What is the purpose of our life ? Why are we born ?
2007-03-22 05:35:23 UTC
What is the purpose of our life ? Why are we born ? To make and leave our name in the world ? Is that all ? Or to enjoy life to the fullest ? Or to help the poor rise ? Or in divine search only ? Please guide. Thanks.
46 answers:
Hungry soul
2007-03-22 05:55:28 UTC
All the above statements made by you are correct, and we can combine / balance all the above thoughts into action.

Here is an example....we all say Mother Theresa sacrificed her life for the sake of poor and attained divinity. But just think, if she had not enjoyed every minute of what she did and also found peace in what she did... she could have never acheived her goals...

So enjoying life to the fullest is how you look at life... you can earn as much / spend all the money / save all the money / travel all around... but at the end of the day, if you cant sleep or you toss and turn / you are not able to eat well and you need medicines to put you to sleep, wake you up etc... then you are not enjoying life to the fullest..

I have read about an American named Greg Mortensen ... he is a mountain climber by profession, but is now building schools in pakistan and afganistan... He chose his destiny and perfectly happy about it.. If you get a chance, google about him and his book, "three cups of tea" ... he does not need to to do this at all.. there are world governments / rich organizations who can do this stuff, but that is his calling, and he is doing it...

Or look at Nirmal our own exnora founder... does he need to run behind garbage trucks and rag pickers.... he has chosen his destiny..

So.. choose what you want to do.... open your self to opportunities... listen.... observe... ASK and SEEK....dont be afraid to take chances / risks.. dont be afraid to fail.. dont be afraid to be successful... understand what you really are

If you are selfish / greedy and get jealous dont hide those feelings... go through them.. feel the anger / pain /jealousy and overcome them

If you are restless / lazy or just tired... dont punish your own self... but help your mind to findout what you really want to do.

Be sensitive to your own self and never do anything to make others happy.. do things perfectly and those things that will make you perfectly happy

You will know what to do with your life...

WoW! As i was writing this you, i realised i am also telling myself these words, and helping myself
2007-03-22 14:14:10 UTC
We are born because our parents do you know what...JK. Seriously I think everyone has a purpose and I also know how to figure out that purpose. To do something and completely get absorbed in it that you don't know anything else, something you could never get sick of doing in your life is your purpose. Purpose can be a career, something you do in your free time, or just one goal. No matter what you decide to do in life, if you don't do the one thing you were meant to do, you can never be content. Yes we are also here to live life to the fullest and all those other things you suggested, but everyone's purpose is different and there are many more than some examples you gave. Each person's purpose is unique, it's not just one statement like "We are here to help the poor." No,No, No, No...I mean that is some people's purpose, but not everyones. You have to match your purpose to what you're good at.
Its not me Its u
2007-03-22 17:34:19 UTC
80% of humanity, the religious folks, don't need to ask the meaning of life, the church tells them....the supernatural explanation. But the rest of us can't swallow religious dogma, because there's no evidence. Nobody can prove that there life after death, that people are tortured or rewarded after life or that there's invisible spirits running around.

I've come to two conclusions recently:

1. Life has no meaning

2. Life has a million meanings.

First, there's a certainty that death and annihilation awaits not only you, but the Earth in general. It's an astonomical certainty that our sun will supernova and leave the earth a burnt crisp, not to mention all the other extinction level events around the corner.

Second, the million things that give us meaning are the pleasurable experiences we can conjure up during the short period we are here on the earth, in the form of the relationships we have with our kids and other people, and the 'housekeeping' types of purposes. What i mean by that are the curing disease, ending hunger, improving literacy, reducing crime, preventing war, helping other kinds of things.

So the bottom line is, we only have a temporary meaning to life, to reduce pain and increase pleasure, other than that everything is lost to oblivion.

To be or not to be? "To be" is temporary and "not to be" is inevitable.....
Radhakrishna( prrkrishna)
2007-03-22 10:55:45 UTC
Life is the most beutiful thing that has been bestowed upon us by the God.

You have somany things in the world you live in.

Look at the Nature.or look at the small plants in your back yard...every day they buds of yesterday blossom into colourful flowers.Are the plants waiting for any body to come and see their colours and make an appreciation or feel the fragrance.Whether you or anybody is or is not there they do ther duty without selfishness.

Similarly Sun shines on all..good and bad...equally.he has no partiality.

Same with Rain.

So by observing Nature you learn HOW TO LIVE.

Next, the purpose of life.Nobody knows whether we are reborn are not(say).So, while we live let us do good to all.

remember what we are enjoying today are what the previous generation has liberally given us.

the fruit you eat they are from trees aged more than your age,who planted them and why?They planted so that the next generation will be happy.So it is our responsibilityto see that the next generation will not be deprived of all these good things you enjoyed.You continue them...contribute whatever you can.Be grateful to them who gave you what you are enjoying.

God has given you so many things to you.Parents,a home,education,friends, health ,wealth and etc etc.

If you have an eye you can see there are ORPHANS,Uneducated,Deaf and Dumb,Physically challenged people,BLIND WHO CAN'T SEE THE BEAUTIFUL COLOURFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN.Think about these people a moment.Do what best you can.

There are hungry....dying people.Help them after you settle in life atleast.

they are illrterate people..if you can make them literate.

There are old people unable to cross the road in a heavy traffic.Help if you can,, and DON'T EXPECT ANY THANKS FROM ANY.THANK THEM INSTEAD THANK THEM MENTALLY FOR GIVING YOU AN OPPORTUNITY.


You need not do all these things yourself alone.You do your best.Educate others to do their best.Finally there will be happiness.

That is life ,as far as I know.
Nihilist Templar
2007-03-22 07:38:46 UTC
There is no purpose.

There is no "why".

I have known this since I was 12 and I am 23 now... It is still just as true now as it was then.

The Universe is just a chemical reaction... on a rather larger scale than the others we are used to.

It doesn't happen for any purpose though. Purpose itself is just a human fallacy.... a contrivance of the ability to consistantly perform actions that give particular reasults...

To try and assign a purpose to life is to assume life has some sort of conscious awareness of where it is going.... or to imply that life itself is alive.... which doesn't make any sort of sense. "Life" is just an abstract concept... a conglomerate of different supposed qualities that nobody can quite agree on. It is incapable of fulfilling its own requirements in any case, and hence cannot be alive.


There is no "why".

I am just here and that is all there is to it.

I was born.

I live.

I die.
2007-03-22 07:08:15 UTC
See, everyone has a purpose of his life.

1)They live to make & leave their name in the world.

2)To enjoy life the fullest.

3)To help the poors & to make benefit for them.

4)To divine search only.
2007-03-22 09:22:16 UTC
What is the purpose of the life? There is no purpose for life. If there is a purpose, it is play, expression of joy and celebration which is equivalent to no purpose.

Why are we born? We don't know. We need to find it out. We need to find it out by living our life to its fullest. If we are searching for a meaning in the books we are waisting our time.

Is it to leave behind our name in the world? It can not be a purpose.

What difference does it make except an ego satisfaction?

But I agree to enjoying life to the fullest.This should be the basic rule for the life. But one should be very care-full here. One can not enjoy life in a haphazard manner. Life should be disciplined then only you can enjoy the life. By hurting others you can not enjoy the life.You can enjoy life by contributing to others life. You can enjoy life by helping others to enjoy their life. You can enjoy life by sharing your life with others. But also remember that by sacrificing your life you can not enjoy your life. So don't fall into traps. People all around are very cunning. They know how to get their things done by their victims. The basic rule is enjoy your life. If you follow this rule the other person's pain will be a hindrance to your enjoyment. You need to do something. A happy surrounding contributes to your joy.
2007-03-22 08:11:47 UTC
I don't know if you believe in Christmas or not but both the giver of a gift and the recipient are excited when the gift is opened. You can see the happiness and glow of the moment that is priceless.

Life is like that for everyone. Life allows you to be born to help you discover yourself and your purpose. It is not in the big things you do but in the countless many acts you do in life that are the gravity of the type of person you are.

The same is true when you discover for yourself what gives you the most happiness and passion in your life to help and benefit others. And at the same time can be profitable to you either monetarily or socially, economically, philosophically etc.

Your purpose and plan will change over time in your life so never be afraid of change. I believe in divine guidance. I believe God is happiest at people who discover their purpose and meaning for existence. Especially in the spirit of the giving and receiving. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Every good deed or work done every day is like Christmas. When you discover your purpose and passion wow!

So Merry Christmas to life.
Joseph F
2007-03-22 05:49:45 UTC
You were born simply because of biology. There is no pre-ordained plan for you. It is up to you to make a purpose for your life. Look where there is a need and work toward filling that need. You get to choose. Isn't that better than being pre-ordained like a robot? And it will be so much more meaningful because YOU chose to do good in the world instead of being programmed with no alternative.
2007-03-22 05:46:57 UTC
There is a book called, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. I heard a few people on television mention that it had made life-altering changes in their lives, so I was curious and bought a copy. It was an inspiration! I only wish I had that book when I was much younger. Life would have been more simple. But, going forward, I am applying the lessons learned and enjoying life more.
2007-03-23 09:58:35 UTC
We were created because nature was bored of doing nothing. Nature grows, evolves and destroys. V are part of nature just like the trees, animals and the stars everything.

We just exist like v were just born`d and we will just die. Humans have the power of reasoning that all that differentiates us from our fellow creatures.

No one knows anything. Coz v all human. even the stuff v c isnt real coz those r just electrical signals transmitted to the brain. So just live the amazing, enigmatic, mysterious life n enjoy evry second of it. Go out ther look at the stars the moon, plants n animals. friends n enemies n jus awe... LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-22 07:42:13 UTC
As per Osho - The purpose of life is to live purposeless.

Read "Suprem knowledge" Book of osho

when You will live purposeless then you will live in totallity.

Than you will enjoy life to the fullest.

I agree with you that to enjoy life to the fullest is the purpose of life.

But do you know how you can achieve fullest of joy.

2007-03-22 06:31:48 UTC
Ancient Indian sciptures point out that the ultimate purpose of life or this mission is to reproduce and vanish by ageing.

But this may sound silly to our minds which has already succumbed to the worldly pleasures like joys and comforts.

But at the time of end one realizes that the life is after all nothing but he or she has just given shapes to a number of other lives such as sons and daughters.
2007-03-24 04:20:03 UTC
God has his purpose of bringing us unto this world. It is not by mere accident or chance. God planned it all. As God promised of life everlasting, we too has a purpose of making our life worthy of that gift, life everlasting. What we should do is to live a worthy life doing our best to live it to the fullest, overcoming hardships, difficulties, and trials with pure conscience of doing the right things with conviction.
2007-03-22 10:10:59 UTC
Why we are born & our purpose in life is to like you said 'Live Life to the Fullest.'

All the other things you mentioned come after we decide to live our life to the fullest.

Jesus said in

John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "

Jesus payed the ultimate price so that IF we want to live our lives to the Fullest & not keep serving the other master who only tries to rob us of our joy.

Rashi, you can only serve one master, choose the Good One, the One who wants you to thouroughly enjoy your life & live it to the max with joy & peace.
2007-03-22 07:06:24 UTC
To simply answer your question, purpose of life is "TO LIVE AND EXPERIENCE LIFE"

why didnt you ask this question when you were young (say 4-5 yrs old) and why are you asking it now.

Because at that time your mind was less occupied with past/future thoughts and you were concentrating on the present, which was very important to you at that time.

As you get older (people call this as getting matured but i done think so), you accumulate lot of memories, and your mind tends to compare whatever you experience with the past memories.

By doing this comparision, you tend to assume most of the content from the past experience and take only a little from the present experience.

And when you get accumulated with lot of negative thoughts, frustrations, losing interest in things that you do, you get confused and ask such questions, even i have asked this question myself bcoz everyone comes across negative thoughts and its natural.

You asking such a question clearly means you are losing interest in what you are doing on a day to day basis, or something is troubling you deeply, and you are confused.

The characteristics of human mind is such that it never lives in present. it jumps either to past or future.

we always tend to talk about things like "Who will win world cup this year?" (future) or "How great was my college days?" (past).

So forget about everything and try to LIVE your life in the present instead of comparing it with your past memories.

Simply to say, if you are working, concentrate on your work and do your work happily instead of thinking how will my future be? or when can i go home? or something else. Its not as easy as i write it.

Finding a solution to problem doesnt help unless you implement the solution. Your destiny is in your hands.

2007-03-22 05:45:27 UTC
That's up to the individual. There is no blanket answer that suits all of mankind. For, as they say, if God wanted us to be the same he would not have made us so different.

I studied Zen Buddhism and found my purpose and some enlightenment there. You may find your purpose elsewhere.
2007-03-22 06:34:23 UTC
The only thing I know for sure is that none of us gets out of here alive. Service to others is important in having a full life, as in learning and loving.
2007-03-22 06:03:25 UTC
Soul is a drop of the Divine Ocean called Almighty God.

It's main aim is to go merge in the Source. We are born in present body and ata particular place and in a particular family due to our karmic relations of past lives. While discharging our duties to our family, Society and Country, we should regularly devote about 3 hours daily for meditation which will wash our sins.
2007-03-22 06:31:47 UTC
We are born with a purpose. Even if someone is just a baby, he/she already has a purpose. Every people has a purpose. Our purpose is to serve God. To help people, to guide people and more importantly to spread the word of God.
2007-03-23 05:17:05 UTC
For the second part of your question,there is no answer.But when you talk about the purpose,it has a llot of meanings.The simple thing is be useful to the society or at least to somebody who cares the society.
2007-03-22 05:50:50 UTC
We are born so that probably we could bring a change in many people's life maybe in a good way or a bad way,well thats upto to us. It is upto to us to live the life we want,to do what we want,but we must remember that what we do or say will one day turn on to us!Life is to live it to the maximum!Ofcourse we are all born for a cause, to create a change in somebody's life!
2007-03-22 06:09:25 UTC
Live for yourself... it is ordinary purpose of all living beings.

Live for your loved ones.... it is normal purpose of human beings.

Live for a cause above yourself and your loved ones.... it is extraordinary purpose only human beings can pursue and fulfill.

You are free to make your choice but bound to face the consequences.
2007-03-22 05:42:34 UTC
I think special people are born to do something wonderful for their fellow humans. Like scientists, doctors, wildlife conservationists or that man who ran into a burning building to save a child's life. No one knows his name. He just saved her and disappeared. Had he not been born, that moment that child would not have had her rescuer.

People have a purpose. They just don't know it until the opportunity presents itself.
2007-03-22 12:32:41 UTC
life is the shore of a sea . waves come and go washing off the wet sand . we live to make a mark of individuality in this sand and smile at our creation for that moment ,even knowing that the next wave will remove the memoir of our visit to that beach.
2007-03-26 04:23:31 UTC
why every thing should have some reason. Why should everyone find the purpose of life.
2007-03-22 14:32:54 UTC
The purpose of my life is two-fold. One is that I have met my beautiful Indian princess, and the other is to help all ham and eggers, morons, and idiots to reach a level of spirituality that only can be possible with the wisdom that REV RENE possess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-22 06:02:29 UTC
Finding the purpose of our life and its roots is the answer everyone tries to answer in his life time. It is a question of life time. It depends on how you see it.
2007-03-22 05:57:10 UTC


first thing which we should keep in our mind is that we all are human beings & human being is the best in all the beings of universe.we are not animals,so only living can't be our aim.

first try to be good human,away from all illness of mind & heart then divine search is needed which can tell you why we have born.
2007-03-22 05:42:46 UTC
Rashi - you are here because you were conceived by your father and mother.

What you make of your life now you are here is entirely down to you.

You can choose to make a name for yourself, help other people, enjoy your life...........anything you want to do.

But it is up to you - no-one else. That is why life is so exciting.
2007-03-23 01:24:41 UTC
To find out who you really are. To find out what your purpose in life is by being awake to your surroundings
2007-03-22 05:38:26 UTC
we are born because god created . Nobody knows the meaning of life because we cant directly ask God .

But religiion is a way of guiding us .

Just live life normally , do good things , raise your kid well and teach him good stuff .
2007-03-22 06:14:39 UTC


2007-03-24 18:16:46 UTC
For God's intents
2007-03-22 05:48:39 UTC
our purpose in life is yet to be discovered throughout the course of our lives,, i haven't known my purpose yet, but I'm still grasping for it. hope you find yours soon =)
james love
2007-03-24 18:06:43 UTC
No body knows. You should have thought it before taking birth.
2007-03-23 00:36:20 UTC
life is only for make good aim.

and we born for bacame star in our own life.
2007-03-23 17:15:50 UTC
To create.
2007-03-22 05:41:15 UTC
my personal belief is that god created us to basically give himself something to work a project. so here we are, and his hopes for us are that we will worship him (he created us afterall so that's pretty cool!) and try to live by the guidelines he laid out for us. so i guess we're really just a big experiment by some very powerful bloke!
2007-03-22 05:57:05 UTC
according to me life is that birth which we live for others, for truth, for them who gave us birth. if every person think that his/her life is just for others than this world become heaven.
2007-03-22 05:39:10 UTC
We all have our own lessons to learn.

Search spirituality and life path online.
2007-03-22 05:37:47 UTC
To help others live their pointless lives better.

To use resources and take up space.

Oh, I forgot, then fertalize the trees.
2007-03-22 08:28:12 UTC
We are born by chance to live and die.
2007-03-22 05:55:23 UTC
Do ya know wot does LIFE mean





I know this and this is rite.
2007-03-22 07:38:52 UTC
We are born for work & worship pl.refer INDIAN BHAGVAT GEETA'S KARMYOGA.....
2007-03-22 05:41:28 UTC
To survive,go to church, then go to heaven.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.