Hey, it's not the end of the world, no matter how cliche that sounds, just trust me. It might be hard to understand, accept or even believe what's happening in your body or what people or doctors could tell. But life is a roller coaster remember, the odds of bad stuff happening is just as likely as good stuff.
You handled the situation very well BUT you might want to tell the people you care for about this because they will have a harder time if something bad does happen, but don't dwell and keep bringing the matter up once you've told them, just live a normal life after!
I try to live everyday of my life like it's my last, I've had my share of near death experiences and they were actually what drove me to live a better life. I've been depressed and wanted to commit suicide, I've avoided lethal car accidents, but hey, because of these, I live a more colorful life. I spent more time with friends, did better at school and even became closer with my family (something I never thought would have happened). I suggest you do the same :).
I'm not a Buddhist nor do I think any religion is higher than another but I do believe this:
"When the body disintegrates at death the mind does not cease.". -Buddhism Beliefs
Remember that you mind is SO POWERFUL, that whatever you think death is, could be what you get once you pass. Scientists believe that we simply become another form of energy, some religions believe of a heaven or hell, and some people believe we go in to the state of nothingness. I believe, whatever your mind set on death was before you died would be what you would live in eternity.