Are we all so quick to argue against destiny? I know many here who have asked the question. And also, fate. So let's not assume we "all" are questioning it.
What I do want you to see is that there is only NOW. NOW is all that has ever existed. Yesterday is gone, never to return. Tomorrow is yet unwritten by YOU. So notice, everything always happens right NOW.
There has never been anything else but.
So the naturalness that you speak of, is your own naturalness. You are right, we each generate our own destiny, every moment we live, by choosing, electing and deciding who and what we will think, say or do right NOW. The problem is, most people want to disown the consequences of the choices. They want to discard the experiences that result from these choices...and assign them instead to "others."
This, they call, FATE. FATE is an acronym which means, From All Things Everywhere. It is easy to disregard your own choices in life and pin the responsibility upon others - and that is exactly what the word destiny means - it means, irresponsibility.
You are the one who is doing the choosing, although you may not be consciously aware of what part of you is doing that...and so it seems, that others are doing things to you. But at a higher level than your consciousness, you are choosing every moment.
What others do, is irrespective of YOU, because you are the one, who chooses, how you feel, think, say or do about that. You can choose to ignore if you want to and do nothing. There are ALWAYS alternatives, even in situations where you think you have none.
In my opinion, destiny is all your choices as a summation. Fate is your blindness in seeing how you created it.
There is such a thing as the collective consciousness of humanity and that is a much more powerful thing than the individual consciousness - so things happen in life from that aspect as well - but just remember, you too, are a part of the larger body of humanity, thus, you are a part of and contributor to the collective. There is no way to escape the fact that you are not separate, but entirely integrated, with the entire process of life.