Blessings to you for sharing your search for answers with us...
As author Baird Spalding says in the reference, ”Becoming aware of yourself as a spiritual being, offspring of an infinite spiritual system and one with all the powers and capacities within that system, is the very essence of attainment. To grow from the present state of awareness of himself as a material being and into the consciousness that he is a spiritual being contains the full secret of man's attainment.' Man's nature cannot be reversed for he always remains a spiritual being. He can only reverse his notion of himself. Instead of doing this, he should reverse his mistaken idea that he is a material being and retain the truth that he is a spiritual being created in the image and likeness of God."
The Creator Himself IS the VERY pattern by which mankind was made. Our Father also created Jesus just as He created us...the exact Spirit and Likeness of Himself. Jesus' message and reason for coming to this earthly dimension was to show us, in as stark, as uncompromising, and as definitive a manner as possible, that we are as He is, which is as our Creator endowed us all to be, and that is as immortal, Spiritual beings who are the Spirit and Image of our Creator. We are NOT physical beings. We are Spiritual Beings like He is!
"I and my Father are One" just as true of you as it is of all your Brothers and Sisters throughout the Earth....however they appear, or whatever they call themselves, or wherever their birthplace is on the Earth. Though WE may have forgotten Who we, and each other are, we are yet Sons and Daughters of the Most High. We are Who the Creator is in Spirit....not subservient adherents to whatever religion or philosophy we profess to include ourselves.
Our Creator did NOT create human beings as Romans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants; Hindu, “untouchable” dalits, atheists, apologetic, apathetic, orthodox, secular; light skinned, dark skinned; believers, infidels, saved, unsaved or any other designations or philosophies that we associate with these OR ANY OTHER names. Such designations, erroneously believed and acted upon as if relevant, only serve to hide the truth that our Creator created each one of us AS HIS VERY SPIRIT AND IMAGE. We, each, and every one, are the very Temple in which the Creator, Himself, resides.....Who is Life, Love, Mercy, Justice, and Truth, Itself.
IT IS WE WHO MUST REALIGN OURSELVES with the immutable, perfect principles of our own Being, instead of believing that GOD, Who lovingly created each and every one of us, will somehow become a "respecter of the person" we designate ourselves as, or by believing that He will show favor OR disfavor to the religion or philosophy that we choose to immerse ourselves within or that we think we can "convert someone else to or from".
Though WE may have forgotten Who we, and each other are, we are yet Sons and Daughters of the Most High. Again, we are Who the Creator is in Spirit....not subservient adherents to whatever religion or philosophy we profess to include ourselves.
As such, we could only, and always, be: "Beloved of our Creator"..........never coerced or forsaken by our Creator.
The most sacred homage to the Truth of that Love that you can offer is to honor the I AM within yourself by loving the I AM Who is equally omnipresent within ALL your Brothers and Sisters throughout the Earth....
THAT IS WORSHIP......worthy of a Creator who lovingly created us ALL out of His Own Perfect Divine pattern; Who includes us ALL within Himself; and Who loves each one of us as Himself...
....which requires no ritual or ceremony OR religion whatsovever; just a loving heart willing to do so.....
That's how we were ALL created..... by the One Who loves us so much that He has given us His Own power.... love Him and EACH OTHER ourselves.....for OUR choice.
Again, it is the Spirit of God already IN us Who reveals the Truth of Himself to us. Jesus, Himself discovered, and LIVES, even this very day, while you are reading this, and Who would have ALL OF US know and understand the Truth, in ourselves, for ourselves.....
The truth is that we are ALREADY free, having been CREATED AS SUCH, though we've been systematically taught to imprision ourselves with lies that we've mistaken for Truth.
THAT is the part you won't hear from those who've sought to keep access to the Truth about ourselves limited to ONLY a self-approved “credo” of beliefs espoused in some religion's scripture, filled with sanctioned interpretations about it.