Mr Dinesh Chopra
2009-07-22 16:20:48 UTC
Its so deadly that the individual harbouring it (and that is everybody including myself) can go as far as suggesting they're fine and there is nothing wrong with them.
I beleive that todays world is a nasty place, a dog-eat-dog world out there and no place for innocence and purity. The world would eat you alive within seconds if you were innocence and purity personifed.
Hence why I believe society and the environment we live in, 'conditions' us to become who were and behave the way we do.
How many of us act/say the things that are really on our minds in day to day life out in public ?
I think society is harsh and that the world we live in is no place for innocent minded individuals with good hearts - such entities cannot and willnot surivive for too long in this world - at least thats my asssessment/belief.
I believe that a lot of people are unhappy with life as it is, and therefore are oppressed somewhat mentally, physically and psychologicaly. Maybe spiritualy too who knows.
The world we live in today is a place where money does the talking and money brings power and respect, and sadly its the currency of life - superceding love.
I think anybody born of a fair mind in this day and age will grow up struggling to come to terms with how to play their hand in this game, the game of life. Life in this world today.
Is todays world no place for innocence and pure minds ?