This is the basic layout of science and philosophy. Do you agree?
The Knowledge Server
2009-09-03 22:52:37 UTC
Every science and philosophy is basically to address the quesiton: What would be formed? This question embodies - the form, the process of formation and the formative principle.
Basically only two types of formations are possible.
1. Formation of simple ones from the complex ones.
2. Formation of the complex ones from the simple ones.
Both the laws of thermodynamics and evolution address this.
To answer the question what would be formed - one needs to know all the possiblities which are calculated using the laws of permuation and combination. Then the next question comes, among all the possibilities, which one is more probable? To answer this question, one looks at the preferences. In the absence of preferences, when all the forces act equally likely what is the outcome. This is explained in terms of a distribution curve (normal curve, normal condition is the condition in which all the forces act equally likely). From the distribution of the possibilites, one identifies the probability for each possibility under different conditions. The possibility which has highest probability is assumed as the answer to the question - what would be formed.
This procedure is followed in genetic predictions, phylogenetic predictions, pedigree analysis, molecular modeling, drug desigining and in quantum mechanics too. I do not know much about sociology and psycology.

Look at the term - information
Information is the principle which tells you what would be formed? what would be the outcome.

This is the basic layout of all scientific predictions. You can appreciate my answer if you are a man of science. If you are a 'band wagon of science' you will never understand what I mean. There is no difference among physics, chemistry, biology so sociology as far as the research methodology is concerened. The method of prediction remains the same for all humans too.
Four answers:
2009-09-07 16:02:16 UTC
In the book "the black swan" the premise is that "predictability" is nonsense, when it comes to actually "predicting" anything, so, even if your logic is sound your conclusion is flawed.

Stephen Gould wrote about how according to the Bell Curve for people that contracted stomach cancer (as he did) he would die within a few months . . . .but in assuming that the curve was merely a piece of geometry he lived another 25 years (and then died of something other the original prognosis) . . .

I really have no idea what point it is you think you are making, but I think I'd have another go at it if I were you. Please stay within the realm of logic and you might see the efficacy of my answer.
2016-10-07 14:55:47 UTC
yet isn't technological know-how the comparable different than w/o a instruction manual e book. Ppl are the comparable, comparable desires, needs, desires, sturdy, undesirable etc...attempt reading very own diaries from people who've previous by the veil of life leaving us a checklist of what they experienced. i've got made a pastime of types out of this and that is desirable. Ppl incredibly do no longer substitute, their clothing, transportation specific yet their attitudes are fairly lots the comparable. Einstein basically gave us distinctive the variety to look and spot & no longer something greater. Even a lot of his innovations are transformations of the classic Greeks. technologies has replaced we kill ppl in mass now with A bombs as a replace of one at a time with a rock.
2009-09-03 23:04:32 UTC
"Every science and philosophy is basically to address the question: What would be formed?"

I'm going to stop there with an overwhelming NO.
2009-09-05 18:32:28 UTC
If by 'science', you mean the current paradigm within which scientific discovery is conducted by continually seeking answers to questions based on evidence that many of its practitioners (i.e. scientists) have validated, quantified, and repeated, then the answer to your question depends on what such "science" excludes from inquiry. Why? Because the practitioners of such 'science' do not recognize or understand the basis for 'evidence' that is outside their established paradigm. So they collectively (and reflexively) declare, "That event or phenomenon or concept (you fill in the blank) is not possible." Obviously such a stance is ripe for refutation by verifiable, repeatable, quantifiable evidence, even by rigorous adherence to the tenants of their OWN paradigm. I agree that many are taught to utilize said methods to conduct scientific research. However, I think there is a far easier method to arrive at the Truth one seeks than those you have described.


Experiencing what IS true about Reality is knowledge.

Whether scientists, theologians, philosophers, or laypersons, we look at the world with our eyes, but we actually “see” the world, and ourselves, through our "eye"-deas (ideas) .

The most efficient and fruitful use our our capacities to arrive at Truth is to proceed from the knowledge that....

"Perfection does not come from projecting our own ideas but from awakening to the knowledge that it is already the established order of things.", as indicated in the reference.

....don't believe me? Try MAKING 2+2=5. Doesn't work, does it? We cannot even MAKE 2+2=4.

2+2=4, whether you sum the equation correctly or NOT !

Discovering that whether summed by believer, infidel, heretic, or boor, the demonstration that 2+2=4, perfectly, unchangeably demonstrates TRUTH and PERFECTION for itself, doesn't it?

WHY ??

Because neither Truth NOR Perfection can change OR be changed. ALL the principles of Life operate that way, perfectly, without variation, deviation, or attenuation for anyone, at anytime, anywhere !! We can ONLY accept its perfect operation, because we cannot change Truth.

If Perfection is ALREADY the established order of things, AND is PLAINLY EVIDENT IN ALL THE PRINCIPLES OF LIFE, WHY HAVEN'T WE KNOWN THIS ??

BECAUSE WE ALL are free to choose to believe that 2+2=5 for ETERNITY until we have acquired FOR OURSELVES the necessary knowledge of the immutable principle that correctly sums the answer.

Please understand that I am only using this mathematical example as a metaphor for THAT which is not only real, but is also true, and which ALSO cannot change.

The same Source Who created perfect principles of mathematics which operate undeviatingly to create ONLY 4 as the answer to 2+2, ALSO CREATED US out of perfect principles.

The basic layout of science and philosophy is driven by the impetus within Mankind which has driven us to create philosophies (or religions or sciences) at all.....the insatiable desire to KNOW (not merely to postulate, theorize, "believe", or have faith in..)

....the Truth of Ourselves.

Philosophy, or science, or religion is essentially.... ITCH that MUST be scratched.....and which can only be satisfied when YOU scratch it....YOUR WAY !!


You ALREADY KNOW what the answer is.....beforehand.

You may legitimately ask, How can THAT be ?? "Why would I ask anything OR seek anything if I already know the answer to it beforehand?"

Because .....ANY knowledge we seek PRECEDES our need…..exactly like the availability of air (answers) precedes our need to breathe it (questions)….

…..or we would not even be ABLE to recognize the answer (breathe), at all.

We've been erroneously taught that when an answer to our question is not immediately apparent to us, we must seek it somewhere else or from someone else.

However, what we are NOT usually taught (and which we must learn to practice) is that when we receive our answer, HOWEVER it comes.....our recognition of it AS the answer is because it existed ALL THE TIME even BEFORE it was bought to our awareness.

THAT'S WHY IT DOESN'T MATTER what we believe.

When you understand that all the principles of Life are ALWAYS consistent with Truth, without variation, deviation, or attenuation for anybody, at any time, or any place, then you'll begin to see that the real test in Life, is to live KNOWING the difference....between TRUTH and belief, and that the consequences of your actions WILL occur just as certainly as 2+2=4, truthfully, invariably, perfectly......and unavoidably.

2+2=4,....even BEFORE you compute it !! In the same way, ALL Principles of Life are True, Perfect, and Immutable....BEFORE you are even ABLE to know them or utilize them.....

Do you see ? If the answer were not ALREADY TRUE, and truly within YOU, you would not be ABLE to recognize (RE-cognize) it AS TRUE.

We must RE-awaken to the knowledge that OUR OWN PERFECTION within this infinite Spiritual system is ALREADY the established order of things....and act accordingly.

The truth about the "reach" of our very understanding of REALITY is that each and every advancement has come about AFTER WE DISCOVERED WHAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN TRUE, AND WAITING FOR US TO DISCOVER IT....

...even when the tightly held ideas WE THOUGHT WERE TRUE were REALLY based on false information and dogma, WHICH virtually everyone believed, transmitted, and acted upon AS IF TRUE .....that is, until others, following their OWN ideas came along, who had quantifiable, repeatable, verifiable evidence based on a DIFFERENT set of ideas that turned the paradigm of established scientific or religious consensus on its head !!

Can there be any truer indictment of the history of mankind’s exploration and discovery of both scientific and religious Truth than to acknowledge that it is replete with examples of this or that scientist or religious prelate pontificating that this or that phenomena is impossible ???

Do the Heavens still rotate around the Earth? Not after Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Are time and space separate from one another? Not after Einstein. Did you get your vaccines this year? Thanks to Pasteur you did. Is the Earth still flat? Ask Erikson, Columbus or Magellan for the answer. Do you have to study your science homework or read the scriptures of whatever faith you profess in the dark? Not after a little help from Gutenburg and Edison. You can readily see the impact of individuals with their OWN ideas helping other individuals change THEIR ideas about these things, which eventually results in the civilization changing, right?

The "belief" in limitation must then be seen to be SELF-IMPOSED......and if self-imposed....


Is it not then obvious that neither you nor anyone else needs to accept someone else's beliefs to KNOW what is true.....because ANYONE can prove Truth to themselves....literally....and undeniably ??

....whether you believe it or not ??

Again, when the quality of the inquiry is based on quantifying, repeating, and validating TRUE PRINCIPLES then the answers to our questions can EASILY be understood by theologians, scientists, historians, philosophers, and logicians, and laypersons alike. If we are REALLY serious about knowing, not just believing, the Truth of ourselves, we would gain the KNOW-ledge for OURSELVES, so that the scientific or spiritual Truth we seek proves or disproves Itself irrefutably within OUR OWN EXPERIENCE.

THAT'S what true science is....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.