Global Advanced Personality Test Trait Descriptions
wealth seeking, prefers extravagence, superficial, believes the bigger the pay check the more important the person, more competitive, more selfish, more preoccupied with money, more likely to believe they deserve to have whatever they want (sense of entitlement), seeks status and power relative to peers, more likely to believe there is nothing wrong with marrying partly for money, disdains financial insecurity, avoids losing status and control, looking good is more important than comfort, believes in success through appearances, second place is not good enough, more manipulative, has a need for applause, less generous, loves to win awards, more likely to do things primarily for own benefit, gets angry when they don't get when they want, more used to getting their way, prefers instant gratification
This was the only reference on page 1 of a global Google search for "materialism", and I was surprised to find it, because here in the philosophy section it means "a philosophical system which regards matter as the only reality in the world".
As far as consumerism, before the industrial revolution, (as you phrased it, which means before "Green pieces of paper, and metal coins",) money was not available to fund the $1 mosquito nets being sent to Africa by the millions; it wasn't available to cure TB or prevent measles, mumps, or polio; it wasn't available to assist nations devastated by tsunamis or by earthquakes; it wasn't available to provide so much food that stupid people now get fat instead of smart people dying early from malnutrition in the U.S.
It's what we do with money. It isn't the money itself. And the economy goes to pot when it cannot fix itself for all the government bureaucracy that stands in its way. Its as if you were trying to vomit up the poison but the doctor had a hand clamped on your mouth. The government has its "hand" clamped on the natural means by which the market fixes itself. The same was true in the Great Depression.
Why do you think so many people are losing their homes? Because the government told Fannie and Freddie to provide funding for people who had no business owning what they couldn't afford; and then those two agencies did what they do--sold it all off to the banks who expected a profit, until other parts of the economy trying to vomit were prevented from fixing themselves.
There is nothing wrong with being green when it makes sense. But electric cars are supposed to hit the market big time in 2013 and 2014, and then watch the need for electricity spike, and your electric bills go up because of the demand--but our nation won't build any new reactors, which provide cheaper electricity without burning coal. And if we built them like the Chinese reactors we wouldn't even have the possibility of a "China Syndrome"............
"Physicists and engineers at Beijing's Tsinghua University have made the first great leap forward in a quarter century, building a new nuclear power facility that promises to be a better way to harness the atom: a pebble-bed reactor. A reactor small enough to be assembled from mass-produced parts and cheap enough for customers without billion-dollar bank accounts. A reactor whose safety is a matter of physics, not operator skill or reinforced concrete. And, for a bona fide fairy-tale ending, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is labeled hydrogen."
Let's get smart, not anti-capital. What do you think is building those pebble-bed reactors? Chinese capital, which is a contradiction and yet their economy is not tanking like ours---because they don't have the regulations we have.