only in life (to those living it), rendering the statement erroneous. Language can provide a meaningful answer only when it refers to a realm within the realm of life. But this is not possible when the question reaches beyond the realm in which language exists, violating the contextual limitations of language. Such a question is broken. And the answer to a broken question is an erroneous or irrelevant answer.

Other philosophers besides Wittgenstein have sought to discover what is meaningful within life by studying the consciousness within it. But when these philosophers looked for a holistic definition of the “Meaning of Life” for humanity, they were stone-walled by the Wittgenstein linguistic model.

Logical positivism asserts that statements are meaningful only insofar as they are verifiable, and that statements can be verified only in two (exclusive) ways: empirical statements, including scientific theories, which are verified by experiment and evidence; and analytic truth, statements which are true or false by definition, and so are also meaningful. Everything else, including ethics and aesthetics, is not literally meaningful, and so belongs to "metaphysics". One conclusion is that serious philosophy should no longer concern itself with metaphysics. Thus free will is not a positivist assertion, while teleology is the closest thing to it that can be verified.


Pragmatist views

Main article: Pragmatism

Pragmatic philosophers suggest that rather than a truth about life, we should seek a useful understanding of life. William James argued that truth could be made but not sought. Thus, the meaning of life is a belief about the purpose of life that does not contradict one's experience of a purposeful life. Roughly, this could be applied as: "The meaning of life is those purposes which cause you to value it." To a pragmatist, the meaning of life, your life, can be discovered only through experience.

Pragmatism is a school of philosophy which originated in the United States in the late 1800s. Pragmatism is characterized by the insistence on consequences, utility and practicality as vital components of truth. Pragmatism objects to the view that human concepts and intellect represent reality, and therefore stands in opposition to both formalist and rationalist schools of philosophy. Rather, pragmatism holds that it is only in the struggle of intelligent organisms with the surrounding environment that theories and data acquire significance. Pragmatism does not hold, however, that just anything that is useful or practical should be regarded as true, or anything that helps us to survive merely in the short-term; pragmatists argue that what should be taken as true is that which most contributes to the most human good over the longest course. In practice, this means that for pragmatists, theoretical claims should be tied to verification practices--i.e., that one should be able to make predictions and test them--and that ultimately the needs of humankind should guide the path of human inquiry.


Transhumanist views

Main article: Transhumanism

Transhumanism is an extension of humanism. Like humanism, it propounds that we should seek the improvement of the human species as a whole. But it goes on to emphasize that we should also actively improve the human body with technology, to overcome all biological limitations such as mortality, physical weakness, limited memory capacity, etc. Initially this meant we should all become cyborgs, but with the advent of bioengineering, other options are opening up. Thus the main goal of transhumanism is the development of man into the posthuman, the successor to Homo sapiens: Homo excelsior. The ideal achievement of this goal would of course be applied to the current population before they suffer the consequences of aging and death.

Therefore, in terms of the five interpretations presented at the beginning of this article, the meaning of life for the transhumanist is that life originated from evolution, that the nature of life is what we discern it to be through scientific observation and measurement, that the human and what he is becoming is the most significant thing in life, that the most valuable things in life are getting along and progressing the lifestyle of all people, and that it is imperative for us to control the nature of life to improve upon our natures.

See also Enough argument


Religious beliefs

Main article: Religion


Relationship to God

Most people who believe in a personal God would agree that it is God "in whom we live and move and have our being". The notion here is that we respond to a higher authority who will give our lives meaning and provide purpose through a relationship with the divine. Although belief is also based on knowing God "through the things he has made," the decision to believe in such an authority is called the "leap of faith", and to a very large degree this faith defines the faithful's meaning of life.


To "be fruitful, and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it"

An example of how religion creates purpose can be found in the biblical story of creation in the Old Testament of the Bible: the purpose for man comes from his relationship to God and in this relationship he is told to "Be fruitful, and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it" Genesis 1:28. This indicates that subsequent to the goal of being in personal relationship with God, the propagation of the human race, the care and population of the earth, and the control of the earth (but as man sinned, he lost the full ability to do so, characterized by the fact that animals are not under full control) are the first three commandments God has set for man. However, instructions given by God and the meaning of life (or the purpose of one's existence), are not necessarily the same thing.


To love God and Neighbor

Another example, this one also from Judaism and Christianity, which agree broadly on two of their most important imperatives for life:

"The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength'." This is the 'first commandment' according to Jesus (Mark 12:28-31), and is also a quote from the central prayer of Judaism, known as the Shema (Deut 6:4-9).

"And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself'." (Christianity: Mark 12:28-31). Judaism records this both in the positive sense (Leviticus 19:18: "Love thy neighbor") and the negative sense (Hillel, ""What is hateful to yourself, do not do to your fellow man. That is the whole Law; the rest is just commentary")

Both of these commands are relational and are primarily concerned with knowing God in order to equip the believer to maintain a loving relationship with other members of the human race. According to Benedict XVI, the ultimate reason for loving God and men is that "God is love" (Deus Caritas Est) and men are made in his image. The Christian God, he says, is the Logos, (the Word: meaning and reason).


Reformed Theology: glorify and enjoy God

The Westminster Shorter Catechism looked at the history of what God has taught man, and summarized it at its outset: "man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever". [3]


Worship God

Islam's viewpoint is that God created man for one purpose only and that is to worship God: "I only created jinn and man to worship Me" (Qur'an, 51:56). Worshiping in Islam means to testify to the oneness of God in his lordship, names and attributes. All acts of worship should be exclusively for God, not through any intermediary nor with a hidden worldly intention. The term worship may be divided into 2 categories. That is the partaking of religious rituals, sanctioned by God or through working, producing, innovating and improving the quality of life, thus striving for the Creator. To Muslims, life was created as a test. Patience, is seen as integral part of the Muslim faith and character. How well one performs on this test will determine whether one finds a final home in Jannah (Heaven) or Jahenam (Hell).


Sapiential Meaning of Life

In many esoteric stands of world religions, one encounters the meaning of life as "play".

The most notable of this is Hinduism's notion of lila (literally, "play"). This is the suggestion that the meaning of life is not a final goal which can be arrived at in time, but rather a sort of game in which every being is unwittingly playing. Although it is pleasurable or fulfilling to 'win' the game of existence (at the end of one's life or at the end of time), the game itself, like music, dance, or sport, creates meaning as it moves through time.

Similar ideas are contained in the hidden treasure referenced in hadith qudsi: "I (God) was a Hidden Treasure and I desired to be known. Therefore, I created creation in order that I might be known". In this esoteric Muslim view, generally held by Sufis, the universe exists only for God's pleasure. However, because the happiness of God is not dependent on anything temporal, creation works as a grand game with the Divine serving as the principle player and prize.

The Book of Job begins with God applauding over the piety of Job. Satan, one of the heavenly host, says to God that Job is only faithful because he is rewarded accordingly, and asks permission of God to test Job. In his tribulation, Job suffers again and again without ever finding out the cause of his life's horrors. Instead, only God and the reader are allowed to know that the sorrows of life are merely a game played on the cosmic level. The game itself is incidental, yet at the same time the will of God in the creation of life.


Spiritual views

Spirituality Portal

Mitch Albom wrote about his dying professor Morrie and their last lessons together in the bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie in which some interesting questions were raised. Albom's life as a writer was until then in vain because he chased the wrong things in life: bigger houses, bigger cars, and bigger paychecks. No matter how big they were, they still could not fill his emptiness. The reality that we all have to confront eventually is the same thing Morrie realized when he learned he had Lou Gehrig's disease: that the world was as green and as alive as before he contracted the terminal illness. The world does not stand still nor come to an end just because you do. The professor's experience haunted the author in his ego-centric view of life, and inspired him to change. Albom learned from Professor Morrie that the true meanings in life are in the giving, the loving and the sharing of what you've had, which in turn live on by being passed down from generation to generation.

The Book of Light presents the nature of God and the purpose of creation. According to Michael Sharp, God is consciousness and the purpose of creation is to have fun (alleviate boredom). Creation exists "as a dream inside the mind of God" and we are all Sparks of the One Creator Consciousness. The Book of Light is a copyleft and available from [4]

The Urantia Book offers a point of view on the vast meaning of life by reconciling humankind's innumerable problems with discrepancies between creationism, evolution, cosmology, modern science, philosophy, history, theology and religion.

James Redfield gave his perspective on the meaning of life in his book The Celestine Prophecy, suggesting that the answers can be found within, through experiencing a series of personal spiritual insights. Later in his book God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution (2002) co-written with Michael Murphy, he claims that humanity is on the verge of undergoing a change in consciousness.

Another answer was given by Neale Donald Walsch in his trilogy Conversations with God, in which he asserts that the purpose of this present creation is for That-which -Is (God, Spirit) to know itself experientially rather than merely conceptually, by creating of itself a billion billion individuals who interact, and learn, and thus can rediscover through actual experience, their divinity by experiencing and exploring it in this world.

Mythologist Joseph Campbell, in his famous The Power of Myth interviews with Bill Moyers, answered the question in the following way:

People say what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive..

The purpose of life in the words of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned spiritual leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation:

One who knows, will not tell you! And anyone who attempts to tell you, please know that they don't know! But this much I can tell you... this very fact this question has arisen in your mind, you are lucky! Many people just live life without asking what is the purpose of life. This question itself is like tool, a vehicle for you to go deep into life... the quest for reality!


Humorous and popular culture treatments

The very concept "the meaning of life" has become such a cliché that it has often been parodied, such as in the radio series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, later released as a novel, a television series, a film, and a computer game. His answer was 42. As the story goes, an advanced race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings (mice) builds a gigantic computer called Deep Thought to find The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Seven and a half million years later, the computer gives the answer: "42". After giving the answer to an (unsurprisingly) underwhelmed audience, Deep Thought explained that the problem with the answer wasn't the answer, but that no-one really knew what the question was. (It may be worth noting, that later on it is revealed to Arthur Dent, that the answer and the question cannot be known at the same time.) In reference to this series, "42" is commonly provided as an honest answer if someone feels the word "meaning" is too vague. Joe Bob Briggs miscommunicated this in one of his columns as "43". In one strip of the parody comic "Sev-space" it is inquired "why the number 47 constantly shows up on the monitor?" it is then stated that "42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything... But you get 47 if you adjust it to the inflation." This is an obvious reference to the "Star Trek" series where the number 47 is heavily featured (It does for example occur in every single episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation").

Or maybe there is no meaning to life; that is, "What you see is what you get", as portrayed in the comedy film The Meaning of Life: you are born, you eat, you go to school, you have sex, you have children, you grow old (if someone doesn't kill you first), and you die, and in Heaven every day is Christmas. At the very end of the film, Michael Palin is handed an envelope, opens it, and says nonchalantly: "Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

In The Simpsons episode "Homer The Heretic" God himself tells Homer what the meaning of life is, but as usual the one who really wanted to know (the viewer) is left disappointed. The dialog goes as following:

Homer: God, what's the meaning of life?

God: Homer, I can't tell you that, you'll find out when you die.

Homer: Oh, I can't wait that long.

God: You can't wait 6 months?

Homer: No, tell me now...

God: Oh, OK... The meaning of life is...[Theme music starts and the show ends]

Paul Gauguin's interpretation can be seen in the painting, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

In Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Bill and Ted end up meeting God. Before being admitted into his presence, St. Peter (billed as The Gatekeeper on asks them what the meaning of life is, and they reply "Every rose has its thorn. Every night has a dawn. Every cowboy sings a sad sad song.". These are the lyrics to a song by Poison, an 80's glam rock band.

Another popular belief is that the meaning of life is to die, according to comedians and other types of media. In similar vein, antagonist Smith in the final part of The Matrix trilogy, Matrix Revolutions, tells the protagonist Neo that "it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life. The purpose of life is to end."

In his book "A Man Without a Country", Kurt Vonnegut sums up life with the words: "We're all here to fart around. Don't let anyone tell you any different!"

One popular phrase is "The meaning of life is 'to live'; it's in the dictionary" which has both a humorous meaning, and a more serious one, implying that the answer is to enjoy the ride.


See also


Perennial philosophy

Simple living

The Urantia Book The Urantia Book, Parts I-IV; esoteric narratives on the meaning of life.

World view

It's a Wonderful Life

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

[edit]General philosophy topics

Philosophy - main article on Philosophy, leads to many others

What is the meaning of life? - one of the most paradigmatic questions of Philosophy.

Philosophy Portal - another good starting point

Philosophy Wikiproject - a community of philosophically minded contributors working together to improve Wikipedia's coverage of philosophy as a whole.

[edit]General philosophy lists

List of major philosophers

Basic philosophical topics (categorized)

List of philosophical topics (comprehensive list)

Lists of philosophers

List of philosophical questions

Timeline of philosophers

Glossary of philosophical isms

List of philosophies

List of publications in philosophy

List of philosophy anniversaries

List of philosophical lists



Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfilment, Jane Roberts, Amber-Allen Publishing.

Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement; by Anthony Robbins. Random House Publishing Group, 1987. ISBN 0449902803

The Science of Soulmates, By William Henderson, Booksurge 2002. ISBN 158898611X



Hanfling, Oswald [ed.] Life and Meaning: A Reader 1987, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-15784-0

Nozick, Robert. The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations 1989, New York: Pocket Books. ISBN 0671725017

Wiggins, David. "Truth, Invention, and the Meaning of Life" in Proceedings of the British Academy LXII (1976); reprinted in his Needs, Values, Truth (Aristotelian Society Series, Volume 6) 2nd edition, 1991, Oxford, Basil Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-17555-5


Further reading

Haisch, Bernard The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point Fields, and What's Behind It All (Preface), Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006, ISBN 1578633745


External links

Looking for the Meaning of Life, by James Leonard Park - A probable answer.

What is Life’s Purpose? The Meaning of life in Judaism

Express your theory of the meaning of life

The FAQ of life -- by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, transhumanist

The Meaning of Life, or, What's it all About? -- a world view, by anonymous

The Meaning of Human Life -- from Scientific-Spiritual Ecological Center

Why Life Extension or Why Live at All? Desire for life extension is rooted in the valuation of life.

The meaning of life is discussed on

Erwin Schrödinger "What is Life?"

The Science of Soulmates

"It's All About Not Losing Sight of Limits" (after clicking on link, scroll down page)

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