I am lost in today's world. Help appreciated.?
2008-04-22 01:07:57 UTC
Hi. Im an 18 year old undergraduate, currently partaking in a health science degree. I have always felt out of place in this world, and it takes great effort for me to just...let loose and enjoy myself. Documentary films such as The 11th Hour (Leonardo Di Caprio) outlining the attrocities being committed in this hypocrittical society I live in just makes me sick and confused, and I feel powerless to do anything. I then experience no motivation to do anything, because i just end up with feeling "whats the point? Even if i become a health promoter or spokesperson etc... nothing will really ever change unless the attitudes of the public and actions of those above us in power change".
I am over the ubiquitous consumerism that i am subjected to everyday, and sometimes participate in. Whats it all worth? The US Army funding is larger than the toal income of the country i live in. Select few own billions of dollars, when billions of ppl in 3rd world countries suffer and die....any thoughts?
23 answers:
2008-04-22 08:14:05 UTC
It's overwhelming, isn't it?

I'm 47, politically active, and there are weeks when I have to simply tune it all out and take a break. I make art, it's my passion. I make political art. It allows me to channel what I'm feeling and thinking about what's going on around me.

If I may suggest a few things:

I applaud your awareness and sensitivity.

The point is you are here, you are alive and you have a purpose.

You are just starting out in life. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's okay to be 18 and take a break to be 18. Allow yourself this. Even the Buddha sat under a tree... for a real long time.

A pebble drops in a lake and it seems like Tsunami on the other side. A butterfly triggers a tornado. Your efforts, no matter how small you believe they are, have an effect. Don't discount the little things. Success is an accumulation of many small acts, contrary to what it looks like on the outside.

Change the way you think and you change the way you see the world. Change the way you see the world, and the world around you changes.

Keep the faith, kiddo. Keep the faith. There are many of us out there doing the good work. Things are changing....
2008-04-22 03:58:21 UTC
Regarding the Empire...It's despirately trying to cling to the resources of the world and claim them...but they are doing the same thing that every empire in the past has done, and have over extended themselves. It's approaching a fall. Everyone knows it, but there's really not much an individual can do except start trying to emphasise the need for small communities to begin learning how to take care of each other and themselves again. Most people are used to what they were raised in, so any changes will come slowly and generationally. It doesn't matter how your grandchildren will live. They'll have to find a way to take care of themselves. The real issue is once America falls, what are the outsiders who've suffered at the hands of the West going to do to your grandchildren. American government is only a puppet for private multinational interests who have no loyalty to any one nation, but Americans in the future will still be the ones blamed for the actions of these institutions... and in many ways, they are complicit in allowing these things to happen.

I'm not really sure you're in the wrong for lacking motivation. We are not currently in a state that encourages it.
2008-04-22 02:41:48 UTC
You CAN change the world, one person at a time- watching films about present day atrocities is good only to educate you, but remember, all things put in film are always going to be sensationalized in order to SELL that film- no matter how good his intentions, Di Caprio is banking in on this project, even if it is "non-profit", believe me, he IS profiting from the film in some way- don't be too swayed about his "good" intentions- but the bottom line is, that any atrocity that has happened, for the sake of those victims, and in their names, take what you have learned by the tragedy and in YOUR life, take that and do some good for another person. In other words, instill yourself with that energy and put in into the service of others- you have wonderful empathy, therefore you will make an EXCELLENT health care worker. Right now, there is someone suffering, you CAN make a difference in the world by learning your skill and alleviating the pain of that ONE person's suffering, and thru that, you will change the world- That is the only way it is done- to take the empathy instilled upon you by that film, and use it to perform selfless acts for others- then that suffering will not be in vain. Don't let films like this upset you- those films profit from sensationalism, the world is NOT as bad as it seems, the world is YOU and those around you, if you make the best of it, you will change the world. Cheer up- think of the many ways life is truly amazing- just look around you, beginning with those who love you. It is truly NOT as bad as these films portray AND many times these films are one sided, remember, there are many sides to these issues, as bad as they may seem, there are probably a dozen reasons that these film makers are NOT exposing, or else they would not be able to sell their films!!

NEVER feel like "what is the point"!! YOU have the potential to do great things!!! NEVER LET THE ASSHOLES GET YOU DOWN!!!
2008-04-22 01:27:20 UTC
Sounds like you've achieved the dreaded and much avoided Enlightenment. No going back now.

(Most of the answers I'm reading here reveal that most of these people have never experience this to the degree that you are. They probably killed off any conscience with which they were burdened. Some of the answers are profound, though.)

Think about it this way:

What if you could help promote ideas like Social Health Care for Children in the USA? Would that not be a big drop in the barrel? How about promoting testing before granting the right to vote? That is where no one gets to vote without proving a base competence of how our government functions and perhaps also of how health, economic, etc. issues are crucial.

You cannot change the world. You could cloister yourself away and pray. Or just lock yourself in your home. That would be about the same thing.

Or, you can just try to create awareness. That's about the most we can do. Join a group that promotes awareness as to the damage upon the moral character of our children, not to mention the adult population, perpetrated by the majority of the TV shows. Help people to recognize how they are being manipulated with emotionally charged words like "patriotism" "un-American" and so-forth.

Have children and rear them away from the idiocy of pop-culture USA. Then you have created yet another possible source of resistance to the insanity of "modern American culture."
2008-04-22 01:43:09 UTC
Do you even realise the obstacles you have overcome making it to here. It's by no measure a small achievement.

Mountain climbers face difficulties, most often, when the approach the peak. Once they are on top, there's a rush that they feel.... incomparable.

Their only regret, could be not seeing, another peak that's higher and more difficult.

You are going to let this movie end it all. Buy a ticket for the same movie and watch it again wearing ear plugs. You will realise without the sound effects, its just a sequence of pictures.

Your efforts up to now is reality.
2008-04-22 01:26:34 UTC
You need perspective: conditions in the West have continued to improve, in many ways, over the years and centuries.

You also need perspective about your role: you are one person in a group of billions. You look at the billions and their problems, and weigh them against your small contribution. That is incorrect. By acting lovingly, patiently, joyfully, and wisely, you may help many people, in 40 years of work. The world may go up or down during your lifetime; but, like "It's a Wonderful Life," your presence will help make life better.

Give a read to "When Invisible Children Sing," Chi Cheng Huang, M.D., "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Olga Kharitidi, M.D., and "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.

"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

"Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D., "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, "Psychoenergetic Science," Dr. William A. Tiller, "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D., "Extraordinary Knowing," Elizabeth Mayer, Ph.D., and "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, are also worthwhile.
2008-04-22 01:15:46 UTC
If everyone felt hopeless as you do, then the world would stop.

Change can only come from you. You arent the governor of the world, only your life. Make that meaningful and as a part of a team that commits to helping people, and change is possible. Dont be the broken link in this chain, friend, there are already way too many already.. And dont think you are so important that you have the world upon your shoulders. you are but one person, do your part. Best of luck.
2008-04-22 01:23:02 UTC
So you felt out of place in this world, it is true what you wrote but this feeling gets it every body, You need to pep your self up and start to take an interest in this society you are living in, and make some friends , although you said you are confused and powerless and you have no motivation to do any thing, if you continue like this you will get depressed , and you end up taken medication and hospitalize ,You do not want this to happen then go out in the countryside and enjoy nature, so you bet back to normality and you will get out from this problem of yours, and the best thing for you is to dispell all your thoughts from your mind and be happy with life and take each day as it comes
2008-04-22 01:27:00 UTC
Ive always felt out of place in this world myself,but thats y i just adore myself.I refused to slide in amongst the brainwashed zombies that make up most of the population of this planet.As for your problem stop and live your life to the fullest.Become some one with power so you can make a diffrence.Look at buddah and hittler there belifes and words alone have helped shap this world yours may do the same.But as for me i can care less what happens to this world i wont have to deal with it im not imortal.But that dosent mean i wont try to obtain power as to make a diffrence one way or another.
2008-04-22 01:19:05 UTC
sometimes the trick is to look at the world not as something that engulfs you but as something to conquer. the false notion i think is when people try so hard to blend in the world they live in to be conquered by it's adversaities and by it's philosophies. my point of view is different, i like to be something that captures the worlds attention, you dont really have to be big to cause a big change, all you need to be is sometime the dust in the wind to wake some sleeping souls..

i like to dream big yes, but taking small steps maybe slow but sure..

love your place under the sun you may not see it now but if you look from your space to the world whatever effort you do to make this world better is considered special.

" i cannot change how the world percieves me,but what i can change is how i am presented" cant remember the guy who said that but i surely remember how i felt when i heared that..

i hope it makes sense..
2008-04-22 01:16:22 UTC
If you go through life getting peeved over humankind's refusal to change and adapt as progression demands, then you've got a hard row to hoe!

This life sucks, and it's ultimately worth nothing. What will be will be. It's possible to make a difference perhaps, or perhaps not.

What you are experiencing is cognitive dissonance where you haven't identified with yourself or your future. All I can say is, you will, but you might just give up and become a nihilistic atheist like me!

It'a all crap, I say, and in a few more years, I'm probably gonna ship out, if you get my meaning!

2008-04-22 01:13:12 UTC
Those are all things that are unfortunate in life.

So? Either get up and begin to help make changes in the world or stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with your own life.

The world sucked 500 years ago and it sucks now. Whats the point? To live life. To be something that got to live.

Like I said, join the peace corps or get over it. If you really feel nothing can change unless its a national power change then you're out of luck. Because thats not happening anytime soon.
kaveri p
2008-04-22 02:11:37 UTC
hey....i understand how it feels....seems lik somwer inside u r very keen on geting back da is a gud feeling.....u see....if u r feeling unmotivated because u feel wats da point since it makes no diference.....then u r just in a state too emotional.....u know every single lif is important....cause by helping 1 person u r savin 1 life which is precious....very all what u can...if u can save atleast 1 lif then u have started improving the world with humanity and it will continue though there r people out der who r spoiling lives...but u must remember this point dat however foward badness goes it always remains behind is ur faith dat can help yaar....and if u itself r losing it how can u think of helping people who r in need of u....ur purpose of living itself must give u strength.....and i feel u need faith to believe dat even i single drop will make a diference to da ocean....i think u need some time off....wen u try and analyse what ur heart deeply desires and then with faith all along, u musy carry on with da purpose with which u made ur lif important....what does dat have to do with da higher officials and other people....when u r doin all what u can and it definitly is making a diference and i feel somwer inside u know dat too....but u want a bigger towards it but expecting da others to co orparate...dont stop da small diference u r making, by quiting it....since it is very important dat u r strong since u want to help....i realy do feel u can do it....cause a person with gud intentions is never weak....he just doent feel it somtimes....take sometime 4 urself....i am sure u will be able to justify wat u want to....and u will surely enjoy living ur purpose...hope i was of litle help to u...
2008-04-22 01:49:59 UTC
Become a politician and make changes! Failing that, you just do what you can within your own environment. Hold on to your moral values, hold you head up and keep trying to make the world a nicer place.
2016-11-08 12:11:50 UTC
i think of that LOVE itself is lacking in this international. There are too many human beings hating others. i such as you all i like money i like my vehicle i like my kinfolk i like my friends I lam in-love with my spouse, husband, considerable different etc. it may be so effective for individuals to declare what they recommend whilst they love somebody. it is none committing, it builds friendships, it retains relationships between companions going. So, as for it is unquestionably word being lost, no, yet love itself confident. God Bless. I continually say to my son earlier he is going to mattress whilst he comes for a cuddle 'i such as you' for I recommend it. i such as you all. God loves us all.
2008-04-22 01:11:55 UTC
i would say everyone gets such feelings. my advice live each day and think of EVERYTHING as another experience in which you should make the most of.

anyway time for me to go for a surf and enjoy life and not have to think about the world and all its troubles :)
Irony Man
2008-04-22 03:50:12 UTC
I suggest that you go and live in a South East Asia country.

May be you will make a differences there.
2008-04-22 01:11:26 UTC
2008-04-22 01:14:45 UTC
find something worth dying for and pursue it. get a focus and go for it. find answers this question: why am i on earth?
Mogollon Dude
2008-04-22 01:13:58 UTC
Change your life . Do all news things .
2008-04-22 01:12:25 UTC
those who cant do my friend, we teach and mentor others...

"you gotta keep yo head up"~ Tupac
2008-04-22 01:11:30 UTC
u have the sickness called .... "maryocaryokarypoharyosis"

this is a sickness that is similar to what you are feeling ... consult with a doctor !!!!
2008-04-22 01:09:55 UTC
you are doomed

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