Yes, there is no reason to believe falsely that philosophers cannot be "good in engineering.
Even so called "top contributors" get that wrong & they are no different to a lot
of what may be called.. USELESS thinking of-a-naïve kind.
The type of stuff that humans do when children...
"off-the-cuff" & repeating the laughable but comforting hearsay that is all
too common within the ridiculous history or mistake that "the lovers of
wisdom" NEEDLESSLY put-upon-themselves & worse still others who
may be more sensitively inclined toward some better education & some
better learning environment.
One where audacious answers with hardly any obvious foundation show
the stupidity of a generation who continue-to-play-games with an extended
human learning environment - symptomatic of the WORST MYTHS from
those subjective tainted contributors who continue the fictional Greek
philosophy of "no new philosophy (under the sun).
And it's about bloody time they PUT AWAY THEIR GAMES because with
the new & dangerous Environment the Young need-to-learn how to
learn ahead of a sustainable future where such games & irrational
rote hearsay is shown for what it is - bad corrupted knowledge OF AN
INSENSITIVE mistaken kind.