Very simply: if we dropped patent laws, what motivation would there be for creative people to invent new things?
What reward system (other than a pat on the back and thank-you) would be suitable for someone who worked for years to invent or improve something, in long-shot that there might be a financial payoff (could be huge, but also most likely to be small)?
Why should inventors or scientists basically work for free for the benefit of everyone else?
Sarcasm On:
If patents were dumped, then everyone should work for free, including authors, musicians, playrights, designers or architects. Radio, television and newspaper reporters, too. There would be no need for copyrights to protect their works.
And of course, teachers, doctors, police and firefighters, farmers, factory workers, janitors, construction workers should also work for free, since they would benefit by not having to pay for products or services which are free, but formerly protected by intellectual property patents.
An interesting, but naiive question.
To those who gave 2 thumbs down, I'm not sure if you understood my sarcasm. Or whether you really believe that inventors should work for free.
If you actually think there should be no patents at all, then perhaps you should throw away every piece of technology you own (cars, computers, cellphones, TVs, etc) and flush all the medicine you have in the toilet. Don't read any books or newspapers. And you will grow all of your own food (don't try to buy any patented seeds, though.) Just go foraging in the wild. And of course, you will be making your own clothes from animal hides, too. Forget about electricity or gas, and get rid of all of your tools - just use sticks and stones.