Reason and faith, rationality and faith?
2009-06-20 23:31:32 UTC
Do you believe that everything can be sorted out by reason or do you think that faith plays an essential role?
Detailed answers are appreciated
Eight answers:
2009-06-24 02:11:59 UTC
Consider - There is a point at which reason ends and revelation begins.

I have always been a snob when it comes to football. It seems to me that the tribalism exhibited by supporters was childish, a fragile attempt at identity and belonging.

I can appreciate how local identity can be transferred to a sporting team, most particularly in the case of Geelong which is more of a discreet community than countless suburbs that merge into each other. However, it would be a mistake to dismiss sport as unrelated to the larger questions of life. Behind the celebrity status, the besotted fans and the marketing there lies a system of rationality.

Alasdair MacIntyre, in his book Whose Justice? Which Rationality? tells us that rationality is always associated with a tradition in which common presuppositions are held. Indeed, he tells us that there can be no rational discussion unless those common presuppositions are present.

There is no such thing as a rationality that stands on its own, independent of a tradition in which that rationality operates, in other words, rationality is not one thing, there are instead rationalities. The playing of football is sustained by a tradition that has a shared presupposition; it is good to win. This is the presupposition around which all of the different parts of the club orientate themselves.

My hunch is that the reason some people like football so much is that, apart from the silly reasons mentioned above, it represents a coherent rationality. There are reasons behind everything the club does and they are oriented to the one goal, to win. We love seeing this played out. We love discussing the merits of players and coaches and clubs, it is the very stuff of life. The fact that it is artificial and useless does not detract from the fact that practical reason is demonstrated at a high level.

Sport is not the only thing in our society that demonstrates such practice. Medicine is another example of a discipline being unified by a shared presupposition, that health is better than disease.

The practice of scientific research is another such discipline in which the participants learn the virtue of detachment from experimental results to the extent that negative results are taken as seriously as positive. The presupposition that scientists share is that nature may be understood if careful and disciplined investigation is carried out.

There are, of course many traditions of rationality maintained by university and technical education as well as those learned on the building site or on the farm. The fatal mistake made by those who initiated the so called “Age of Reason” was that they did not understand that reason can only exist in a tradition that shares common premises and is directed towards certain goals.

Instead, Descartes, and Locke after, him insisted that all such traditions were untrustworthy and must be discarded to be replaced by the isolated thinking self. They held that radical scepticism cleared the way for reason to take hold and produce certainty where before no certainty was possible. But in turning their back on traditions of reason they left it without presuppositions and without content. On inspection, the only clear and certain ideas that could be attained by the isolated self were mathematical.

The effect of the autocratic epistemology advocated by Descartes and Locke was to destroy the shared presuppositions of communities and thus to remove the possibility for rational discussion.

The resulting void is called liberalism in which every man is his own orthodoxy. This move amounts to the fragmentation of human society in which justice is reduced to individual human rights; faith is reduced to spirituality;, action in life is reduced to lifestyle; and the operation of reason is reduced to serving material acquisition.

The reason that we continue to build multimillion dollar sporting complexes and we have not had a cathedral start in hundreds of years is that sport is seen as a working tradition of rationality and the Church is not.
2009-06-21 00:54:26 UTC
When given the option of either reason or faith, reason should always take precedence. Much ignorance and strife have come as the result of ignoring reason. As another answerer stated above, faith is groundless, faith is dogma. Reality doesn't care about your beliefs, and it has a way of smacking you upside the head if you ignore it in favor of your own beliefs. Reason is grounded in reality; faith is a shot in the dark that sometimes hits, sometimes misses, and sometimes misses big-time.

Oh, and to those who said that reason can't solve everything, that there are too many "unseens" in the world: technically that's true, but that still doesn't mean you should set aside reason. If we were to forgo reason at every unknown, we'd still be as ignorant as the savages of 2,000 years ago. It is through reason and rationality that we can turn the unknown into the known. That's something faith can never do.
2016-11-01 12:24:42 UTC
while given the alternative of the two reason or faith, reason could desire to consistently take priority. plenty lack of expertise and strife have come because of the fact the consequence of ignoring reason. As yet another answerer reported above, faith is groundless, faith is dogma. certainty would not care approximately your ideals, and it has a manner of smacking you upside the top in case you forget approximately approximately it in choose of your very own ideals. reason is grounded quite; faith is a shot in the darkish that frequently hits, often times misses, and frequently times misses great-time. Oh, and to those that suggested that reason won't be able to clean up each and every thing, that there are too many "unseens" interior the international: technically this is genuine, yet that still does no longer advise you're able to desire to set aside reason. If we've been to forgo reason at each and every unknown, we could nevertheless be as ignorant because of the fact the savages of two,000 years in the past. it truly is thru reason and rationality that we are able to turn the unknown into the favored. this is a few thing faith can on no account do.
2009-06-20 23:57:24 UTC
Reasons and faith and similarly rationality and faith are two different spheres . Reasons is based on rationality and supported by the results of observation of facts, whereas faith is based on dogmas and where one has to believe without having any reasons for his knowledge.However there are other limitations of our freedom. Man has a physical body that is subject to natural laws. No amount of our free will can absolve us from allegiance to this law.. Man is free only in his mind. The more we identify ourselves with physical bodies, the more we place ourselves under the sway of natural laws. The world of nature is acted upon by the rest of the planetary system, of which it is a part. It is therefore clear that there is no reason in faith and no rationality in faith. Reason is measurable, whereas faith cannot be measured. Good Luck
2009-06-21 06:02:02 UTC
The things that cannot be determined by reason will be determined by "faith". However, it is "faith" that your reasoning is correct, because whatever you chose, it is based on the best assumption, or the best available data, or the best of something that reason can assimilate.

"Faith" as part of religious belief can never determine anything. Before the 5th/6th century theologian Boethius, faith and reason were separate, and faith often overruled reason. But faith was based on what people saw as "miracles" beginning with the miracle that a god existed, and moving on in Christianity to the "miracle" of a "virgin birth", the "miracles" produced by Jesus, and then the "miracle" of his ressurection. By the 5th century miracles were so far an few between that Boethius knew faith would fail unless it was welded to reason.

So he issued the edict to his students, "Insofar as is possible, join faith to reason." His students eventually became the Scholastics, and they welded reason with faith so finely that they became irrelevant, which is why part of the Protestant Reformation was against the Scholastics themselves. Luther despised them.

So most Christians weld faith with reason. I don't know how the Muslims combine or split the two, but it would appear that faith is much more acceptable as the factor in society than is reason. Sharia Law is based on faith, not reason.

As for those of us who reject religious faith, what we are doing is "divorcing" faith from reason, and accepting reason, in effect rejecting the edict of Boethius.

Before Boethius, Shorty's answer would not have been possible.
2009-06-20 23:55:20 UTC
You can plan something in the very detail and still not coming out as expected, or you can simply relax and things just fall easily into their places, as expected or even better.

I can't imagine not reasoning. But without conviction nothing gets done. In other words you must have faith in what you reason, and hence in your actions. Can't separate them and have harmony.
2009-06-20 23:43:24 UTC
i am a christian and i think that reason and faith are equally important there are times when no reason can explain something and faith has to come into it but there are also times when no amount of faith can help or explain something and reason has to come in

i hope this helps
2009-06-20 23:45:09 UTC
No way, things cant be sorted out here by reason only. There are to many 'unseen' things in this world to be able to use reason alone.

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