There are two parts to what is called "solipsism;" the logical, epistemological or "how do we know?" part, which is not easily proven or disproven; Descartes and Wittgenstein accepted this. The second, illogical portion of solipsism, that "no other awareness exists," is illogical, as it accepts as unproven the "how can we know?" epistemological issue, and then unjustifiably further postulates that "we cannot know"--and, doubling down upon an unjustified claim, then concludes that therefore "there is only 'this awareness.'"
This illogicality is similar to any human awareness erring paradigmatic; e.g., the atomist who senses only 5-sense Kantian phenomena data; the atomist, logically, ought be agnostic as to whether e.g. Swedenborgian Noumenal data "Is"--and note the different sensibility protocol(s) allegedly necessary to access it--in order to preclude a two-step erring much like the "we cannot know, and therefore there is only this atomicity awareness" of the illogical portion of ("dogmatic" or erroneously axiomizing) solipsism. (You might not know of the Kant-Swedenborg kerfuffle, but it is important in the annals of philosophy. Quee Nelson's "The Slightest Philosophy" does much to disclose the simple assumptions of much of philosophical thought.)
A similar psychologism is portrayed in Aesop's Fable of the fox and the grapes. The grapes may be said to = knowledge beyond one's perceptual level of discernment. Unable to so access ("we cannot know"), the atomistic fox erroneously concludes the grapes aren't "really good" ("therefore there is no additional level of goodness").
So, in fine, it is difficult to "prove or disprove" the existence of "other minds;" however, it is illogical to then claim e.g. that because we don't access the proclaimed Oneness of "allowing this Mind to abide in you, which was also in Christ Jesus," that there is no Mind individuated Oneness (or, as Plotinus stated, [no] "One Mind Soul"-Realization).
Related: "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization," by Brian Hines; "Light Is a Living Spirit;" "God at the Speed of Light;" "The Great Divorce;" "The Little White Horse;" "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You." And, given your particulars, "For Couples Only" and "Bringing Up Boys" :-)