What is your view on Nudity?
2007-07-31 15:18:49 UTC
As a young person, I have noted that most all Americans tend to see a nude body as a sexual object or wrong.. We make laws to stop shuch nudity and the churches speak out against it, yet there is nothing in the bible that speak out against being nude. As a christian nation, why do we hate the bodies GOD made so much to go to these limits? A male or female, young Or old body is just that... Now lets hear YOUR honest views on this...
25 answers:
2007-07-31 15:33:06 UTC
Great Question.....!!!!! You get a star.

I think it all falls under the same reason as why Americans aren't allowed to die and they are allowed to sue when anything goes wrong.

Some (not all) Americans have grown numb with real life. We are uncomfortable with our humanness. We hide between rights and wrongs, black and white, rules and violation of rules.

In the hospital, we expect all efforts to be done to save a life, even if there is no quality of life anymore. We want everything no matter the price. And we think that we deserve it all rather someone else getting it.

How does this relate to nudity? Having a simple view of the world, complete with recognition that we are simply human beings made of flesh and bone, would be acknowledging that life is temporary.

We hide behind clothes and rules that say nudity is bad. We believe that our natural sexuality is bad. And we judge those that think otherwise. To believe that the body is beautiful and natural is to believe in being human. We would prefer to be gods and invinsible.

Nudity is being closer to human. There is nothing wrong with it in the appropriate location. Yes, it can be sexual in nature because all animals are sexual. But nudity is more than that, it is acknowledging the beauty in nature and being in touch with our temporary possession of youth and life.
2007-08-01 15:06:14 UTC
Yes the human body is a beautiful work of art, even in basic Christianity. Our country was founded by purtians who had many hangups, not just nudity. The Victorian era did not help matters.

I agree that there is not wrong doings of nudity in the bible. I do not know the direct quote from Genesis buy it was something like, "They were naked and unashamed" The shame came from the fruit knowledge, because Adam and Eve did not understand.

I feel that saying nudity is wrong is like saying God made a mistake.

I have also notice that these Christians, who speak against nudity, daily actions seem to contradict the teachings of the bible. Also, being with nudist, their action are very much the life and actions we are suppose to follow.

"As Nature Intended"
2007-08-01 07:33:59 UTC
I am a nudist and I see nothing wrong with being nude in appropriate places like a nude beach or remote nude camping, hiking, yoga outdoors, Being nude is natural it is the way we were created as the creator intended us to be .

Nudity being unlawful and indecency laws are fabrications and wrongful use of public law and a invention of man.

The ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece, Egypt , and indiginous ppls of the americas, Austrailia , Asia had no problem with nudity. As a modern civilization we should be able to recognize that simple nudity outdoors is not something that should be illegal. The only reason it is illegal is that we inherited the puritan/ victorian antiquated laws and religious values of public behavior from our european ancestors .The human species is most happy when it is not clothed except to keep warm and not get cold is the northern hemisphere where most of the major religions and basic laws were concocted a long time ago. The practice of nudism is something modern society is just rediscovering as a recreational form and nudist have already captured and enjoy the serentiy and relaxation and peaefulness that ancient civilizations knew long ago , The nudism phemonean that is becoming very popular is not a sexual display of ppls doing copulation but it is about being sensual with nature and enjoying the freedom from materilism that society has forced upon the human species.Being nude is very relaxing and liberating and peaceful because ppl are not hiding who they really are behind 2 yrds of unnecessary cloth Being nude together as group of ppl is the most liberating and uninhibited way to get to know one another because we are free to recognize ppls personalities instead of the google or gaulk at human bodies
2016-04-01 08:11:53 UTC
Unless you were born in a tux and tails, nudity is entirely normal for people. While todays TV goes way beyond the pale, we still have the option of changing the chanell. The human body is a work of art that houses the most sophisticated bio-electric computer system in the universe. I do sometimes wish women today would leave a little more to the imagination. The style in the late 30's and 40's was classy , sexy, and demure all at the same time.
Joy M
2007-07-31 15:25:44 UTC
i think nudity in purely artistic photos is awesome... usually the pictures are really cool or interesting. porn however shouldnt be publically displayed for the whole world to see. no offense but i dont wanna be walking down the street past an electronics store and see some porn on there. also i think nudity in public is wrong. the reason i think it's wrong is b/c look at how ppl dress... they dress like that and are practically wearing no clothes to BE a sexual object. i think ppl who are 'nudists' and live in those 'nudist colonies' are totally fine and i'm totally fine with who they are. but that's the thing... their view on being nude and some slut's view on being nude or half dressed are 2 TOTALLY different things. if nudity were legal in the usa, you'd see slutty ppl walking around all the time trying to show ppl their **** or something. but, in a different scenario, if nudity became a regular everyday thing it wouldnt be odd or offensive to see/look at. so i guess i dont really have a set in stone view heh.
2007-07-31 15:31:29 UTC
It's a social / cultural construct to 'feel' anything about nudity in the same way that culture labels dress. You would not 'know' what nudity was without possessing or learning that knowledge. You were told that when a person is not wearing clothes they are called 'naked' and this is not acceptable outside of certain conditions in your culture. The fear of sexual drive in all people (and all living things) is what drives the creation of social boundaries. The misunderstanding is that even with clothes on people want to have sex. It has nothing to do with what we walk around wearing or not wearing.
2007-07-31 15:26:01 UTC
I think nudity can be beautiful, like how some people use it as tools for art, then its great. I have family in france and nudity over there is absolutely no big deal and that to me is great because its natural, but im not a perfect human being and so i must say that sometimes for certain people its not so pretty.
2007-07-31 16:00:03 UTC
I believe it has to do with traditions. Namely, whith exactly who wrote the rules. Rules were written by humans who restricted themselves beyong belief and who coulnd't even see a person's bare hand without going sexually frustrated. It's not what you see, it's what you think you see. It's all in our minds.

Here is a lovely fairytail. Two traveling monks were about to cross a river. The river was very cold, unbearable for most. There was a woman next to the river obvoiusly trying to cross it but scared by the icy cold water. One of the monks picked her up, crossed the river and set her down on the shore without a word. The two monks silently continued their journey. 2 hours later, the other monk asks the first: "Howcome you picked up that woman? What are you going to do now? We're not supposed to even think of touching a woman!" The other responded: "Ah, you're talking about that... You see, I may have picked her up, but set her down on the grownd long time ago. But you are still carrying her in your arms."

I grew up in a different christian (mostly chtistian anyway) country, and people there are much less uptight about nudity than in US. I mean, c'mon it's rude to walk around naked in the locker room here. I was totally surprised and didn't understand it at all. I still don't. But they say - "If you live in Rome, act as a Roman".
2007-07-31 15:25:44 UTC
People tend to hate nudity because it is bearing all to the people around them and they are not able to hide anything .I believe clothes are used as they barriers and keep people at a distance.

people hate there bodies because the media has said what a perfect bodies are people don't feel they are adequate to be seen in the nude
2007-07-31 20:23:58 UTC
God made us in His image and we were naked in the garden.....mankind turned their back on God and it was then shame came into being. The body is a temple for God and so to be ashamed and disrespectfull of our bodies or another person's body is to be ashamed and disrespectfull of something that is holy. so I do not believe that nudity is wrong.....but at the same time there is a distinguishing feature between nudity and porn and that is the respect that is being shown to oneself or upon another. Life is alot bigger than just a lot of smut so we need to honour our bodies and not be ashamed of nudity and to keep it clean.
2007-07-31 15:23:23 UTC
I think I would like to see SOME people naked. but not all.

maybe the reason we see it as a sexual object is because were always covered up (womens ankeles used to be like nudity in the old times because they were always covered up)
2007-07-31 15:27:34 UTC
That it looks really good on young people and people in shape. Other than that, I think wearing of cloths is sometimes the nicest thing a person can do for the rest of us.
2007-07-31 15:23:47 UTC
i think that it depends on the person. i dont like nudity cuz i dont want everyone seeing my lovelies. haha. not that i think that the human body is ugly, quite the opposite i think that it is wonderful, and if ure confident in it then its that much better! mostly, its to preserve my modesty and to promote the sacredness in being naked for a certain *ahem* someone...
2007-07-31 15:21:42 UTC
The human body has become overly sexualized in todays society. It's quite sad, actually.
2007-07-31 15:23:08 UTC
I love nudity and I don't care what the laws say about it
2007-07-31 18:11:17 UTC
My view on nudity? It is usually a real letdown.
All hat
2007-07-31 15:25:04 UTC
I don't think it's about hating our bodies, I think it's more about modesty - we feel sheepish to be seen naked, and then there is the sexual provocativeness of it too. It's not about hating our bodies.
2007-07-31 15:23:30 UTC
If you look at a woman's vagina you will want sex. Meaning you will be tempted every day to cheat. But I believe nudity is OK if its in a private place and two people agree on it. Also strip clubs are fine to its your choice. But the rest of the world shouldn't have to see it all day.
2007-07-31 15:24:01 UTC
Nudity is fine for people with no fashion sense.
2007-07-31 16:27:26 UTC
We enjoy being nekked on weekends here, but not in public. Unless it is a large group of people. And then it is no big deal at all. What are christians NOT against?
2007-08-01 14:54:53 UTC
i think that the human body is a beautiful work of art
2007-07-31 15:23:06 UTC
My parents won't let me view nudity. . .
Nailing Jello
2007-07-31 15:21:18 UTC
Usually over the fence and through the bushes.

With binoculars.
2014-09-13 22:26:42 UTC
i love nudity wish i could be naked whenever i wanted
2007-07-31 15:22:03 UTC
being nude is awesome, I have nothin aganist it

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