I'm lost can anybody help me?
2007-12-21 12:04:22 UTC
hmm ok so im going to drop out of high school next year i just cant make the grade in school... actually i go to a pretty good school it seems im the only loser present... i hv no life whatsoever... no hobbies at all... i dun even play pc games my comp is too slow to run them and im too broke to get a new one... and i know absolutely nothing about whats going on out there in the outside world like politics sth like that... well im 17 and i just wanted to start making money online when i realized it wouldnt work for me... like i cant really think of anything to write about on a blog and i never got too many friends for agloco(u make money referring agloco to other ppl)... i hv baaad acne nobodys gonna hire me and again im too broke to see a derm... im a bit short and skinny... so in summary:

1. im broke
2. i cant make the grade in school
3. i hv no talents
4. i hv no life
5. i hv bad acne
6. i never got many friends
7. im short and skinny

wtf why me??? can anybody help me???
25 answers:
2007-12-21 12:24:41 UTC
You don't need anyones help and there isn't anything anyone could give you anyway.

You already have everything you need for living. Who cares what the culture says is 'good' or 'bad' or 'perfect' or 'success' or 'talent'. Those are just ridiculous ever changing ideals that don't mean anything.

You contain your own answers. How can another living organism tell you how to live when they are using the same tools you have to figure it out?

Drop all that crap and live.
2007-12-21 20:18:54 UTC
Sorry, Charley. This is more of a psychology question than one deserving of philosophical treatment.

You are focusing on all the things that are going wrong in your life. Begin to focus on things you love and your life will be transformed by and with your thoughts!

1. You're not broke, you're 17. Ninety-nine percent of seventeen year-olds have no money.

2. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." So said Henry Ford.

3. Everybody has talent. Maybe you just haven't discovered yours yet.

4. No live? If you're alive, you have a life. Make the best of it.

5. Bad acne? So what. I can recommend products for that.

6. No one starts out with friends. But if you look on the bright side of life, you'll develop friends.

7. Many people are short and skinny. There's nothing wrong with that. Some women say, good things come in small packages.

Look on the the positive side, Dude!
davy j
2007-12-22 22:19:14 UTC
Being 17 only lasts a year, being useful lasts a lifetime. Find a way of helping people who have less than you do. If you don't know any, go out and find them and that way you will find what happens in the world. Friends come along, acne goes, life gets more interesting as you get older. One thing for sure, you're never going to get a life sitting in front of a computer complaining about your misfortune to a bunch of strangers! As for making money, learn to play the guitar and start performing for money. Form a band, become famous. Or not. It's up to you what you choose to do with your life, but being useful to others is a good start. Good luck.
Anonie Mouse
2007-12-21 20:19:41 UTC
Sound very much like me at 17.

It will all klick into place for you when the time is right.

(1) Money will come with time and work

(2) What you learn in school is little use in the real world - Algebra!!!

(3) You have no talents yet, you will develop them

(4) You wont have a life at 47 either (your future wife will see to that)

(5) Acne, Its not terminal nor lasts for life

(6) Value the ones you have

(7) Im shorter at 47 than I was at 17 and the skin has turned to fat - want a swap.
2007-12-21 20:18:59 UTC
Get a hobby! Find something that makes you happy! I personally love to play the guitar... You can find one cheap to start off, and then as you progress invest more money into your equipment.

1.) Musicians get an extra 10 points tacked onto the charisma scale (no matter how bad you look)

2.) It'll get you out of the house!

Believe it or not but some people have it worse than you appearance wise, (I'm sure). Well, I don't know.. cause I can't see you. Anyway, it could be worse.... You could lose all your hair at 18... I'm 26 and my avatar isn't bald because I think it looks cool. lol

Apply for a job at subway or something! The trick is to put yourself in an environment that's more positive then the one you think you’re stuck in.

Good luck!
2007-12-22 12:05:29 UTC

(ANS) In your posting (question) its clear that you are focusing completely on ALL the negative things about yourself and your life. OK! so you are feeling down, perhaps even depressed, you feel unhappy, sad, cannot see the point in anything right now.

However, I would challenge you here in my answer to you. I know that what your saying and what you are feeling are NOT the whole story, not the whole picture.

A) No.1 STOP comparing yourself to other people you see around you!!

B) STOP assuming & believing you have nothing to offer anyone!!

C) Sit down and I ask you to write down just x5 things that are good about yourself or x5 things you like?

No.1 you can change this by look for some kind of paid employment?

No.2 Thats NOT true and you have to stop thinking of yourself as a failure, your NOT a failure. YES! you may need some help & support but your NOT a failure.

No.3 That's totally untrue and I don't believe you have no talents, we each have a talent or skill at something? you may not know what it is right now, you have yet to discover your real gifts or talents.

No.4 you are alive & breathing therefore you have a life, yes! OK it may not be how you want your life to be ideally but you have a life.

No.5 Acne is a skin condition that can be successfully treated by doctors, go and see what a doctor can do for your acne.

No.6 If you don't like & love yourself, if you don't accept yourself for who you are then yes! you are going to be pushing other people away from you. However, if you like & love yourself, if you accept yourself then other people will be drawn towards you without much difficulty. You have to love yourself first though.

No.7 So what I'm only 5ft 6in myself and I don't have a problem with my height , so OK! I don't fit the male stereo type of 6ft tall and a x6 pack. So what I just am glad to be myself. Skinny, well if thats how you are naturally so what its only a problem if you focus on it in a negative way. Only then does it become a problem. Its how you feel about yourself as you are, NOT as you think others think you should be.

**You need some help & support to put these issues into a wider context, to see all of this is caused by your own negative beliefs & negative thinking. We do have the power to change, to change our beliefs about ourselves and to change how we feel about ourselves. Take each negative belief and change it into a positive one, an opposite one and start to believe these as true and things will change.


(trained counselor & therapist)
2007-12-21 20:53:31 UTC
You are intelligent, as you are able to recite your problems and challenges.

You are wise, as you believe some of your problems could perhaps be helped by others.

A good call to make is to 1-800-232-6459 as they provide licensed counseling and local referals.

Tell your story, even reading your list. Emphasize that you would appreciate a) medical care for your acne b) job and career counseling, testing, and training c) you are presently unable to finance any of these. This is a reason why financial needs tests exist, to help people who would do better if they knew better.

Everyone has talents, and there are employers who will hire, based on what you can do, not on how you presently look.

Also, a high school diploma is an asset. Talk with your school counselor, parents, and a trusted religious minister about ways to graduate.

Some or all of these will have positive suggestions. Keep a positive attitude.

Also 1-800-525-LOVE is another source of licensed counseling. Be sure to call them; they tend to talk longer :)

Don't judge yourself too harshly, don't condemn yourself, and continue to make the calls, the appointments, including with a local government job counseling program. That is why those people are there, to help you, it's their job. Keep telling your story, and list your problems you'd like help with. Being short of stature is something you have in common with Christ Jesus, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Mother Teresa. Being skinny is actually considered a health asset. You can build a life, and a focus for now ought be working on a program with your parents and a high school counselor, which will earn you your high school diploma. That will increase your earning potential.

Do consider reading a little in the Bible, such as Psalms and Saint John's Gospel.

God bless you,

Peace Please
2007-12-21 20:24:12 UTC
Please don't drop out of school you will feel so much better about yourself if you finish school.... get a job if you are self conscious about your acne get a job doing something with computers where there is not much contact with people.... every one is talented at something just try new things all the time! You don't need many friends just some people who care about you and you can talk to...... I am sure you will meet lots of friends at college! As a high school student I do have hard times and don't think I can deal with school anymore I just need someone to tell me that they know I can do it!

I wish you the best!

I know you can do it!
Abhishek Joshi
2007-12-22 06:54:03 UTC
Your only challenge right now, is to find what you are good at; as no soul is born without a gift, or unique talent on this planet. Your unique talent would be, one that gives you most joy!

Once you get this in your heart and diligently start hunting for your special gift, in time you'd realize that you are really a gift to others in your life, as well. Don't worry, late teens are especially testing for all, as we are all challenged to figure out who we are and what do we want, out the gift of life that we have.
2007-12-21 20:15:26 UTC
1 most 17 year olds are skint

2 not all kids do but if u give it your best then ok

3no i aint eather

4 well that aint true

5achney will go away

6 at school i had no freands and was bullid

7 i was 6f2 in by the time i was 12 and skinny if u think being shorts bad ask some one very tall
2007-12-21 20:13:05 UTC
your just mixing with the wrong people, try changeing school or go to more clubs where people with similar "defects" as you go or where things like that do not matter.

Have you tried american kids camping club- I mean as an adult looking after the kids there, all you need is to have energy and to care. They feed you and give you pocket money and house you, its worth looking into, there you can make some frineds who you will have something in common with regardless of how you look or how well you do at school.

Or go abroad to poorer countries, again meet new people to keep in contact with who really wont care how you look, its that you care which will affect how you do.

And if that all feels like too much hard work, and even finding a club or part time job to meet people feels like too much hard work, then your not desperate enough and just need to get on with it.
2007-12-21 20:13:48 UTC
Hiya, kind of like me when I was 17 (I had no acne though)

I started smoking much weed then, (Which is NOT my advice!!)

It all worked out for me in the end when I got my first job, it kept me busy, and brought me on the right track, made me as well kind of proud. Try to go maybe in some office / callcenter job, if u like that kind of thing!!
sally c
2007-12-21 20:09:27 UTC
Listen best thing you can do at your age is start off in a rubbish job at mcdonalds while you save up money to better yourself and your acne will clear its because your a teenager, dont stress we all went through it, i failed school but had some good jobs before i had my son when you get older you will want to learn and will make the effort to go to college so get a 9-5 anywhere and save your money plus you will make friends in the process, its all part of growing up.
2007-12-21 20:17:19 UTC
you are like this because its "YOUR CHOICE"

who is not getting a job ? - its you

who is saying that he is "skinny and short" - its YOU , son you are not a mistake ! don't fool your self ! Napoleon was short !

who is NOT studying ? - its YOU

who sayes "i have no life no talent " - its YOU !

" a few good Friends is better than a 10000 friends who don't give a **** about you "

peace ! pray for guidance , God is the only one who can really help you , but also " SLOTH " is a SIN !

there is only "results" ..... from "your actions" you are getting the results your getting !

" it is insaine to keep doing the same thing and expect different results "

you are too young to start taring your life apart !

Happy Holidays !
2007-12-21 21:23:31 UTC
you are going through a negative patch in life try to think positive about the situation, we all go through being broke and having acne at some point and yours is now. you entered the exam because you wanted to do something, you believed you could, why drop out when you may have a good chance of passing the exam, even if you failed wouldnt you feel better that you tried rather than keep wishing you done it,

at school i was ok until i reached middle school then everything just went wrong i got into fights, i struggled to keep up with school work, i rarely attended, i went through a phrase where i was yoyoing from underweight to overweight many times over for about 2 years i became suicidal, i started taking drugs, i started drinking and more those years were hard but it was just one day when iwas locked out i bumped into my now babys dad and he allowed me in and asked me where can you see yourself in 5 years time i replied i dont know probably dead, then he asked where would you like to be in 5 years time i replied in a good career or astart of a career and happy, that was it my answer to why i was doing the things i done because i craved happiness after all the harse things i been through, i started to put my head down at school at the start of term and made it a new start and put all negative into positive and i got some qualifications, i am clear from drugs and dont drink i am very calm, i have 2 kids and my own place somethings i would not have if he never gave me time,

think carefully where do you see yourself in 5 years

where would you like to be in 5 years

are the answers the same probably not

think positive and the possibilities will be endless to what you can do

you say your broke, ok try job searching, a job as a waitress or something ok may not be the job you want forever but it will gain you skills at work you needin just about any job,

you say you cant make the grade, i believe you can you are doubting yourself start telling yourself you can do it, set yourself little goals that are obvious to gain then add more as you go along and reward yourself for doing so even a nice hot bath for doing an extra page will do

you say you have no talents, this is something i find hard to believe you must have answered a few questions on here yeah well then you are sympathetic towards others and caring too, you say you tried a online cash system and failed at this okay but this tells me you have some determination to break free from this, am sure there is more

you say you have no life, go out have fun, even to the park or window shopping anything do something you have always wanted to do, why not start a new fresh part to life and start faking a smile until you can do it naturally you be amased, its christmas try greeting others merry christmas and a happy new year even the bus driver or the girl at the supermarket the security anyone and see their face bring a smile it will make you smile too

you say you got bad acne no need to worry try going to doc and ask for something on prescription for them and acknowledge him/her it makes you feel bad, try using products that do not contain any perfume often these are labelled dermatoloty tested and approved

try making new friends doing new activities dont try to hard though as you may seem desperate trying making a few on line to boost confidense if you need to , friends want a friend who will smile in company and not dwell so be cheerful and see what happens, your attending school try showing a new start by smiling in class and saying hello confidently try a new hairstyle or try some new style of clothes your class mates may want to be more closer to you if you give a good vibe and show confidense,

you say your short and skinny just be proud of your body eventhough you wish to change it in some way, eat healthy and do general exercise now and again and before you know you will be toned nicely

you can turn your life around if you turn your frown around, be happy look, act confident even when your not and you will regain the ability to be on track just remember things take time dont give up because it does not change over night, but the quickest one is smile and greet bet your confidence will increase just by doing so try it, first thing tommorrow say good morning merry christmas to someone watch them smile i bet you will too.

sorry i said waitress i mean waiter good luck anyway
2007-12-22 16:06:54 UTC
You forgot #1,im NEGATIVE

I am helping you to help yourself.


Ask yourself a Q: How do I get more positive?

And keep on asking it all the time until you wipe out #1 - 7!

Do not worry, the answer will reach you.
2007-12-21 20:09:20 UTC
1. Get a job

2. Get a job then

3 You'll learn some as you go along

4 Getting a job means getting a life you meet people at work

5. Go to the Doctor

6 see above

7. Who cares and go to the gym or lift bricks if you can't afford it
Smile =D
2007-12-21 22:44:11 UTC
1). same

2). you can... you just need to try reaaaaaaaly hard

3). *snort* nor do i... seriously...

4). err... do random things like beg money of your parents and go to a club... walk around your city... thats a life

5). used to XD... wash twice a day with soap (unless you have sensitive skin) ... and it helps if you use a moisturizer... i would recommend Clean and Clear facial wash or Dove Moisturizer.. apply after you wash... it worked for me XD

6). you only need 1/2 good friends...

7). better than tall and fat...

hmmm.... if you wanna chat than email me anytime... im a year or 2 ynger than uuu

keep smiling and good luck with life =]
2007-12-21 20:17:28 UTC
Yet you made it to 17...I'm sure you can make it to 34, take courage and move on.

Good luck!
Dr. Nightcall
2007-12-21 20:16:28 UTC
Maybe you should join the Coast Guard.
The Grima Queen
2007-12-21 21:53:10 UTC
l would be very happy to just have your problems!
2007-12-22 11:11:51 UTC
i believe you have a good life, keep it up!
2007-12-21 20:11:28 UTC
Get a map and a compass.
2007-12-21 20:12:21 UTC
cuz u never try. start trying
2007-12-21 21:44:39 UTC
FAILING AT THINGS is not a sign of a quitter. Maybe some 6.5 billion of the 7 billion people on earth do not succeed at something important.

It does not make a person a failure, some people are just at the right place at the right time WHILE OTHERS are at the wrong place and have the wrong circumstance at the right time!

--WHAT MAY trouble you is the way people brag at their successes , even though those successes might have just fell into their laps, with hardly an effort, I know it does me because I became legally disabled at 45 , when I was once a champion gymnast.

--MY disabilty for 20 years has been a difficult challenge for me, but I keep trying!

>>THEN YOU have the connivers(or con artists) and those fiercely competitive that will do about anything to succeed, no matter what it may do to another person!

>>SUCCESS CAN indeed be a false goddess, Please note a frank quote, by a famed person: on SUCCESS by Aldous Huxley:

>"the *****-goddess, Success" 'in William James's phrase--demands strange sacrifices from those who worship her'

THIS IS NOT TO SAY that we should not strive for success in a reasonable way, but in this world there are so many uncertainties!

The following Chapt in the book "Your Youth --Getting the Best Out of It" might be of help, it is based on Bible principles:

*** yy chap. 12 pp. 86-91 Do You Finish What You Start? ***

**Do You Finish What You Start?

--MUCH of human happiness comes through accomplishment. For instance, if you decide to learn to play a guitar and you keep at it until you can, then you get enjoyment from it. But if you quit soon after starting, you never get that pleasure and satisfaction. The same is true of any undertaking that requires practice and training, covering a period of time.

--2 However, in this matter of sticking with a project until it is finished, there are certain tendencies we all have to outgrow or overcome.


--3 As you know, little children have a very short attention span. Even in play it isn’t long before they are easily distracted or lose interest. But as a person grows, powers of concentration develop. You may have noted that in yourself. To a large degree you have to cultivate this quality, but it’s surely worth it because it helps you to get so much more out of life.

--4 To concentrate means that you have to overcome another common trait. That is impatience. Think back to when you were a small child. As you remember, little children always want things NOW! Often when they try to do something and do not succeed after a few attempts, they are ready to quit. Well, you probably know many teen-agers who are still like that. But if you appreciate that some of the most worthwhile things in life take time and effort, it will help you not to give up easily.

--5 An impatient person usually undertakes things hastily, on impulse. A wise proverb tells us: “The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want.” (Proverbs 21:5) So, before you embark on some project or accept some assignment or job, first of all make sure it is something genuinely worth while.

--6 In some cases the wise thing to do is not to finish what you start. How so? Because perhaps it was a bad idea from the beginning. The goal may be a wrong one, one that is out of harmony with right principles. Or, it may not be a good one for you. Is it worth the time and effort that it will take to reach it? Do you have good reason to believe you can reach it?

--7 Jesus told of the man who sets out to build a tower without first figuring out the cost and whether he can meet it or not. As Jesus said, the man may lay the foundation and then find that he can go no farther, causing observers to laugh and say: “This man started to build but was not able to finish.” (Luke 14:28-30) So, if you want to finish what you start, count the cost beforehand.

--Weigh advantages against disadvantages. Ask others their opinion, especially your parents. Benefit from their experience; they have made mistakes and can steer you away from these. The Bible is an outstanding source of wise and practical counsel. It is from God and it sets forth lessons learned by people over a span of thousands of years. For example, King Solomon did about all a man can do in the way of seeking pleasure in purely material things. He tells us the result: It was just a “striving after wind.” So why take up a similar worthless pursuit?—Ecclesiastes 2:3-11.


--9 Once you are convinced that your goal is really worth while, planning how to reach it is also vital. Many young persons fail to finish what they start because they become discouraged. Some unforeseen problems or obstacles may spring up. Or they find that what they undertook to do is harder than what they thought it would be. What now?

--10 Such a situation reveals what you are really made of. If you let hardships fill you with negative and pessimistic thoughts, this will rob you of the strength to go on. It is just as the Bible proverb says: “Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be scanty.” (Proverbs 24:10) So, instead, look on the situation as a challenge. Rise to meet it with extra effort—extra thought, energy and time. Challenges can make life interesting if you do not run away from them. By overcoming, you grow in confidence and resourcefulness. You can then undertake future tasks with greater assurance and enjoyment.

--11 So avoid developing the habit of quitting just because the going gets hard. Otherwise, the next time things get difficult, the tendency will be to do the same, to “throw in the towel,” to quit. By not letting this habit get a start, you can keep your life from becoming just a series of failures and unfinished projects.

--12 If you prove that you are not one who gives up easily, not a quitter or a dropout, you will earn the confidence and respect of others. While yet a young man, the early Christian Timothy was “well reported on by the brothers” in two different towns. (Acts 16:2) That is why the apostle Paul selected him as a traveling companion. Timothy had unique privileges, going with the apostle throughout many parts of the Roman Empire. After about a dozen years of faithful service, sometimes in dangerous situations, he was entrusted with weighty responsibility, which he carried out despite not having the best of health. Yes, Timothy could be relied on to stay with his assignment and do thorough work. He was a man to be trusted. But it took time and perseverance to merit that trust.


--13 If you are seeking to do something because it is right or out of a desire to please God, then he will help you to see it through. Consider Noah, for example. The ark that he and his sons built was a three-story chestlike structure over four hundred feet (122 meters) long. It was no “weekend project.” But because he saw the job through to its finish, Noah and his family survived the deluge and we, his descendants, are alive today.

--14 Again, consider the apostle Paul. He was a real example of one who did not give up when matters got difficult. To him, his particular assignment of service was worth enduring all manner of hardship for in order to retain it to its finish. He was willing to undergo beatings, stoning, imprisonment, hard labor, sleepless nights, thirst, hunger, cold and lack of clothing, dangers from enemies of the truth and from common criminals, also from wild beasts and the forces of nature as he traveled over land and sea. Because he was not a quitter, he could truthfully say he had ‘fought the fine fight, run the course to the finish, observed the faith.’ On what basis? Not because of self-confidence, but as Paul himself said: “For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me.” And as he also wrote: “We are coming off completely victorious through him that loved us.” (2 Timothy 4:6-8; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:35-39) Wouldn’t you say he was a person worth imitating?

--15 To enjoy life you must also be able to get on well with others, get their cooperation and win their respect. You cannot do this if you are quick to “give up” on people, starting friendships and then dropping them at the first sign of disagreement. Examine yourself. Do you sometimes handle your relations with others poorly, so that they may have reason to take offense? Well, does this cause you to “give up” on yourself? Then why be quick to get irritated or lose interest in others because they may sometimes disappoint you? Take the time needed to work out problems with patience. Who cannot see the wisdom of the proverb: “He that is slow to anger is abundant in discernment, but one that is impatient is exalting foolishness”?—Proverbs 14:29.

***PLEASE KEEP THIS truth in mind because it hits us all, some more some less that is why we many times feel like failures:

(Ecclesiastes 9:11-12) “. . .I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. 12 For man also does not know his time. Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly. . .”

**NO ONE is more special than anyone else, things just happen!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.