Over this universe, ruled once a King of kings Janaka. He wielded the sceptre over a country called Videha which had not the least taint of jealousy or envy.
Walking in the garden alone, the king heard the songs of Siddhas whose minds had attained to the one Chit. Now, oh Rama, listen attentively to the songs containing the experiences of the Siddha hosts residing on the fragrant hills and withdrawing themselves from all pleasures of the visibles and heard by Janaka.
They are “That Knowledge-bliss which arises out of the commingling of the knower and the known is of Atma- Knowledge. And it is this Self Knowledge bliss, that should be longed after.” So said one Siddha. Another Siddha said “ After eradicating the seen and the visual with their Vasanas, one should contemplate upon Atmic Reality which is the primeval Light to the eagle vision (of high spiritual personages).
Another Siddha remarked : “After having become all- pervading like that One which occupies the neutral centre between Sat and Asat, we should ever be contemplating upon Self Knowledge, that eternal Light which illuminates all other lights.“
Another Siddha remarked: “We will contemplate upon that effulgent Self Knowledge which always calls itself I in all Individuals.”
Other Siddhas also remarked thus “To look for the God without, relinquishing the God within, is like going in quest of conch shells after giving up the Kousthubha gem on hand.
Atma (Self Knowledge) can be attained only by those who have destroyed completely the forest of the lilies of desires.
Those persons who, in spite of their knowledge of the non-existence of happiness both in the past and the present in the baneful objects (of the world), do yet entangle themselves in them with their thoughts clinging to them, deserve the appella tion of an ***, if not a worse one.
The serpents of Indryas (organs) which are hissing again and again, should be slain in the seat of the mind by the rod of firm discrimination, just as Indra reduced to dust the mountains through his adamantine Vajra (thunderbolt).
A mind, devoid of pains, which has developed an equal vision over all, through quiescence, will attain the state of its Atmic Reality which is the plenum of complete bliss. This is Moksha.”
So said many Siddhas. Having heard clearly these indubitable words of sage counsels emanating from the Siddhas, Janaka was deeply moved by the songs of the Siddhas. He at once left the garden, sent away his ministers and attendants and shut himself in a quietroom in the topmost room of his Palace.
He began to contemplate deeply upon the true significance of the words given out by the Siddhas. Observing the actions of the world where men and others ever flutter like birds always on their wings and then perish, he could no longer contain himself and cried out the following words.
The mind of delusion constitutes the root of the tree of Ignorance which ramifies in all directions. It is this mind which is called thought. With the destruction of thought, the mind will be also destroyed easily. The baneful root of mind being destroyed, the tree of birth and death will also be destroyed. Oh, I have detected the thief who robbed me of my Atmic Jewel, viz., my Self. His name is Mind.
Thus did king Janaka remain statue-like in Samadhi, after having destroyed all fluctuation of mind. After being in it for a long time, he returned from it and then surveyed the universe through his quiescent mind, his impure mind having been destroyed past resurrection, with the following remarks.
What object is there in this world for me to encompass? What is illusory? To my present scrutinizing eye, all is pure Knowledge only. I cognize nothing but the one immaculate Self Knowledge my own Reality.
I am desireless. I am egoless. I have equal vision to all. I possess equanimity at all times. So saying the king was absorbed with Brahmic bliss in the non-dual state.
Janaka contemplated upon performing, without any desires, all actions of his life which crop up spontaneously every day. So never for a moment ruminating upon the past or future, productive as they are of evil, he began to perform his present duties with a full heart.
Only through the Self enquiry created by the words of the Siddhas, did Janaka attain quiescence of mind and Self Knowledge. The supreme seat of Self Knowledge can be attained only through the Self enquiry and discrimination.
The worldly-inclined cling to sensual objects; but the longing after the extraordinary enjoyment of spiritual bliss is only through previous efforts of Self Inquiry. Therefore one should destroy Ignorance, which is the source of dangers and all kinds of pains.