If this is a test, as you say, "of belief, openness of logic, closed minded and what really happens and how different things are perceived," then you need to be aware of the Law of Contradiction, which states that a thing cannot be one thing, and another, both at the same time and in the same respect.
The Law of Identity say that water, like electricity, flows in the direction of least resistance. That would be downhill for water. If wish to introduce wind into the situation, it is possible for wind to change the flow of water--but uphill?
"Does fire burn always?" No, it burns only until that which it can consume is consumed, then it dies.
To admit that a thing is possible is not logical WHEN one of the rules of deduction has been broken to get to that admission. Logic is rigorous in its rules: 256 forms of syllogism exist, yet only 15 are 'valid' and 'valid' doesn't mean 'true'--it means what you are trying to get to--that there is a possibility.
But when you take logic to the next step and seek 'soundness', only one answer can be what you seek, in the sense and the at the time you mean it. ('Time', here, is meant as 'during the path of least resistance' or 'during a hurricane' or 'when the earth turns upside down, but this would mean water was still flowing 'down'.)