What do you think the role of individual transformation is in manifesting world peace?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What do you think the role of individual transformation is in manifesting world peace?
104 answers:
2006-04-13 12:02:13 UTC
I think peace is entirely about the individual. Its only when people can be at peace with themselves that they'll understand how to really foster peace with others.
2006-04-13 12:09:08 UTC
well i feel it's to gain inner peace yourself. If more people in the world had inner peace, there would be less hate, violence and intolerance. I do feel however, that inner peace is not easily found and therefore the solution to the problem is not an easy one.
Dr Hassan Hanif
2006-04-13 12:06:25 UTC
individual role is very pivotol if we are not going to change our selves as our friend or neighbour will do good deeds...and if every onethinks the same than wht will be a situation of earth is well imagined
2016-03-14 02:25:33 UTC
I don't really believe world peace is possible. But I think mutual respect and agreement on certain core things could be. Although it would be terribly diffucult. To make a difference I think people need to figure out what they stand for, to be commited to the cause, the be influential enough to influence other people. I think the idea needs to be grasped, seen as attainable, and the idea spread. Then when people have a similiar goal and respect for eachother, then they can identify with others and start working towards solutions of mutual gratification.
2006-04-13 13:58:03 UTC
It is simple ... until we attain peace within ourselves, we can never have peace within the mass consciousness. We must transform ourselves to a Transpersonal Self before we can accomplish any worldwide task.

Once we attain peace, or at least strive to better ourselves and not react with hostility, we can therefore start changing the world. The truth is one person CAN change the world ... let peace begin with me :)
2006-04-13 13:53:00 UTC
yes. if everyone believed that, it would be so.

hey, was it really in the tree bark?
2006-04-13 13:02:03 UTC
Peace for my self transformation means no chaos, silence, death/shavasana. If I were to kill myself today to achieve peace for myself, I would be at peace. However, it is said that if I were to do this for myself, it wouldn't bring peace to others. Others obtain peace in different ways. To get the whole world to lay down and practice shavasana is a peaceful image, however, getting the whole human race to agree on one thing is difficult. The Holy spirit is upon us as we are well into the Easter season. Christ died so that we can live. Is being a Christian the peace consciousness you're talking about? Christians beleive that being a believer in Christ is the only answer. However, for my self, claiming myself to be a Christian has not brought me peace. The way of old Yoga practice has.
Steven R
2006-04-13 12:58:41 UTC
Even with us out of the picture, nature on this earth is not inherently peaceful. I guess it depends on what you mean by peace. Life is a series of creation and destruction on all levels. This is the nature of life. Hate and ignorance are bad. Kindness, compassion and wisdom are good. Not all people will strive to live by this ideal although they may agree with it. But somehow we do the best with what we have to work with. I suppose all we as individuals can really be responsible for are ourselves and our direct surroundings. Life isn’t always wonderful and rosy, no matter how much we try to make it that way. And we cannot always be happy no matter how much we would want that. I think if we ever reach ‘world peace’, we will find that people will naturally not remain docile for long. We will have it in the context of something else. For example, as our reach into the cosmos furthers and we discover life on other planets, we may be able to say that we are a peaceful race compared to some others. I agree with what the Buddhists say, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. Only an individual can decide to change him or herself and be successful. Individual transformation is the key to world peace but how do you convince every individual to do it?
2006-04-13 12:54:31 UTC
2006-04-13 14:38:29 UTC
Transformation, or simply “change” is impossible for mankind to avoid. There is an evolution in this world, not only on a genetic level or cultural level, but of what I refer to as the “psychobiotic self”. Psycho referring to the psychology and symbolism which man uses to better cope with the overwhelming reality of his immergence and place and position in this world, and how it relates to his body, or “biotic” self and it’s eventual demise.

Man is constructed of two things. The first, and most simple is that of his body. A body which changes both because of the very biology and animalistic, inherent, traits that are programmed within it’s genome; but also changes because of necessity to delay the death process (IE, surgery, medicine, treatments, anything that extends the biology of the organism and idea of “health”) This is to further establish the second element of his being, the symbolic representation of man. To most of mankind, the biology and illusion of health is only a tool to which the man can master and control so that he has an extended period to develop the symbolic self. The symbolic self whom we try to immortalize after our biological entity has turned to worm meat or crematorium ash.

People go about doing this in different ways, this psychobiotic evolution as I put it. But each does so in a very individual way, which may or may not transform the world around him in yet another symbolic representation. And “peace” as you put it, is just another symbol or term that we use to represent a far greater idea. One that mankind has yet to agree upon as a worthwhile cause, in relation to the evolution of their psychobiotic self.

“Peace”, is really just a collective delaying of the end of the psychobiotic self. It is a theoretical state, in which all individuals accept and agree not to interfere with the evolution of all other individual attempts at mastery of the body, and the symbolic self. It is a group agreement to “Not inflict my own attempts at mastering my body and expanding my symbolic self, if you in turn do not thwart any of my efforts to achieve some sense of symbolic immortality before this biotic self of mine is returned to the earth. I will not interfere with your evolution, if you will not interfere with mine.”

I use the term “evolution”, as a synonym for change or metamorphosis. Any alteration or progression OR deterioration of both the body, and the symbol which man creates for himself. This is inclusive of “faith”, or the belief that your symbolic self will somehow transcend this observation or perception of reality. It will change, or evolve individually through understanding of the world around you, which again is unavoidable. Again, because of the biotic self and the finite nature of biology and how long our animal forms inhabit this existence. Our subtle realization of death, as proven by the likes of Otto Rank, Ernest Becker, and Norman O Brown among others, motivates us in ways which many are not entirely observant of, yet are there even without us consciously or truthfully admitting to or acknowledging clearly.

So the question to me is not the role of individual transformation in manifesting world peace; but can mankind agree upon what the symbol of peace represents and if so, how might this further or progress all mankind’s evolution of the psychobiotic self.

Will agreeing not to interfere with the development of individual attempts at making sense of cultural or personal symbolism, help man evolve or only divert it to another path of symbolic and biological consciousness? In other words, if everyone agrees to help delay the demise of our physical self or biotic self, how will this in itself change how man interprets his own existence and leaves symbols of his immortality?

If we are to remove the constant threat of physical destruction, will we have greater or less understanding of the symbols and psychology behind why we were so animate about destroying others symbols and biological form in the first place?

I suppose first we have to recognize and relate to what our own symbolic self is trying to represent currently. Which is where conflict is often initiated, both individually and world wide on the cultural, artistic, and religious stage. For example, if one were to say that “Deepak Chopra symbolizes the marriage between financial success and theological success”, some would wonder why I say this. Some would agree with me immediately, based on their own symbolic understanding of things. When one sees a man confidently smiling, wearing a pink (which some equate to homosexuality, others to confidence… i.e. the confidence of wearing a traditionally feminine color despite cultural taboo or beliefs) Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, with a golf club over one shoulder; they might think to themselves “Here is a man who has succeeded. He has money, which is represented by the logo on his shirt, known to be expensive. He has confidence, as one can interpret from body posture. But also, he has mastered his physical self. He is playing golf, a game known to be difficult because of the concentration of both mental and physical abilities.” One might think, or perhaps only myself “Here is a man aware of his psychobiotic evolution, and who seems to be mastering both his symbolism and biotic or physical self”.

Others interpretations of that image or symbol may differ based on culture, religion, exposure to your readings. Some just see a man. Some may see your race. Some may assume things based on your wardrobe. The interpretation of your symbol, varies on each individual’s understanding of symbols and what context or placement they have been given during the evolution of that person’s psychobiotic self.

Now with such a varying or “conflicting” interpretation of even one man, think how much larger and more widespread the interpretation of something as grand as “Peace” may be. Especially when you factor in the wide-spectrum understanding of symbolism that will differentiate from country to country, culture to culture, neighborhood to neighborhood, household to household, and person to person. With such a massive variation of understanding, and in many cases unwillingness to understand others, it will make it incredibly difficult to find a universal Symbol of any sort for individuals to agree upon.

Even my own interpretation of “Peace” may change, as I change throughout my own evolution. With constant change and metamorphosis and alteration of self , both symbolic and biological; to anchor oneself to any singular definition of things seems both alluring and impossible at the same time. Universal symbolism, cross cultural understanding, peace consciousness of a critical mass… these are overwhelming, and currently only hypothetical situations to which man is only touching upon in understanding. Both the ramifications of, and how they will directly change or evolve man himself in his individual evolution.

I believe, man must first deconstruct symbolism. We must be aware of what everything represents, before we can hope to ever gain any universal understanding of each other. Only if all symbols equal the same thing, can all of man truly see each other with some degree of truth and ultimate awakening or understanding of each other’s psychobiotic self. Then perhaps, with understanding of each other’s symbols, and the finite timeline we all have biologically to work on our own attempt at symbolizing something truthful and aware, we MIGHT be able to work on constructing a general definition of “Peace”.

And have reason both individually, and collectively, to maintain it for the sake of each other, and the greater definition of what that symbol of PEACE might represent.
2016-11-07 19:26:18 UTC
2006-04-13 14:21:02 UTC
There is no such a thing called peace or war without "others" man. What makes us human lies historically and deeply in our social conditions. We should make peace with others first. If we want world peace, it's about the world; and our individual transformation in terms of moral, knowledge and understanding should be directed towards others. If everyone starts to think about others, everyone would be thought by someone else. We didn't bring these troubles with us, we'll not take any of it with us either when we die. All the troubles in the world are related with social knowledge, and all the great things as well. Politicians create war consciousness of a critical mass and people are generally happy with this. If we want everybody is thinking about peace, we need every body; at least we must aim this. Otherwise what is the percentage of "critical mass", and what is the stakes of "being an effective mass" anyway? If we give up concentrating on ourselves as isolated members of human society, we will not get anywhere different than our actual stand-point, neither as individuals nor as societies...
2006-04-13 13:42:16 UTC
I think the role of an individual transformation in manifesting world peace, is that everyone has to be happy with themselves before peace can ever be achieved. True world peace will never happen because everyone has their own ideas of what world peace is. Plus everyone has their own governments which believe different ways of controlling their countries and different views on what peace really is.
who WAS #1?
2006-04-13 13:44:01 UTC
If critical mass is ever achieved, that would be the answer.

Since that's unlikely, there is another answer. One's peace should not and can not depend on a peaceful environment. When one has individual peace, it does not matter what happens in the world.

What is the world? Do not each of us inhabit a slightly different reality? Is not that "reality" created by, or at least selected/manifested by focusing our attention on it, a-la quantum? "That which a man thinketh, so is he."

When a person lives in peace, even life and death do not matter so much as we think in our unpeaceful state.

When a person has inner peace, not only does the outer world reflect that to a large degree (reflecting the "reality" experienced) but also by then you will have realized that what the world is doesn't really matter, for it is only a temporary illusion.
2006-04-13 12:54:11 UTC
Everything is interconnected. Individual transformation therefore is always a factor in the state of the world. However, to what degree my individual partiality to world peace makes a difference in reality is a very hard thing to determine. I believe it greatly depends on my actions but also on circumstances outside my control.

I do believe that if there were enough many people partial to peace who would actively promote it, the world would be a better place. I guess that number must be pretty high, it's hard to tell an exact percentage. If reached, I imagine that the peace consciousness would become a "contagious" attitude and spread to everyone. Now that I said it, this scenario reminds me so much of John Lennon's "Imagine" ... that song is such a powerful incentive for peace, we should all recall it whenever we feel we're stepping away from it.
2006-04-13 14:07:03 UTC
I don't see how this answer is any better or worse than whats on here already, so here goes.

I do believe that inner transformation is important to begin manifesting world peace. I don't think inner transformation, one person changing their beliefs about themselves and the world, will lead to world peace. I have thought about this. My generation and the generation coming seem to be directionless. This lack of purpose is consuming our souls. We strive for money, for things. I look at the world, what was here before money and things and wonder how we could think that's the point to existence. We aren't happy. Its not just individual, its infecting societies unconciousness. The thread we all share. We have to change our ideals, our goals, our opinions, to affect a change in the world. It starts with one person maybe, but it can't be continued by one. I don't know the answer. I can only say what I think and hope others feel the same and have the courage to step forward with me. I feel that a transformation may be difficult, but anything worth having is never easy. I hope that I find the courage in myself to find my path, I hope I don't sound like a psycho.
2006-04-13 14:11:22 UTC

Mass transformation is impossible without individual transformation. And certainly, mass transformation is needed to bring about world peace.

Individual growth and spiritual awareness might have a role to play. But in order to decide if world peace is possible , you need to look at wars and why they happen.

current international politics is laughably ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason why the whole world cannot be prosperous through trade and distribution. Africa doesn't need to starve, fundamental Islam does not need to inspire terrorism, and the US does not need to invade the middle east for oil.

Why the hell do we act like this?

human beings haven't really come that far since our tribal days. world leaders are no more sophisticated than school bullies. we get into groups and fight. that's what we've always done.

i've always wondered if war is a natural form of population control. if in a way, it's just as inevitable and natural as the food chain or natural disasters?

but just because war can be in our nature, doesn't mean we can't evolve beyond it. populations wouldn't need to be controlled if people use birth control and there was an average of 2 children per family- 2 parents, 2 children. no population increase, no population decrease.

if the whole human race took a step back we could actually work through our problems fairly simply. why should we have to have a lives ruled by arguments even sillier than those that dominate the playground?

individuals transforming themselves through conciousness expansion, spirituality, etc has its benefits and its dangers.

for example, there are strong religious roles in the current drama between the west and the middle east. this is preposterous, especially as islam, christianity and judaism are more or less the same religion.

individual transformation, on a large scale, is possibly the only thing that will ever bring about lasting world peace. but it would have to be accompanied by a fundamental shift in ideas, and the whole human race just taking a step back, and realising why we act the way we do.

in the end we'll have to realise that happiness just doesn't come through greed and wealth, and one day , once current dramas are over, we'll see george bush and osama bin laden meditating together on the the roof of the white house.

after meditation they'll share a pot of mint tea. and george will say to osama.

'hey binni, i guess we wanted the same thing all along. to just feel content inside , and have enough food for our children.'

'i suppose we do george. since i've re read the koran i've come to think it preaches peace more than anything. and i know allah wouldn't want me to cause you harm , just because you call him by a different name.'

'knew you'd see sense binni. could see you were a good guy all along. how's iraq and iran after the oil deal.'

'they're good george. it's brought new prosperity. the people in the middle east believe a good new time has begun.'

'praise allah, god always wins in the end.'
2006-04-13 14:11:58 UTC
individual transformation has nothing to do with world peace. World peace comes from everyone working together and helping each other in the world. That will never happen. There are too many factions of different religion and beliefs working against one another rather than in unison. Sure, the desired out come is euphoric peace however, as long as maniacle entities such as some in the middle east and eastern regions of the world and even some in the U.S. wish to hurt good ole mother america, there will be no peace. Peace is derived from factions knowing other factions will fight and die, not to be intimidated or ruled with an iron fist. I realize you are looking for answers from people who think of peace as smelling flowers in a field and drinking malts at the malt shop. The truth be known, peace is not war but war, makes peace.
2006-04-13 14:21:00 UTC
I believe that people need to transform their individual consciousness, but they also need to be aware of the consciousness of the people around them.

I feel that if we focuss only on our own individual awareness, we can never manifest world peace, because we are not in tune with others and we will only be manifesting a peace for ourselves.

When we are aware of our individual awareness AND we are aware of our connection with those around us, we will be able to build a consciousness that is inside each of us, yet transcends ourselves at the same time.

When people are able to do that, the force of peace will be stronger than the force of chaos that people are currently feeding.

Its not something that is easy or something that people can sit by and let others do for them. It will take time, and will not be a flick of the switch that will suddenly have everything suddenly one way. But since so many people are starting on this path, it will continue to build, as awareness spills over from one person to the next.

Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't happen. That's why it is called change.
2006-04-13 13:44:18 UTC
"What do you think the role of individual transformation is in manifesting world peace? Is peace consciousness of a critical mass of people the answer?"

Not really. No matter how peaceful their surroundings are, Kim Jong-Il (to pick an example) and other dictators will always viciously suppress dissent, with the support of those they give favors to and/or those that have been brainwashed by living under such suppressive states that limit information from the outside world.

Much suffering is caused by "peace activists" demanding that we accede to the demands of such dictators, rather than stand up to them. To extend the example, Kim would cheerfully stomp South Korea out of existence if he thought he could; he believes that he alone should rule Korea. Many "peace activists" claim that our standing up to Kim is the problem, though (and never mind the history).
2006-04-13 13:25:00 UTC
I think to really view a world full of peace, the peace within yourself is critical. Truthfully, peace will not hinder on the fact that everyone is at peace, because there are just far too many people in a world with neverending views to get hung up on that. and not everyone will ever agree on every single point, since America is one of the few nations with political parties that differ on virtually everything, unlike Canada or Switzerland, for example.

Not everyone will ever be happy, just because there are too many circumstances that prohibit it. But if enough of the people in the world can find an inner peace, whether through religion, a hobby, sport, or some other outlet, then world peace could be possible. But the sad fact of the matter is that unless the governments make a radical change, possibly back to socialist governments (democratic within their own country I mean, but socialistic with each other) then there will always be far too much suffering in too twisted of a world
2006-04-13 13:23:46 UTC
I believe individual transformation is everything to peace. Without it there can be no peace. Peace to me is not a phenomenon that occurs outside of and separate from me as an individual. I truly believe that the world around me reflects what is going on inside of me. Therefore it is essential that I as an individual have a transformation in my thoughts, emotions, attitudes and actions. Each time I flick the bird to a driver who cuts me off I am sending out negative energy that feeds the hatred that is influencing so many. When I learn to see that other driver, or anyone who does something that I do not like, trough the eyes of compassion and know that I could easily have made the same mistake, I am then sending out love and compassion. World peace is an individual responsibility. It is MY responsibility.
2006-04-13 12:50:56 UTC
Individual transformation will ‘contribute’ to peace…definitely. Problem is: those who are ‘worthy’ to take over lead positions in lives of people and nations are not such individuals. In reality, the worst people who are power and money hungry are the ones who seek and GET such positions. But, it is true that individuals lead masses and not the other way around. Those who are empowered with internal peace can change their realities and influence others to do the same; sort of like a chain reaction. But it will have to be VERY strong and a very PURE intention on the part of individuals to ‘extend’ their inner peace outwardly. On the other hand, I don’t believe we are in this universe to manifest perfection (peace included); I believe it is the hardships and obstacles in life that stimulate our growth and learning ‘into’ the peace we long for. If we reach inner peace and actually manifest world peace; what’s next? We become stagnant and our growth is stunted. I think it is the actual ‘process of experience and discovery’ that makes the difference; and not the actual arrival at the goal. In other words, it is the journey and not the destination.
2006-04-13 13:53:15 UTC
well - in the question construction there is allready said there is a role that the individual transformation brings.

the different scale of the change might be achieved by one person and the other, that have went through simillar transformation.

the key question then is how to condensate the force to make the change really - and we know its possible.

so the transformation gives a tool and what we shall do with it is our own decison.

This decison is hard, but like this we win an other fight within ourselves, and we start acting.

acting for peace.
2006-04-13 13:39:39 UTC
Good question but one has to wonder. How can the rest of the world subscribe to your tenants when after so many thousands of years India and Pakistan are so rife with conflict? I understand that change can begin with one but where is the collective will to change? Where is that great leader for peace whatever the culture? On more of a note toward the media which is now a necessary medium to reach out to people.... a pink polo shirt with a golf club? It denotes leisure and not being in touch with the common man. A loose fitting shirt would have been better or even a non-logo shirt. Not to take away from your message it just seems odd.
2006-04-13 13:16:57 UTC
Dr. Chopra, I am amazed and honoured you have granted Yahoo! Answers with your prescence. You have been an inspiration to me for many years. I have seen you on television, in the media, and have read your words.

I truly believe like yourself that individual transformation is the answer, and the only answer to bring about world peace. Right now many people are living on a level of existence that tends towards violence, hatred, the use of force to remove resources, to take from nature whatever we can get. Meditation on the question: "Who am I?" is key. Each of us must figure out who we are , where we come from. The answer is in each one of us, deep inside...

I feel we are all connected on some fundamental level. Perhaps it is the DNA molecule that binds us. Regardless, I believe people need to look inwards and see how their minds are being controlled throught the deep influence of mass media. Your work helps to open the eyes of people - to realize their potential as human beings... that we are much greator beings than our society makes us out to be. More and more, the sanctity of human life is made out to be nothing, almost meaningless in the entertainment media... people are waking up. The consciousness of people is transforming at an incredible rate. You are one example of this. However, transformation of consciousiness is not enough when the people in control have not yet transformed. This is the case today. While the population grows mentally, emotionally and spirtually, the leaders in control continue to hunger for power, money and the pursuit of evil deeds. Hopefully the critical mass will become large enough that we realize, as a whole group, that we outnumber those who have not transformed themselves. When this happens perhaps there will finally be peace on this world. I hope it happens soon...

I love you Dr. Chopra, you are an amazing person and very inspiration to me. I am very happy to write these words to you, thank you for giving me this possibility.
2006-04-13 12:35:44 UTC
These are very interesting terms you are weaving Sir. The way you describe things, well amazing,very transcendental of you. The only thing that will manifest world peace is the heart felt prayers of a people crying out to their God. Then we can all reach that critical mass together. A love-in alone without God is loveless,meaningless, and contributes to the upheavals of the world. Selfishness,hopelessness,hate are the enemy... Nothing the brain can control will be affective,for without the spirit / soul from within, we are mere flesh and blood on a time limit. Sound flowery too :) May the Lord richly bless you Dr. Deepak Chopra, meet you where you are Peace!
2006-04-13 14:11:35 UTC
As Gandhi stated you should be the change you would like to see around yourself..

1-Make peace and increase harmony around yourself.

2-Get involved in civic groups and serve for the community.

3-Find ways to put pressure on politicians so their focus is not war making and war profiteering but improving the welfare of the citizens.

4- Have lots of children and teach them self respect, and respect to any living thing and nature.

5- Get rid of the media that glorifies shock and awe- in stead of truth and reconciliation. Or dont reward it by watching it.

6- It must be a requirement for every world leader and every human being to travel the world extensively and to know the cultures intimately. ( Have Iranian president Ahmednijat travel Auswitz,Treblinka and have George Bush stay in Tehran 60 days to have some kebaps and good Iranian rice....) There must a be rule you can not attack a country unless you know their cuisiene (kitchen) intimately...

Once they know the cuisine they cant attack a country anyway. I read somewhere that attitude of Eastern germans towards Turks has significantly gotten better after a couple of gyro places opened up in East Germany. :-)

7- People the more they travel the more they become humble and respectful of other cultures in general. Make travel mandatory.

8- As far as peace conciousness of a critical mass of people goes, i think we are not there yet. And will we ever going to be there?? May be men should take pills to block testestore for 5 years. :-) But then we would have too many girly men..

Good luck.. You seem to be a smart person. Keep it up!
A Designer
2006-04-13 13:30:50 UTC
I believe the role of individual transformation, as far as obtaining world peace is concerned, is multi-layered. But no, I don't know if having peace consciousness of a critical mass of people is the answer.

Expounding upon individual transformation: I believe the level of individual humility in the individual conscience needs to be stepped up, exemplified in such ways: a willingness to take ownership, and make amends, for foolhearty decisions and wrong-doing; a willingness to hear, listen to and honestly consider other's differing viewpoints; a willingness to compromise; a willingness to put other's needs before one's own. Blame-shifting, deaf ears, stubborn immovability and selfishness are fertile grounds for frustration, anger and hostility. And as much as we resent others when they do these things to us, we constantly do it in return. The prevalent mindset, from what I have experienced, seems to be dominated more by a "I'm going to get you before you get me" mentality than a "how can I be a person of honor" mentality.

The individual who makes the conscious effort to change his or her actions/reactions toward humility will exert a much stronger effect on the well-being and mindsets of those around him or her. Those who do it effectively can hold sway and influence those around them to do likewise.

On the other hand, in regard to the critical mass: the reason I say no is because there will always be dissenters. There will always be people who feel that they have been so wronged by others that revenge and violence is the only means of satisfaction: that if peace is something they cannot have, then no one will. And these people, as small a ratio as they are to the larger good-hearted population, can sometimes have immense sway on those around them. "Bad company corrupts good character".

Even if a critical mass of people IS able to obtain a peace consciousness at some point, it will not last forever. Eventually younger generations who come along will not remember the violence or intolerance that existed before their time, and they will take the peace for granted... even resent it. And then the cycle will start over again.

But even though I do not believe it can be maintained for a long period of time (multiple generations), I would certainly hope to see a time of more pronounced peace in my lifetime. And I, as an individual, am making every effort I can - no matter how clumsy, at times, that effort might be - toward that end.

Thank you for a very thought provoking question. I hope this leads to deep discussions offline and around the world.
2006-04-13 12:58:37 UTC
If that is so, then I believe that the more our population grows, the higher a percentage of the population will be required to acheive that critical mass. Right now, I'd estimate the critical mass to be about 95% of the world's population. If we were a planet of 800 million, then perhaps the critical mass necessary would be closer to 50%. I'm concerned that we're facing a different sort of critical mass that is an obstacle to manifesting world peace.

The higher world population rises, the worse things will become. Affluent nations maintain their affluence on the backs countless "disposable" individuals in impoverished nations. Most of the suffering masses bear their unfair state with heroic dignity. But, it's no surprise that some of them turn to lives of criminality. Some of these criminals, having learned that the only recompense for their suffering will come in some "afterlife," hasten to destroy themselves, and discount the Earthly suffering of others. As technological advances allow individuals to become more lethal, and over population drives people closer and closer together, it becomes ever more likely that a single twisted person can cause calamity.

This doesn't mean that I think individual transformation is unimportant. I think it is extremely important. But the most important type of individual transformation to acheive world peace is the cultivation of the desire to reach out to and sympathize with our fellow creatures. I imagine everyone would be much happier if we could think of our neighbors as members of our family, and not feel so driven to create large biological families; and if we could see ourselves as a conscious part of this planet's life, with the duty to cultivate ourselves and our biosphere to be as long lasting and as beautiful as we can.
2006-04-13 14:04:32 UTC
There will never be world peace, at least not in our lifetimes. We can only individually try to do the right thing and try to manifest 'local peace' Paradoxically the only thing that would bring about world peace would be a global Nuclear war, which is kind of a daft thing to wish for.
2006-04-13 14:31:18 UTC
I personally know that it is the ONLY way to bring this about.

This entire world is comprised of individuals.

Truely trusting eachother is the only route to peace.

We have become individuated from eachother on a continuing dwindling spiral to the point where everybody's idea of everybody else becomes himself.

Mr. A is certain that everybody around him is very evil and they are 'gonna get him" one way or another.

Now, Mr. A has no choice- if he is also saddled with super agreement, obsessive agreement, making equality a necessity- but to be this way himself.

So what we end up with really is actually a synthetic personality which we wear like "everybody else" to be normal.

Thus we are trapped.

The route out of this trap has to be through increased awareness of our true selves as spiritual beings, and a key part of this route is

increased actual Communication and thereby increased Reality and Affinity with one another and ourselves. These 3 things equal increased Understanding.

I speak from my own personal experience on working towards this goal of individual transformation for myself and others for the past 35 years or more.
2006-04-13 12:43:58 UTC
Is it a numbers game? Nature suggests that where there are higher aggregates of the same cause there is victory. One person, however, can incorporate as many parts of the whole as is wished. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Napoleon, even Hitler all used this power of suggestion at the right (or wrong) time to galvanize the masses. I think it is a matter of timing, luck, and yes, the individual need to change. Once we individually see that we are hurting ourselves, we stop the blood. Then, if and when, we see the same problem we have experienced in others we can better help and assist. Individual transformation is a must in order to properly objectify the world we live in to make better judgments and align ourselves better with our higher selves' intention.

So, yes, I believe the more minds and hearts in tune with love and compassion, the more chance we all have at successfully acheiving that vision. If we all are thinking and feeling love and lovingness, there is no space or room then for hating, negating, or otherwise, berating.

Peace in the hearts of men is not far off, I think.

Love is the key. Desire for change and abundance is the propellant.
2006-04-13 14:01:25 UTC
I believe that the only way of eliciting a response or reponses from individuals that would lead to world peace is through instilling peace-conscious behavior among the populus. This can only be achieved through community-type of activities that go beyond the smoke and mirrors of "giving back to the community" or "grassroots campaigns", but directly target groups through specific areas of interest. Everyone of us has something in specific that interest us; it follows that any number of individuals will have common interests that can be tapped on. Personally, I think that this is the only way to manifesting world peace
2006-04-13 14:17:30 UTC
People prefer power to peace. When that power invades somebody else's "realm" there is conflict. It could be a challenge to limited resources, to stay rich by ripping people off, or for peasants to steal and eating somebody else's cattle etc.

Texas and California have droughts that rival Africa. The difference is that supplies can be shipped in from another state that has plenty of water. In Africa, those shipments are stolen or destroyed. Famines there are caused as much by a guy with a spear or a rifle as it is from the lack of water.

Will people end their power trips and see beyond their nose

? Probably not. Even the rich and educated fight and kill.
2006-04-13 13:37:47 UTC
The role of the individual is critical. Although they seem to be one large force, governments are still comprised of individuals and as in any group they take on the individual personalities and individual issues of all the people in it. The healthier the people inside the governments, the healthier the decisions will be coming from those govenments. The schoolyard bully, whose beating up little kids at 10 because he's getting beaten up at home by his dad and then grows up and goes into politics will still be a bully, unless he deals with his pain internally, gets some help and finds that place of peace inside himself.

We all have issues to deal with and for there to be world peace, as indiviuals we all need to take responsibility for dealing with those issues. We need to see healing as an act of courage, not weakness, an act of not only personal responsibility, but a moral and civic one as well.
2006-04-13 12:46:56 UTC
Marginal at best. Its wishful thinking to believe that one individual within a mass can affect change by his/her transformation. However, a multitude of individuals transforming into one common 'thing' affects change on a wider level.

World peace is an unattainable idea. If by world you mean, the Earth, then the only time the Earth will be truly united, is against a common external enemy.
2006-04-13 13:48:02 UTC
If you mean individual transformation to find peace and happiness within oneself then manifesting world peace becomes as natural as natural selection.
2006-04-13 13:28:46 UTC
Yes...peace consciousness of a critical mass of people is the answer. Only when we as individuals can represent the true meaning of peace we can begin to understand what this so call world peace is truly representing.
2006-04-13 13:22:18 UTC
People of all Continents and Nations chat on the Internet and on the telephone and make friends. They protest when their government wants to kill or frighten their friends. People brought down the Berlin wall. People stood in front of tanks in Beijing. If people made friends - instead of making enemies - we would have a real "road Map" to peace. But language is important too. English is the International language - when the number of people who speak fluent English reaches a critical number - democracy will flourish and world peace will be achieved. Bin Laden will be history!
2006-04-13 13:33:56 UTC
Individual transformation is probably the most important detail in world peace. If the transformation is from the sort of individual that sees it fit to force their values or point of views on others (aggressive religious tactics), to one that realizes that differences exist in the world, then we can call that a good transformation. Individuality is lacking in "Herd Morality's (or belief systems)," these people participate legitimacy through association and not in legitimacy through

thought and reason. Fundamentalist of any kind encroach on INDIVIDUAL TRANSFORMATION. Consciousness isn't far fetched and doesn't involve eternal hours of meditation, it is around the corner from our nose...Lets be free and understand that not everybody likes choclate milk!
2006-04-13 13:47:30 UTC
If individual transformation is the key to world peace then we are doomed. There are religions, whose followers run to the hundreds of millions who believe that killing non-believers will bring them to heaven. Then they also believe in using violence as a tool to governance. Sad to say other means must be used.
2006-04-13 12:49:19 UTC
World peace can only be acheived starting with the individual first. No, I do not believe that peace conscioucness of a mass of people is the answer because peace is an individual choice. Peace starts with you...
2006-04-13 12:39:55 UTC
World peace is an impossibility. It's nothing more than a platform for Miss America.

Sure, it would be great if everyone took the time to learn to become more peaceful. But as imperfect beings, there's no way we could be peaceful all the time.

All it would take is someone having one bad moment and wham! the domino effect would kick in and no more world peace.

Which is not to say it wouldn't be great if, at the very least, EVERYONE practiced minding their own business and being polite. But that's a pipedream as well.
Tangle Elfshimmer
2006-04-13 13:24:39 UTC
It is beyond me to comprehend how we can have "world peace" until we have peaceful people. I have been meditating and asking God about this for quite some time, and I keep getting back that I should BE peace. That is the only way that I can have an impact on the people that I know and the people I encounter in my life. I don't think you can "preach" to people how to be peaceful, you just have to BE at peace and let them see how that works for you.
2006-04-13 12:51:00 UTC
Each of us must learn how to love and respect not only ourselves and our friends and families, but strangers as well, and even those with whom we strongly disagree, those whom we fear, and those who have hurt us.

This is the only path to inter-personal healing, whether on a small scale or a global one. The possibility that total world peace may never be achieved is no excuse for any of us to abandon the effort to love and do no harm.

Thank you for asking this thought-provoking question, Dr. Chopra. Namaste!
2006-04-13 13:20:14 UTC
the idea of one person being able to change the fate of the world is not new. it is something that has happened many times over the course of human history. some examples are Buhda Moses Jesus and Muhammad. So yes if people would learn to find peace from within and concentrate on enjoying what they have and who they are we would have world peace.
2006-04-13 13:00:34 UTC
Absolutely, it lies with the individual.PEACE IS LOVE IN ACTION.World Peace is a mammoth consequence that can be achieved by large masses of individuals following their well educated consciences and acting on informed choices.It is a journey and not a destination.

The time is near,judging from the scale of spiritual renaissance that's taking place all over the world.Each person's thoughts get collected in the collective consciousness and affect/ set into motion causes, as per its nature.And when one sends out harmonious thoughts and vibrations on a massive scale so as to tilt the balance in favour of harmony, Peace is the byproduct.


Dear Mr.Chopra, I've read most of your books and I like and practice "Synchrodestiny", most of all.I'm honoured and delighted in this "by chance" connection with you directly.
2006-04-13 14:07:03 UTC
Individual Christians were guided by the Republican strategists to collecively vote to destroy their own well-being. Individuals who think for themselves and see through the smoke and mirrors are obligated to work overtime to counteract the collective sheep mentality and its destruction. Unfortunately, I dont think this gives much inner peace to those true individuals who are conscious and have to exist in a world of knee-jerk manipulation.
2006-04-13 12:48:04 UTC
I used to have a button with a slogan that I wore on my jacket. It read: PEACE BEGINS WITH ME. I lost that button and some months later I found a button in a shop in San Francisco that said: TEACH PEACE. I had that button for a long time... and then I lost it too.

In a strange way, I think this story mirrors my relationship to maintaining a peaceful countenance. Peace is easy to lose. I must be vigilant in keeping peace, maintaining it and encouraging it to stay with me.

Surely if our planet's people were practicing peace within themselves and with others in their sphere of influence, we would have a world that did less killing and more negotiating.
2006-04-13 13:49:46 UTC
I refuse to only live up to the small demands of a cynical disregard for world peace. We have to be the best expectation of our life or live in misery divided against ourselves. Therefore I will lead where my heart truly takes me to the best expectation that my life can speak to. As every life touches millions of others I have faith that the critical mass starts right here.
2014-09-25 20:16:01 UTC
Texas and California have droughts that rival Africa. The difference is that supplies can be shipped in from another state that has plenty of water. In Africa, those shipments are stolen or destroyed. Famines there are caused as much by a guy with a spear or a rifle as it is from the lack of water.
2006-04-13 13:35:55 UTC
I think it's important, and the beginning but not key. Most individuals in one form or fashion want peace for themselves, but without wanting it more for your fellow neighbor than yourself it will not achieved be globally.

So the impetus has to be others. So in harmony with Matthew 7:12 “All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them."

When we put the needs of peace for others first, it helps manifest the peace in our lives.
2006-04-13 13:37:46 UTC
Most people hate their lives. This is life in the modern world, we are more alienated from healthy, organic living every day. I know your work and think you are great, but understand most of us slug on by as computer programmers, accountants, lawyers, and other cube dwellers. I will quote Kristnamurti who said "the specialization of mankind is killing him."

If this is to be the source of world peace, God help us.
2006-04-13 12:53:28 UTC
Without peace in the heart of an individual,there is no peace in the family,which leads to no peace in the community...and on and on...It's simple,but I truly believe in this simplicity.
2006-04-13 12:35:43 UTC
world peace?..firstly..the lack of peace is caused by the complete destruction of the human psyche,which began when humans searching for a so called GOD. FOUND RELIGION..all religions are false..its strange but do you notice how violent zealots of these religions are when threatened with exposure? has completely prooven that the bible is only a compiliation of stories..mary was raped by god while engaged to joseph..jesus,s life was an exemplary one yes..but his teachings has done far more harm than,iraq.palestine,THE crusades,and present day america..religion is a crime..we as humans are spiritual beings.our physical selves are our homes.the spirit is intangible,invisible and imortal..until we see ourselves as we really are and not seek a god,(god is dog reversed) we will not find peace.the transformation necessary for world peace has to begin with the replacement of religion as the basis for all we are as humans..this dysfunctional existence is manifested daily on our newscasts.or rather in our media..our politicians have embraced theese falsehoods thereby almost legitimizing them..but most see the desease in the world and no answers in sight..they kill the messengers and brand them as radicals..john lennons a great place to start..dr deepak..i admire your work...thanks
2006-04-13 12:18:23 UTC
individuals do not and have not caused a significant transformation of nations or "the monster of civilzation"

"A system is it's lack of integrity" F. N. - civilzation is a system and has proved itself - very few people declare war on others, nations/religions(systems)do - and people kill even when they really don't want to, or otherwise wouldn't for some distorted cause that in the end diminishes the true individual and their ability to have a transformative effect on a large scale. A system takes on a life of it's own beyond the individual.

The world is a Monster of Energy . . . .
2006-04-13 12:11:50 UTC
If true peace is to ever exist then each individual must be commit to that goal. Peace can be maintained through force for a limited time but that type of peace cannot last. Each individual must also be committed to the concept that no one should cause damage or loss to another individual.
2006-04-13 14:13:31 UTC
It all begins in your heart. We need to be @ peace with The Lord-peace, harmony & love in our hearts before we can have any power in the world-Even then we must leave it in the hands of the Creator. The Lord, God is in total control & as we walk w/Him, He empowers us to have victory over our enemies.
2006-04-13 12:32:09 UTC
Individual efforts aside. Until are society and others learn to accept differences and perhaps most importantly divorce religion from local, state, federal, and national politics we will never have peace on any of these levels.
2017-03-05 09:10:26 UTC
2006-04-13 14:02:24 UTC
I believe that in order for us to attain world peace we first have to have peace of mind. And peace of mind can only be attain if you are in peace with the peopple around you. So you see to have world peace means to have personal peace with yourself and vice versa.
2006-04-13 12:49:48 UTC
I think there must be no one alive who, in their right mind, could say they don't want peace. Peace is in every ones best interest and can only lead to further understanding and happiness.

So what is it that prevents people from practicing it? Greed seems a likely culprit and ignorance. Those who put monetary gain before the health and happiness of themselves and others at all cost. I think a few more people practicing Ahimsa and telling others about what they are doing may go a long way to teaching people.

Could enough people today consciously overcome the excessive greed. It seems unlikely since those who hone the ultimate power are the ones deepest enmeshed in the evil, though one hopes it is possible.

While the short answer to you question remains that what else is there but people's consciousness to determine world peace? There is nothing else, if people chose this there would be no question.

Namaste and thank you.
2006-04-13 14:01:53 UTC
2006-04-13 13:03:32 UTC
I think that when one person begins to think more altruistically and follows through with those ideas and puts aside his/her own insecurities, fears, needs, desires, and puts forward a willingness to help and give without expecting anything, then we can achieve peace.
2006-04-13 13:59:04 UTC
what do you mean individual transformation...

the most important question is who has to transform himself.. we can judge others culture as bad one and we are just great and then it is THEM who has to transform.. because they think the same way probably..

it is not about transformation.. it is about to ACCEPT OTHERS and respecting them and their beliefs..
2006-04-13 13:51:09 UTC
I think the role of individual transformation is critical in manifesting world peace. the individual must change himself before he can change the world. I believe true peace consciousness of the masses could put us on the path we have not been traveling on towards world peace. I read questions on this site and read the newspaper and cringe. I see alot of people say they are Christian or love God and they are upset other people are intolerant,but while they say this in one sentence, they direct negativity or emotional poison at another group culture or religion. I do not see any evidence of either individual integrity (they talk peace,they live peace) or individual understanding of peace, forgiveness,acceptance, these appear to be concept that are discussed but realities rarely practiced out of ignorance or malice. yesterday I answered a question about some poem some one wrote basically saying if God is so great why did he make such a big mistake and make a world so devoid of love and full of hate. I do not go to church and I do not like religion I think people take the message of intolerance and freely condemn others, rejecting commonsense and objectivity in the name of dogma.I was offended by this negative self serving hypocrisy that seems to be the hallmark of belonging to a religion and I know this is not true not all christians or other religious groups are steretypical hypocrites but it is not hard to see how easy it is to continue the downward spiral of negativity. Peace needs to begin inside ourselves,then in our homes,next in our communites,our countries;world peace will come as a result of our living in harmony with integrity,it is not something we try to do,but what we must become a part of. we should teach our children the option of atheism which is a better choice than generating and directing hate and rejection at the one you believe gave you life out of loves creation, we need to educate our children about their individual power, one person affects all (like the drop of water causing the ripple effect)I believe as individuals we need to refuse to accept the devils( or whatever disharmony is whether it is energy or a personified form)tools of self hatred(fear and shame) and hatred of mankind ( intolerance and sometimes ignorance) from anyone who offers them to us. I honestly wonder if there are people out there spreading their intolerance and hate who actually believe they are not serving satan because they claim to believe in a God or are those people from the church of westboro worshipping god, the one that lives in the tower of babel underground.

As individuals we are responsible for creating positivity in ourselves, modeling and reflecting the behavior that we want to recieve and reflecting back the love of creation back to God. As individuals we must accept our responsibility to ourselves and our brothers and sisters of the world and stop waiting for an invisible they to change it for us, and expecting it to come for us as we show apathy towards others. We forget that having integrity is supposed to be part of who we are, our character instead it is more of a concept or an option.We need to walk our talk and talk our walk. We need to forgive others and ourselves,and expect nothing from anybody that we are unwilling to give. I do not believe we can make world peace a reality until we create inner peace individually and collectively. I am just as guilty of the next person of generating negativity but I will accept my role in manifesting peace and forgive myself, love myself and work on practicing tolerance and objectivity towards other people who do not share my culture, values ,goals, ideas or theological beliefs.
2006-04-13 13:22:15 UTC
You have to love yourself and love others. World peace will only come if everyone learns to get along with everyone else regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Everyone deserves a fair trial and everyone deserves to feel love. So learn to love people for who they are, and not judge them or yourself.
2006-04-13 12:40:38 UTC
When I read posts on this site, I see so much negativity, intolerance, hate, judgment, insecurity, etc. People who feel this way have lost connection to their humanity, and their ability to feel compassion for people who are not like them. If they could find this connection again, it would affect more than just themselves - it would affect everything and everyone in their lives. I think power lies more in the individual than most people realize.
2006-04-13 13:16:58 UTC

None of that esoteric BS is realistic in our world--it just works in a philosophy book.
2006-04-13 12:33:31 UTC
The role of individual transformation is the beginning point in manifesting world peace. Individuals must reach peace within themselves before there will be any type of global peace. We cannot love, accept or respect the differences of others without the ability to do these things within ourselves. We must learn to see people for who they are, rather than what they are. This is not maturity, but enlightenment.

Peace consciousness is a contagion. Just like a virus, a mind-set shared by some will, in time, become shared by many. Keep it going long enough and it will become an antibody against prejudice which, in the beginning, middle and end is the primary cause of the chaos in our present day world. 'Pay it forward'

I hope you like my answer as much as I like your question. Thank you


Edit: Had to correct a word
2006-04-13 12:42:10 UTC
Promote Peace, and abandon racism, mind our own business if not helping others, and just follow the 10 commandments. And YES to your final question ;)
Mars Hall
2006-04-13 12:13:37 UTC
I don't think it's really about individuals. The government will find an enemy for us no matter how at peace people are with themselves. Individuals don't create wars, governments do, and governments don't really want peace. There's money in war.
2006-04-13 12:32:22 UTC
we are all called to be salt and light if we are, then we at least offer that to the world everyone has a free will we can lead by example and offer influence and we are called to be peacefull and we can find inner peace through Jesus Christ happy Easter
2006-04-13 12:21:48 UTC
In deep down i feel like doing something against corruption. But i don't cos i m a sell fish. But what i do is, donate red cross and help individuals regularly. I want to help three person a day. but i don't do that regularly cos i m mean too.
2006-04-13 12:28:25 UTC
As long as there are two humans on the earth there will never be true peace.
2006-04-13 13:21:49 UTC
Anything real is done by individuals. They may or may not be ones with a lot of influence over others, but it is still the individual. Every person who finds peace in their own hearts, in their own attitude toward others, improves the chances that those who make global decisions will be influenced to seek peaceful solutions to problems. My own favorite is trade agreements: you don't go to war against your customers, or against your suppliers. Once the mutual advantages in peaceful trade get obvious, the people who benefit will bring pressure to bear on any official who starts rattling his saber.
2006-04-13 12:27:53 UTC
Individual transformation is essential to world peace. But we can not change unless we know where we are wrong, how we are effecting eachother. If people keep offending and hurting eachother, the revenge and anger is cycle never ending. Accepting and owning our wrongs, admitting we are wrong and forgiving those that wronged us is the beginning of inner peace. From inner peace it can branch out to peace in our dewellings to peace between nations.
2006-04-13 13:19:12 UTC
There is no peace in the world; actually, there is no world, and there is no 'mass'. Mass is only an abstract idea one has about the world, which is maya (illusion). Peace is a feeling. There can only be peace in oneself, by silencing desires of 'I' and being content in one's higher being. Transformation cannot occur, because everyone already 'is' as godlike as they will ever be. Realization of this is a worthy goal, but, then again, so is peeling carrots, or doing headstands, or writing a new computer program (no difference in the essential value of the task, just in the attitude one holds towards oneself -- the 'doer' is inconsequential, so think, 'this task is being done' rather than 'I am doing this task'). So, if your goal is to manifest world peace, good, it is as worthy a goal as peeling carrots too. Please do it! But know this: peace is something already inside of yourself, something you must find for yourself, and you cannot ever bring it to anyone else nor 'make' the world peaceful. Manifesting world peace is nothing more or less than a performance of your own individual state of being.
2006-04-13 12:40:07 UTC
all that needs to happen is for every individual to decide that she or he is going to be more respectful to everything and everyone (not just humans) and actually do it. no one person needs to convince thousands of ppl, the choice to be a better person should come from within urself. if other someone told other ppl that they needed to act better, the ppl would call them hypocrites or something equally obnoxious. it's really simple in theory, but in real life it doesn't work that way.
2006-04-13 12:48:57 UTC
May be .Can be done. Did not Gandhi do it alone?

I am honoured as to the source of the Q. Dare not write more.:-)
2006-04-13 12:48:28 UTC
The problem with peace is that everyone must want it, otherwise it doesn't work.
2006-04-13 13:52:52 UTC
Tolerance, definitely tolerance. We need to recognize that there are differences among nations and need to accept those differences.
♥ Yame ♥
2006-04-13 13:35:44 UTC
There will never be world peace.
2006-04-13 12:20:26 UTC
Inividual transformation is the most essential part of attaining world peace. If the individuals are not at peace, even if peace were to be attained it coulsd not be maintained.
2006-04-13 12:58:07 UTC
a person who has peace within one's self

Is a person who will not sleep
2006-04-13 12:37:26 UTC
we must learn to accept all tolerance..when a person has done damage-(that is irreversable)-he must make peace with others, and those who he hurt should also make peace. no matter if the "bad seed" makes more trouble-(within tolerant levels)..being shunned and rejected is a terrible thing..

we shouldnt go to war against each other..we should shake hands and try hard to get along here..neutrality, civility and most of all-compassion is the key word in preventing any more conflicts


iam honored and humbled by

your presense Dr. Chopra. thank you for visiting us!
2006-04-13 12:47:31 UTC
I believe the role of the individual is extremely important. It is only when enough individuals believe in the possibility of enacting a shift toward a more harmonious co-existence on earth, that it edges more into the realm of probability than possibility.

Unfortunately, only a relatively small percentage of the world's population has an understanding of active manifestation, and how powerful it can be.

So, it becomes the responsibility of the individual, who has personally experienced the power of active manifestation, to concsiously manifest the desired outcome. And to share the knowledge of the possibility with others. * An area that I believe you have heavily contributed! Thank you!*

Regarding " ... individual transformation....", it is my experience that once an individual begins to understand the power of conscious, active manifestation, transformation is inevitable. An analogy is a child learning to walk. Once the first steps are taken, the individual will never return to crawling exclusively again. He or she will try and try again until they repeat the act of walking.

Is it the answer? I believe so. However, I don't foresee the shift in our immediate future. Not unless and until ' the seed of possibility' reaches into every culture on Earth. But, I do believe that we're making great strides forward. So, let's all continue to believe and to share the possibility of harmony with our neighbors.
SK8TERGURL~1~NOT~ 2/davesslave
2006-04-13 13:33:07 UTC
You have to love and be at peace with yourself to truly be able to promote peace.
2006-04-13 12:15:10 UTC
I think you have to work with what you have...we have the self. Peace starts with each of we transition to more peacful individuals our little piece of the world transitions as well. We are examples to others and if we can be the peace we desire perhaps others will be inspired to make changes in their own lives.
2006-04-13 12:24:57 UTC
if each person across the planet would wake up each morning and say, 'i am not going to harm anything or anyone or myself today; i am going to smile and help someone feel better today-- every society would instantly be paradise.
2006-04-13 12:20:24 UTC
Wars will go on till men refuse to fight.

nuff said
2006-04-13 12:34:47 UTC
One man stood in front of a line of tanks...and captured the imagination of the world.
2006-04-13 12:17:04 UTC
it is the first step--having personal peace consciousness and developing it within oneself. however, i don't think it's enough. too many people think that if they've got themselves together then their work is done--the next step is to share that process with the people you come into contact with so that they likewise can set themselves upon the path to peace.
2006-04-13 13:52:32 UTC
As Jesus said, "Love one another." It's as simple as that.
2006-04-13 12:57:12 UTC 1 soap opera mother tells her son..."they will try to convine u that u r the Messiah,dont trust them"...
game over loves evanescence
2006-04-13 13:28:43 UTC
hello my name is game over and i never read any of ur books neither do i know who u are . this meaning that my opinions are complitedly independient to urs .

well first yes i do agree to be able to achieve peace the first step is to be on peace whit yourself this whit out a doubt . peace can be manifested in many ways on the person . it could be in a song in a painting in watching your problems passing away and not feeling worried just feeling relaxed and knowing that nothing is eternal includidng ur problems . some one once said that peace is like a dove siting next to a cascade whit out worries . i think most of us would agree whit this .

but this is only internal peace . peace can not be achieved whit out each other . it would be like having someone really mad at u and feeling that ur in peace just because u feel it . one of the most important things to adquire this peace is to understand each other to acknowledge the others needs and to undersand the there can always be disagrement but it doesn't have to mean a war .

so then again u can only find peace when u find peace whit each other any other way is just lying to yourself . ignoring the others problems can only result in more war and missunderstanding .
2006-04-13 12:44:41 UTC
2006-04-13 12:53:23 UTC
I think we need it but will ever have it doubt it
2006-04-13 13:51:28 UTC
theres no such thing as world peace....
2006-04-13 12:34:51 UTC
I feel it is of the utmost importance and the essential ingredient. For if there is no individual transformation then there can be no transformation at all. If transformation of the state of our world is to take place then it must start with the individual. In order to truly accomplish this I have to become totally aware of my effect on the world around me. Whether it be effects on the Quantum World as discussed on "What the Bleep do We Know" and by the work of Dr. Emoto or the physical, emotional, and energetic effect we have on people around us. Those at the Impact Trainings said it best for me when they stated "If it is to be it is up to me" the ultimate reference to personal transformation indicating that everyone must take a stand for their own space and contribution as they cannot count on any one else to do it. For if my neighbor is being a positive contribution to the world and I am not then true world change cannot take place and his effort lessened by my lack of effort. True WORLD peace involves us all and can only be accompished when we ALL come together individually to bring about change

So stop and take a look at how you affect the world around you through your thoughts, actions, perspectives, expectations, judgements and attitudes and if you truly would like something different then make it happen in your self for that is the place that it MUST start
2006-04-13 12:17:36 UTC
like ghandi said, "be the change you want to see in the world"
Sacramento dweller
2006-04-13 12:34:16 UTC
Change yourself and you will change the world.
2006-04-13 12:27:24 UTC
yes i think so

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.