This whole debate is so old and dumb. seriously.
Evolution. for many, many, many reasons. For so many reasons that it's rediculous. It defies comprehension why its so hard for people to accept this. But evolution, here, just because the folks on the God Squad, quoting Genesis like its scripture*, seem to be such massive jerks :
"Eve is the only thing that didn't come directly from the Earth."
Translation: I have to assume that women are unnatural, fallen, wicked, nasty, naughty things because I cannot imagine a world where men dont beat their wives and where the white-supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy isn't in charge of everything. It's the only way it makes sense to me.
Here's the deal. Even if you can't stomach the idea that man, over the course of millions of years, came down from tree, split into a bunch of sub groups, killed all its competators off, and emerged in a three piece suit, gold watch, Bible and cross, you need to support evolution. Why? Because we're going to need lots of scientists to clean up the mess we've made (on account of, in many cases, the white-supremacist, capitalist, Christian, patriarchy), and it doesn't help those brave souls cleaning up nuclear waste and reparing the ozone for us to have a bunch of monkey-minded, fearmongering (yet, ironically, cowardly) jerks telling children (possible future scientists) that theyre going to burn in Hell for all eternity if they even so much as think about something like evolution, or rights for women, or care for the homeless, or non-violence in foreign policy (the end to unjust war), while all the while lobbying among everyone else in the world with a ferocity that can only be matched by jungle tigers and Texas oil-men that, in FACT, God created everything in a week and there's no room to argue (or its the hot spot for you), women (and minorities) are naturally inferior to the white man, and, by the way, it was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.
You Suck. You don't know it, but you only believe what you do and say what you say because your hate and fear lines the church's pockets with cold, hard, un-evolved cash. It produces more of the same old problem and the church laughs all the way to the bank.
*I hope someone catches this irony.