2007-09-14 10:20:38 UTC
Zenos, an ancient greek philosopher has some pretty good paradox`s about movement. Or the motion of physical bodies through space-time.
Paradox 1 - "Motion cannot exist," proclaims Zenos. In order for a runner to reach the finish line, he must reach the half way point. Which we agree. He continues, but then we would have to reach the halfway point of the halfway point. He continues this on into infinity, saying we would half to reach a halfway point of each halfway point. Infinitely in a finite space.
Paraodox 2 - Which I`am sure you are familiar, is Achilles and the tortoise. Zeno`s says that even though Achilles is running fatser than the tortoise he can never reach him. Well why? Because in order to catch up to the tortoise Achilles has to reach a point where the tortoise has left. Once he gets there the tortoise is in another position. Therefore he has to reach that point, at which the tortoise is in another position. This to go`s on