2011-12-06 19:56:02 UTC
the greatest questions , which will be that until answered definitively and unilaterally henceforth vindicated factual reality ergo universally accepted as truth .
Baring our continued survival in the cosmos at large , it is known that we will eventually evolve into a species or species unrecognizable today using human based faculties systematically evolving into coldness-likeability and possibly cryo-sustainability after entropic heat loss occurs .
Biologically supported and factual through observations it is known that eyes do evolve spontaneously and independently of each other , we are the top primates undeniable with modern archaeological and genetic evidence , indicating a primary line branched into lineage on early earth forming the tree of life we see today , we examine the marvelous fractal patterns and physical symmetries all earth based organisms develop in response to any one said universal law .
We believe the intro-verses intrinsically link themselves with " exo-verses " collectively known as the multi-verses , exact and similar copies of us likely do exist , holographic boundaries in space time do appear to actually exist indicating our collective experiences may indeed be determined-conscientious conterminously ergo conspicuously holographicallistically simulated meaning we believe everything is predestined every quantum-string in every singularity ever in existence has been programmed like a tree seed that blossoms into a tree from a point of infinite smallness to infinite largeness back again , we believe this is true for all beings and matter alike from the quantum scale to the macro scale and every point in between , to understand a singularity one might be best understand the geometric nature of an orb or a sphere then reversing it this is a singularity .
I founded Nihilistic Deisticism , it is a view that we are likely molecules in motion no more no less , do you remember before you were born ? We return to nature likely with no soul . We only get one chance with no before or after life , therefore self preservation both cryogenic and eventually cyber-consciously is a spec-ial ergo an individuals responsibility . please consider Nihilistic Deisticism as a possible explanation for any said entity our existence and non-existence also realize that it is undetermined whether or not any said entity is within our space time or outside , our view is it likely exists outside space time and whether or not said entity alters any one singularity after the big bang materializes space time and matter into existence it is our view that zero is the exact middle of positive infinity and negative infinity and that true nothingness is where it all begins likely from the intro-verse itself which is likely spherical and separated from our dimension by the holographic membrane boundary layer between intro-verses , uni-verses , and multi-verses alike .
Perhaps I can enlighten you , a Nihilist Deist believes an entity may exist in in-organic form that is infinitely small therefore able to spontaneously materialize from the immaterial spawning existence furthermore evolving into and under laws of nature not yet understood , from the physical evidence observed we can say in-definitively that this entity , is an " It " versus a he or she , evidential and most notably this entity likely enjoys both extremes of it's creation . This is more plausible than any one said Philosophy or Dogma or World View in our view however any one said Philosophy or Dogma or World View may be correct however unlikely in our view .
The greatest question will most likely be definitively answered in all or one of these three ways :
A . " It " reveals itself .
B . Advanced spec-ial indoctrination from them to us occurs .
C . A Law of nature not yet understood revealing it's formation becomes understood .