creation or evolution?
hot sauce 19
2006-01-16 10:48:55 UTC
any opinions?
Twenty answers:
2006-01-16 12:04:31 UTC
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and it was good.

From the earth God created man.

From the rib of man God created Eve.

Nowhere in the bible does God say a creature evolved into a new creation. Except, in Christ. You see when you except Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are not transformed from one existence to another, you are made into a new creation. You are a creation that was never before or ever existed in time or space. You are a new creation. Do not be deceived by sweet words and spectral views. I tell you this because I would like to see you, in heaven, one day.


Did you know that Eve is the only creation that did not come directly from the earth?
2006-01-16 13:02:29 UTC
Ok, these arguments for creationism are lame. The first was: "if evolution were true, why are there still monkeys and why are there no monkeys giving birth to humans?"

First of all, the evolution from apes to the humans we are today took hundreds of thousands of years, an ape didn't just suddenly give birth to a human. Second, we didn't evolve from any apes that are in existence today, we just share a common ancestor with them, and this ancestor is long extinct because it was not as well adapted to it's environment.

The second argument: "Nowhere in the bible does God say a creature evolved into a new creation."

Ok, yes that is true, but the bible also never mentions quantum physics, astrophysics, germ theory and any other scientific discovery in the past 2,000 years. Does that mean all of science is wrong, since the bible can't directly validate it? Science is based on evidence, not a direct interpretation of religious texts.

In conclusion, PHYSICAL EVIDENCE!!!!!! Lots of it supports the thoery of evolution, none of it supports creationism. The main reason why people are so against evolution is because they don't know the basic theory behind it.
2006-01-16 10:52:10 UTC
2006-01-16 13:01:53 UTC

they have proved there was a big bang, our reasonable evolution, and if any other religion isnt right what makes ours right than theirs.

The bible was writtin 30+ years after the son of god had pasted. The people who wrote the book were children at Jesus' his time. The people could of easily lied and such. I guess all people have reasonable explanations too but if he was a divine being wouldnt he of prevented at least the all the great wars since its his own children dieing for no reason if they lose the war. It wouldnt make sense for having some one be killed for no reason even if its his own son. Also wouldnt all the nations live in peace? Why would he favor America when Jesus was born some where in Iraq(according to the bible).
2006-01-17 02:48:06 UTC
This whole debate is so old and dumb. seriously.

Evolution. for many, many, many reasons. For so many reasons that it's rediculous. It defies comprehension why its so hard for people to accept this. But evolution, here, just because the folks on the God Squad, quoting Genesis like its scripture*, seem to be such massive jerks :

"Eve is the only thing that didn't come directly from the Earth."

Translation: I have to assume that women are unnatural, fallen, wicked, nasty, naughty things because I cannot imagine a world where men dont beat their wives and where the white-supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy isn't in charge of everything. It's the only way it makes sense to me.

Here's the deal. Even if you can't stomach the idea that man, over the course of millions of years, came down from tree, split into a bunch of sub groups, killed all its competators off, and emerged in a three piece suit, gold watch, Bible and cross, you need to support evolution. Why? Because we're going to need lots of scientists to clean up the mess we've made (on account of, in many cases, the white-supremacist, capitalist, Christian, patriarchy), and it doesn't help those brave souls cleaning up nuclear waste and reparing the ozone for us to have a bunch of monkey-minded, fearmongering (yet, ironically, cowardly) jerks telling children (possible future scientists) that theyre going to burn in Hell for all eternity if they even so much as think about something like evolution, or rights for women, or care for the homeless, or non-violence in foreign policy (the end to unjust war), while all the while lobbying among everyone else in the world with a ferocity that can only be matched by jungle tigers and Texas oil-men that, in FACT, God created everything in a week and there's no room to argue (or its the hot spot for you), women (and minorities) are naturally inferior to the white man, and, by the way, it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

You Suck. You don't know it, but you only believe what you do and say what you say because your hate and fear lines the church's pockets with cold, hard, un-evolved cash. It produces more of the same old problem and the church laughs all the way to the bank.

*I hope someone catches this irony.
2006-01-17 11:36:53 UTC
Evolution. Creationism is nothing more than superstitious mythology railing against reality. See the Talk Origins archive for tons of reasons why evolution is superior to the Young Earthers' arguments.

I have no problem with people believing in a god, but the intellectual dishonesty invested in trying to prop up a literal view of Genesis in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary makes me sick.
2006-01-16 10:58:45 UTC
I think evolution happened.

This is about as good as I can get in my study of a rationale against it:

But still, science works for me on this.


See what I mean, the man above me says if we evolved from monkeys how come there are still monkeys around and they dont give birth to humans. I assume he is of course illustrating the stereotypical response that a fundi(mentalist) would have against evolution, god help the man if thats what his science education has left him with.

Thats the thing about evolution, I believe it happened, just that its not an absolute proved beyond reason that it did and I seek more evidence. I sure don't go around saying "but monkeys are still here and they don't give birth to humans."

I mock that, I don't mock a man or woman who believes God man Earth and all creatures in it, and that they took the time to understand the theory of evolution.
2006-01-16 13:33:16 UTC
Creation. every animal has mind blowing specialties, only God could have made it. plus, at creation the Earth's atmosphere was a lot better than now, there was more O2 in the air then, that's how dinosaurs lived. after the flood the air was different and the dinos couldn't survive.
2006-01-16 14:09:44 UTC
evoulition is by far more believable. of course, there could always be spontaneous creation. first nothing then something. Heck, there might have always been, and there may have never have been a time when there was nothing.
2006-01-16 10:52:36 UTC
evolution even though i belev in god science proves over all religion that humans evolved from monkeys and monkeys evolved from other things which evolved from a single cell so there u go science proves unlik religion which i belev is just ooopinion and imagination yet it is needed to liv becuz it cud be true

awesome question!!!!!!!!!
2006-01-16 10:51:08 UTC
Definitely creation!!
2006-01-16 10:52:43 UTC
I think both. God could have easily evolved other animals to create us in his own image. None of us were there so we'll never truely know, but that's what I believe.
2006-01-16 10:56:05 UTC
definately creation. if evolution were true, why are there still monkeys and why are there no monkeys giving birth to humans?
annie z
2006-01-16 12:14:37 UTC
Evolution. God does not make sense.
2006-01-16 11:09:23 UTC
i think humans need to belive in something.something more powerful which/who improves their lives. we belive in god because we need to.but there has to be something half magic half science to create such a big world.i don't want to belive it just happend.but i might.
2006-01-16 10:54:11 UTC
evolution. I am more into science.
2006-01-16 10:51:24 UTC
Both. God created humans and allowed them to evolve. God and sientic can co exisist.
2006-01-16 10:52:54 UTC
Both, we were created to evolve.
2006-01-16 10:55:34 UTC
I believe in both.
child of god
2006-01-19 15:19:35 UTC
go to - to see streaming video that will help answer your question...God Bless

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