If you came to a fork on a road, which path would you take?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If you came to a fork on a road, which path would you take?
Nineteen answers:
Tami M
2011-06-11 22:24:10 UTC
I would take the road less traveled and save the other for another day.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

-- Robert Frost
2011-06-11 18:02:05 UTC
Why, I would pick up the fork and be on my way of course
2011-06-13 07:39:54 UTC
How does one choose, one might ask?

One must choose wisely!


Life is a most beautiful path that we have all chosen.

We all chose wisely.


Life is a path that is filled with numerous forks in the road, otherwise known as decisions.

Maneuvering these numerous forks requires "Wisdom".

One must first discover "Wisdom".

Only then will one be able to maneuver and choose ones direction wisely.

Wisdom will carry one over the various ruts that are found on each and every road.

Wisdom will allow one to navigate the ruts one may find on the road safely and effortlessly.

This old fool has experienced most of the various ruts on the path.

This old fool speaks from the school of very hard knocks.

In earlier years this old fool had to dig out of some very deep ruts.

If one analyzes ones life correctly, one will observe and then finally realize that "You" are the very fork in question.

You are the problem.....

When the fork is removed, there will no longer be a problem.

If one becomes focused and centered, "You" will have vanished and will no longer exist.

What will remain, one might ask?

Wisdom, just Wisdom, only Wisdom.

The Very Wisdom that is necessary to observe and understand "The Truth".

Peace be always with you.

in sha'Allah

al-hamdu lillah

~ *Leaping Water* ~ x puddles of love x
2011-06-11 19:04:33 UTC
Erm, maybe I wouldn't listen to others and make my own path :))
bonsai bobby
2011-06-14 19:13:54 UTC
Well,there's safety in numbers yet the way is narrow and few that find it...I'd sit still,until representatives from both paths returned and shared their respective testimonies..

In the games,"Gears of War 1 & 2,I most often choose the left path,when prompted to make a choice..(Don't know why_ but I recently completed GOW 2 and am currently playing GOW 1...So,anyhow,I suppose that's quite insignificant and not necessarily germain to this
2011-06-13 21:44:37 UTC
I would close my eyes and ears, listen to only ME, my heart, mind and soul would surely guide me...
2011-06-11 19:57:41 UTC
Is turning around and walking back the way I came an option?
2011-06-11 18:50:09 UTC
I don't care about 96 people's opinions. I would listen to all and then try to make a decision that sounds like it is the one for me. Oh one has been down the path...they are all just guessing...who cares. One thing about forks in the road...if you go down one and you don't like it, just back up and try the other one. You may as well flip a coin as listen to uninformed guesses.
Fake Genius
2011-06-12 19:05:33 UTC
the middle way

in a forest, then walk into the bush

in a city, then walk into a cafe

in a bush, you will get shade and rest and have a chance to cool your brain down to think

in a cafe, you can ask
2011-06-13 03:44:40 UTC
"Anything is one of a million paths. Therefore you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path; if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under any conditions. To have such clarity you must lead a disciplined life. Only then will you know that any path is only a path and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you to do. But your decision to keep on the path or to leave it must be free of fear or ambition. I warn you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary.

This question is one that only a very old man asks. Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say I have traversed long long paths, but I am not anywhere. Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.

Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.

I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.

The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing.

For me there is only the traveling on the paths that have a heart, on any path that may have a heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And there I travel--looking, looking, breathlessly."
Stephen H
2011-06-14 06:37:19 UTC
I would go in the direction that called. If it wasn't clear I would sit with it for a while. Mostly if the option was there I'd probably be going off the path and be walking through nettles and pushing through branches and stuff and looking for anything interesting there. Streams as well, I like those. Trees, streams, rocks, animals, steep hills, high places, bridges and branches across streams, lakes, fires, building sites, caves, old abandoned buildings and quarries, etc. all that kind of stuff, off the beaten track mostly.

My mother used to get upset when I arrived home from school a couple of hours or more late sometimes, and sometimes I couldn't even remember where I'd been. I did that some time in the first week at school when I was four, I went down under the bridge and started moving unstable stones and rocks around to cross the river and then couldn't remember what I did the rest of the time, and the shopping bag that had had my lunch in it that I put down on the river bank had disappeared. I liked to go a different way home from school frequently.
2011-06-11 18:37:30 UTC
It would depend on my own observations and what the personal reasons of the others were based upon. All beliefs that can not be supported by facts, reason, and logic are equally valid or invalid, regardless of the number of people that hold them.

Consensus is not an indication of truth but the road less traveled is usually less traveled for a reason.
2011-06-11 19:02:32 UTC
The path that is going my way. Oh wait, I have a map. The path least taken, the left.
2011-06-11 19:27:36 UTC
The "right" path sounds best to me.

But you must choose. If you're ever stuck in a maze, just continue to take right turns (or continue to take left turns) and you eventually get out. Try it next time you get a maze on paper. This might save your life one day.
2011-06-11 19:00:09 UTC
as much as I want to pick up the fork it Hurts like I don't know the Pain is just unbearable for me the Love is too much for the Left from me like I don't want to see them hurt cry depressed and it would be EXTRA EXTRA Fragile like I don't know it would be too much and everytime I would see that person it Would literally KILL me on the Insides to see him HURT In any kind of way I just can't and not in a PITY kind of SAD way of looking at them either just whoaaaa I love you TOO much to see you hurt so you have to be Happy all the time or I will DIE so I choose the RIGHT because it's so USE to the Pain and the HURT like being with me would just make it so much better like you'd feel the LOVE sooooooooooo much it wouldn't be so FRAGILE like I would just laugh all the time Even when I'm hurting I'd be like ahhhhhhhhhh this Hurts but laugh it off and feels good as in the left this feels sooooooooo good I want to cry and I don't want that =( I would Love the Left too much and it will KILL Me hahahahaha I choose the right =(
2011-06-11 19:41:01 UTC
Well obviously there are reasons someone would choose right or left, but you've given us none. Might as well flip a coin.
2011-06-13 03:03:10 UTC
which ever path led to where i desired to be considering i am already traveling, the people speaking their opinions are irrelevant, or at least their opinions are.
2011-06-11 18:07:45 UTC
I'd chose to grow older because I'd enjoy not having say in it's deal.
2011-06-11 18:34:38 UTC
When given a choice, ALWAYS go left.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.