Since you thought you could not get pregnant and did I would call that a miracle, not a mistake. People making less money then you can support a child, you may have to give up perks you are used to having, going out, doing things that cost money that you really didn't need to do.
I lost two children, my friend had an abortion and has never been able to have a child. This is a once in a lifetime question for you.
I write poetry from the side of what the baby may be thinking knowing it is going to die.
A Baby's Cry
Who are you to judge if I should live or die?
You snuff out my feeble cry
You say at conception I'm not alive
You say your body is your own
mine will never be known.
I'll tell you who I am so you will know
if I would have been allowed to live and grow
You would have loved me also
The first flicker of life my soul was given to me
by God not thee
You can cause the flesh to grow
God gave you the best you know
I would have been the best person you would know
My smile bright and eager to see
looking for you smiling back at me
My arms would have hugged you with so much love
the feeling would make you thank God above
I would have run as fast as I could
into your arms wherever you stood
I would hae been a bundle of joy
a girl or a boy
Now you will never know me
You will never know the person I was to be
For you chose to end my life so selfishly
I Weep for You
I weep for you
great tears that could fill an ocean
I weep for you
knowing at three weeks you have a heart
and at four a brain
I weep for you
for you must know when they
end your life
I weep for you
knowing the miracle it took for you to be
I weep for you
for not being given a chance
I weep for you
with tears streaming down my face
I weep for you
knowing your death is the result
of humanity's complete disgrace