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pos·si·ble Audio Help /ˈpɒsəbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pos-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.that may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used, etc.: a disease with no possible cure.
2.that may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which one has no knowledge to the contrary: It is possible that he has already gone.
by reading the definition, yeah, i think it's safe to say that pretty much anything is possible. because it's neither a positive nor a negative. if it's POSSIBLE, then it MAY be true or it may not. a duck MIGHT be able to do a wild and crazy 360 flip to fakie noseslide on a half pipe with a skateboard, and transform into a rhinoceros before landing fakie, and then turn into gloria estefan and then explode, but it MIGHT not. in this sense, yeah, it COULD happen, IF _____. the fact that its possible makes it conditional, subject to coming to fruition based on the outcome of whatever event.
so yeah, in theory, anything's possible.