If intelligence is truly subjective than is it not foolish for us to claim that we are intelligent?
~~~ I don't see why; I don't see why not.
As 'intelligence' is in the eye (Perspective) of the beholder, so, too, is 'foolishness'!
They are two sides of the same coin! It 'can' be 'foolish', or not, depending on Perspective. Just as the bottom of the cloud is dark and cold, the top is blazing in the purest sunlight, all at once!
Besides we make the definitions, and stuff either is defined or not! If you define yourself as God, then that's who you are! The definitions provided by other Perspectives are unique in their Perspective, and equallyTrue;.features of the sum-total complete definition!
If anyone perceives us as 'intelligent', whatever it might mean to them, then we are so, their Perspective is a Real feature of One Reality, uiltimately, One Omni- 'Self!'!
The First Law of Soul Dynamics;
"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!"
All True!
"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd
"is this self righteousness justified or is our claim to intelligence but a simple way for us to mask our fear of death?
~~~ Ego ("self righteousness") is 'thought' Just as you perceive these words in your monitor, that which is, so you perceive 'thoughts'!
Thats where the (egoic) 'self', righteous or otherwise exist, as a 'thought' construct.
Everything that is perceived is real, true, exists, as Reality and Truth and Existence are all, ALL, inclusive!!
Bye the bye, the only place that the 'fear of death' exists, as 'thought/ego'.
So everything that is perceived, by every unique Perspective, every unique moment of existence is Real and True, NOTHING needs justification!
It's ALL True!!!
And you can't fear death unless you also fear life!
Same coin.
does our claim to knowledge actually prove our naivety"
~~~ Thumbnail version of the critical and final update of the definition of;
'Knowledge' is "that which is perceived"!
ALL inclusive!!
That you perceive it, it exists! Is Knowledge!
"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd
...so me eating the apple was not subjective it was a fact
~~~ There is no 'free-will', no 'choice', every moment of existence exists Now!
Every perceived moment is a 'fact', irrefutably existent!
Existence = the complete Universe = Reality = Consciousness = Truth = 'Self!' = God = Brahman = Tao = ... etc....
Everything Exists! All inclusive!
Everything is Real! All inclusive!
Truth is all inclusive!
Everything is True! All inclusive!
Existence/Reality/Truth is all inclusive!
That which is perceived exists. All inclusive!
That which exists is perceived. All inclusive!
Not a thing exists (notice that I didn't say that 'nothing' exists, 'cause it don't! *__- ) that is not perceived. All inclusive!
Not a thing is perceived that does not exist. All inclusive!
There is no, nor can there be, any evidence to the contrary!
Much depends of your definition of 'fact'; something sometimes 'true'? Universally 'true? From 'your' Perspective? From three 'agreeing' Perspectives? Universally? From ALL (unique) Perspectives?
All moments? I think that accepting something as a 'fact' is a matter of 'belief'; it's the truth and that's it! No more 'critical thought'! Philosophy becomes religion.
All 'objective existence' is perceived subjectively. That which 'is' (if that counts as 'objective' for you), ia, when (subjectively) perceived!
was no less right about anything than you or I
~~~ "All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense." -Robert Anton Wilson