Suicidal, Please Help.?
2007-05-20 07:16:55 UTC
My life has no meaning!

I need to find the Reason of Life
slowing going insane with Questions.

Why am i here?
Why am i never at peace?
Why am i so depressed?
How can i not commit suicide?
I don't want to tell my parents that im depressed and don't want pills.
Tell me anything that im inserted in

tell me about

broken hearts,
the universe,
The crucifixion,

. . . tell me about God.
61 answers:
2007-05-20 07:28:19 UTC
If you are really feeling this way . . . GET LIVE HELP!!! Call an emergency number or a crisis hotline.

1 - Meaning in life is how you make it. Make what you do worth while. Even the person that litters contributes to feeding the birds.

2 - Don't pay attention to your circumstances - - - look at what you can do with your life.

3 - Jesus came to save us from sin and to give us a connction with God. Look to Jesus for help, and His grace and mercy will be your support.
2007-05-21 06:22:02 UTC
YOU need to create a purpose for your life. Find a cause that you are interested in and start volunteering, even in the smallest way, and you will feel better about your life. I've been where you are and many others have too. Once you help someone else, you will feel your life has purpose. Do you love animals? Volunteer at the local shelter or look up pets needing adoption and re-list them on MySpace or FaceBook for others to see. Know of someone who is a loner and doesn't have many friends at all? Befriend him or her. Is there an old folks/retirement home in your area? Visit the elderly and be a light in their lives. (They have most of the answers you're looking for and can share so much wisdom!)

Always tell yourself that your situation could be much worse and be grateful for what you have. Know that there IS a purpose for your life and it is up to you to discover it! That's half the fun! Once you discover what you are passionate about, you can make a difference and feel much better about yourself and the reason you are here!

Know that you are loved and that your life is important. Jesus loves EVERYONE and would be devastated if anything happened to you....not to mention the many lives that you wouldn't have an opportunity to touch if you weren't here!

God does exist and He is a loving God. He forgives. He accepts. He wants to see you happy and even though life has trials, many trials we are faced with are enlightening and help us develop into better human beings. Suicide isn't the answer at all. It may seem like the easy way out and a way to stop the awful feelings you have, but a much more fulfilling way to realize peace and happiness is to give to others. You'll be amazed at the difference just the smallest action will make. Remember, give and receive 10 fold back. It's true!!! Find a way to give and you will feel 10x better (if not more!!!)
2007-05-20 09:09:52 UTC
Have you heard the poem by Emily Dickinson that goes something like this?

"I cursed God because I had no shoes, until I saw a man with no feet."

All too often we forget about all our blessings and think only of the negatives in our lives. But think about why we are negative? We get upset about the way so-and-so talked to us or looked at us. We get depressed because what we think we want doesn't fall from the sky, or because we can't manipulate people the way we would like.

These are just a few examples, but they all have something in common - the central focus is ME. In other words we perceive ourselves as the center of the universe and we expect everything and everyone to cater to our needs, whether it be physical emotional or psychological.

Now imagine if you will, a ME that steps out of itself and starts looking at itself as part of an organic whole. As part of an organic whole, each ME has a function, or a role. Each of those MEs performing it's function the best it can would allow the whole to survive and perhaps enjoy a measure of happiness.

Basically what I'm trying to tell you is to stop focusing on yourself and what would make YOU happy. Instead start thinking about how you can make others happy. Is there a kid in your neighborhood who needs a friend? Is there an elderly person who needs a companion or someone to mow his/her lawn? Is there a dog chained all day to a post because the owners are never home? Is there a child who can't see who'd love to have stories read to him/her? Is there a community shelter who could use volunteer help to feed and walk abandoned dogs? Does a kid struggling with English need some tutoring?

There are countless other things one can do to contribute to making life just a little easier for everyone. So get off the computer and start helping. And no more talk of suicide.
2007-05-21 01:33:38 UTC
The meaning of life must be created and lived , it can not be told .

(I need to find the Reason of Life ), the reson of life as been told by the greatist philosopher Heigle is the encarnation of the absolute ( God ) in the limited ( Human ) so Human must integrate its conscous to reach the absolute/unlimited ( God)

slowing going insane with Questions.its not insane whent qustioning but you need to meditate upone those question to have your own inner/speritual life , you will have an other inide you .

Why am i here? For many reasons

Why am i never at peace? You must find the real God

Why am i so depressed? You must know realy the real God

How can i not commit suicide? You ned to integrate your life by knbowledge , you need to study and read contiously to understand more .

I don't want to tell my parents that im depressed and don't want pills. The only Pills that you need are Prozac.

Tell me anything that im inserted in . :- Try to Study the Book of Tao Te Cheng , The Book of Taoism by the great Master Lao Tzu and see if you can understand any thing of it , then try to find the BOOk I Cheng the chinese Book of Oracles and try many times to open it and read its oracles .

tell me about ( I will try to find the answers about your other questions below mentioned later).the questions in fact are related to each other like life and love ,passion ,sadness & hate & depression ,; music and art and maths are also related to each orther













broken hearts,


the universe,


The crucifixion,

. . . tell me about God.

Additional Details

18 hours ago

please do the thumbs up or down thing
pug hugger
2007-05-20 12:23:14 UTC
That you are wanting to learn about God is a great thing. I will not make this long, but i will tell you that God is who you need to depend on. He created you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Jeremiah says "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).

A Great place to start is by reading the book of John in the Bible. It is a wonderful account of Jesus's life. Read John 3:16 and put your name in instead of the words "the world". If you were the only person on the earth, Christ still would have died for you. That is how much he loves you. If you don't have a bible, go to You can look up any verse or book of the Bible there. If you want more information, you can contact me at My yahoo instant messenger address is the same.
2007-05-20 07:31:04 UTC
Well.. to start with.. your curiosity should be enough reason to live. There are so many unanswered questions in this world..I share some of the same. But I would encourage you to find the answers to your questions, and not rely on other peoples definitions. That is the fascinating thing about life!! You have heard the expression "pinch me, I think I'm dreaming"... often I feel like "pinch me, I think I'm living!" I know life can be tough, and coming from a tough childhood.. I made a few decisions. Dont be like my parents (that was easy).. Succeed out of spite (because the cards were never in my favor) and to hold on to the things you love. I really never understood love until my daughter was born.. I realized then, it unlocked the answer to so many other questions I had about life. You will get there, just hang on and be patient. Stay away from prescription anti-depressants because they will stifle your emotions and make your life miserable. Keep an open mind..and look within to answer your own questions.
2007-05-20 13:07:00 UTC
I have been where you are. But let's think for a moment. Would you rather be in pain for a little while because you are confused about life and cannot find your happy medium at this particular moment. Or would you rather kill yourslef and never get to go through all the good and bad things that make liefe worth living. On top of that, think how your family and friends would feel if you left them? You would not be the only one who would be in pain then now would you? Please do not hurt yourself because if you do, you will not be the only one who gets hurt. You may not want to take pills but how about a phycatrist? At least sit down and talk with somebody about your feelings. Get back in touch with God. if you do these things I can promise you will feel better. Also try getting involved in a group activity group thing. Go out and make new friends. Find new interest. Best of Luck.
Dr weasel
2007-05-20 08:06:41 UTC
A peson becomes suicidal when there is no hope left. I can see that many people have taken an interest in your wealfare, so don't lose hope that people may care for you.

I also notice that your primary issue is depression....This is a common but temporary condition. It is truely foolish to apply a permenant solution to a temporary problem, so be patient with your living condition and remember that our hormones and environment play a large role in our emotional conditions.

As for GOD... that is a big big thing to discuss in a single note, but here goes...If GOD..then everything else. I care about what I make, and I am sure He does too. The difference is I am not perfect so describing what is perfect would be imposible for me. GOD knows this and has spoken on his own behalf. I found the Bible to be without error and believe I have a relationship with GOD, But no matter, GOD will not hide from someone who truely looks for him. To find the Truth, you must strip away lies and be open to what truth is regardless of how strange it may be.

Passion....Deeply held emotion. I have a passion for building machinery and I share that passion with friends. This is a way to build strong bonds and connections with others.

Good luck and best of everything. Dr Weasle
The Voice of Reason
2007-05-20 08:01:34 UTC
Even if you don't know why you're here, a lot of other people do.

Think about it: Your parents created you, and more importantly someone loved you enough to help you get to where you are now.

Your parents' parents also created them, raised them, and loved them hoping that they might one day have a child (you).

Think about all the work, suffering, even sheer struggle for survival that all of your ancestors (you can go all the way back to Adam and Eve if you like) had to do just to ensure that they could reproduce and keep your family line alive. Every single one of those people fought to stay alive so that, eventually, you could be born.

And so, if you can think of no other reason to stay here, at least you should be awed and honoured and grateful to the millions of people in your ancestral line who did everything they could just to make sure that you arrived here. They would all be so happy if you could get yourself well and find some happiness in your life. It will come, if you let it.

I find this to be even more amazing and powerful than any concept of God. But who knows? Maybe God had a hand in keeping all your ancestors alive so that you, too, could be born.
2007-05-20 07:34:56 UTC
Here is a national suicide prevention hotline where they will direct you to a crisis center in your area. 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Please do not kill yourself... Jesus loves you. There was a time when I too felt like killing myself. I was picked on at school for being smart, had no friends, my one parent hated me and I thought the other would die. It was a terrible time in my life, and I considered killing myself. Now I am so happy with my life and would never even think about suicide again. I thought I had no hope, I thought that my life would never get better. I felt trapped in a society that didn't care about me and wouldn't mind if I died. Today, I couldn't be farther from that. So please, I don't know what you are going through, but other people have been there and made it. Please don't kill yourself.

As for God, the bible says that "I (Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the life. whoever comes to the father must come through me." Take a few hours, or days, to study the bible. If you read it with an open heart, I know you will find something to sustain you. Go to a church - pastors are trained in counseling - they will help you with your thoughts and tell you about the god at the same time. Whatever you do, don't kill yourself. Your life is worth more than that, and I can say that confidently without even knowing you. It will get better.
2007-05-20 17:36:50 UTC
Why am i here? To spread the word of Jesus Christ

Why am i never at peace? Because you're always preoccupied or worried about one thing or another

Why am i so depressed? ::see answer above::

How can i not commit suicide? do things you enjoy and don't think about it.

TELL YOUR PARENTS. THEY'LL HELP YOU. unless they're the cause of this, but i really hope not. if they are, talk to a trusted adult or friend.

life- do things you enjoy (as long as they're not harmful), hang out with friends, family

love- family and friends

sadness- we've all felt it and have had to deal with it, so it's nothing new to any of us really. talk to someone and have them help you out.

hate- it's a strong word, feeling, emotion...

depression- talk to someone

math- just a confusing way with numbers

art- a way to express yourself

supernatural- GOD

tears- tears will come and go, depend on your emotions, they can be tears of happiness or tears of sadness, but they'll always be there (unless you mess up your tear ducts, but don't do that)

the universe- God created the universe in 7 days. don't listen to all that evolution crap and stuff b/c it's just a theory. besides, if there wasn't any matter in the universe and something just suddenly popped up and exploded- oh please, to heck with theories. God is simple. forget all that complex science crap you learn in school.

Jesus, the Crucifixion, God- Jesus was crucified because He loved us. God sent His ONLY Son to die. Not because He was bored or whatever, but because He LOVED us that He was willing to sacrifice His one and ONLY Son. And Jesus agreed. He was so perfect, holy, and pure, and yet He WANTED to leave Heaven, where all the angels worshipped Him, to come down to this earth where there was all this sin and bad stuff. He died so that we don't have to and so that we can die and go to Heaven (rather then Hell) and live with Him for eternity. God loves you and wants you to give your life to Him. and it's as simple as just telling Him that you believe He's the one and only true God, ask for forgiveness of all the things you've done wrong, and ask Him to come into your heart and to change you. yes, it's not exactly the easiest thing to actually act upon your prayer, but try your hardest and it'll turn out fine. obey what Him and your parents (He's also like your 2nd Father) and act on your faith. you can't just believe and go back to your old ways.

"For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life" -John 3:16

you can talk to Him whenever you want (pray), He'll never be too busy for you or anyone for that matter. He'll answer you, maybe not right away or soon, maybe in a day, month, 2 years, and He most likely won't come down from Heaven to tell you, but perhaps through someone's actions or something you read or something you see on TV, but He'll answer you. and it'll always be the best for you and for everyone else.

go to for more info

hope this helped =] <3
So... Kiss Me!
2007-05-20 17:19:38 UTC
Don't worry life is going to get better. I have been suicidal two times. But my life got better. I have my mom, my friends, my family etc.... Love is wonderful. I say its better to have loved then never to have loved. Passion is when you want something so bad. There will always be passion. And sadness is really hard to deal with sometimes. Sadness to me is the worst feeling. I have dealed with sadness thousands of times. Also I hate it when people hate each other. Yes I have hate before I have hate my dad for what hell I have been though with him. I love sleep when I just want to get away from things I sleep try it it works. Depression oh that one is hard. Depression is when something hurts soooo bad you don't know how to deal with it. Death is the worst. I have delt with death to many times. Death has to deal with depression. When someone has died people will get depressed. Now music is the best. Music helps me more than pills. Pills just make you a fake person. And you don't want to be fake I know I don't. Music is wonderful it is a way to come out and be yourself. Math oh I don't like math but it is every where! You use math every day. Art is also better than pills and also you can come out and be yourself. Now supernatural I don't know about. I do know it is a TV show. Broken hearts are also the worst. Its just like falling out of love, losing someone, anything can be a broken heart. Now tears have to deal with a broken heart. Tears are very good. Sometimes I just love to cry. Don't and I repeat DON'T ever be aifred to cry. The universe I don't know much about. Jesus is wonderful. Jesus died for us and he will do it a million times. Just never forget Jesus is here for you. The crucifixion is sooooo hard to talk about. The crucifixion has to deal with Jesus dieing for us. Now God sent his son down to earth to die for us. God is wonderful. Just remeber that.

Good Luck

(sorry for the miss spelled words)

Love, Margie
2007-05-21 09:56:11 UTC
Oh sweetie! ur life has soooo much meaning!! I mean, just to be able to get up in the morning is ...Awesome!! God created you for a reason and sometimes that reason just takes a while to find out. Just remember, god dont make no junk!! Hang in there girly and everything will turn out GREAT! I mean you will find some one that cares about you and will grow to love you and believe me, your going to want to spend EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE with that special someone! And there will be times when life seems like HELL but just remember to talk to family, friends, a boyfriend, your crush, and most importantly GOD, because he will be there for you no matter what and he will answer your prayers!
Teddy H
2007-05-20 15:59:58 UTC
I am a Christian and i feel that God is a vital part of my life that i wont feel the same without. If you are seriously feeling suicidal i strongly recommend you might as well give god a shot. Trust me sometimes i really feel horrible and i constantly question myself why i am here but then i get reminded of the gospel and i start functioning again. In my opinion, we are made to be vessels to contain god. As you may know, God sent his only son , jesus to rescue us. We were all bound to die because we are all sinners due to adam and eve's fall. We have to be clean vessels to spread the gospel to others, build up the body, and eventually god will come back. When God comes back and he will judge us based on how we have lived our lives. And if you are mature, have Gods's life in you, walk with god . etc.. you will go to his kingdom and live eternally in hapiness with god. Sometimes when life throws me an obstacle, i feel like life is pointless than i think about God's life in me and how i have somthing not a lot of others have and a i get a feeling of security. This is only a brief over but at first it may seem a lot at once. Trust me, if you are enjoying God you will surely feel hapiness. To get more info check your local church, this just may be what you need!
2007-05-20 07:39:28 UTC
life - its long. you have lots of time for mistakes and learning from them. you have good times and bad times. you need to remember that the bad only last for so long until they disappear. and they will. its worth living. thats why we are all here. to live, not necessarily to do.

love - it takes time to find but great to have. your parents love you and would be devastated if you offed yourself.

passion - yet to experience it.

sadness - we've all felt it. don't let it consume you. see what is causing it and change it.

Hate - its ugly. try to avoid it. just avoid or conquer what ever is making you feel it.

sleep - is needed :)

depression - i've had it. if your suicidal like you say, you probably have it. i went to a shrink, they gave me an anti depressant/ anxiety medication. its like magic. i used to not be able to go to school, i would cut myself, i wanted to die. i wasted life. i'm glad i went to the shrink. there is NOTHING wrong with needed some extra help.

death - happens to everything but scares the hell out of me so i wont lecture you on it. don't take your life before its meant to happen

music - can help you escape your current situation and make you feel understood.

math - all you need to know is how to multiply, divide, subtract and add for everyday use.

art - is an escape from the real world.

supernatural - mysterious

broken hearts - heal

tears - taste bad but are called for sometimes

the universe - too big to think about. it makes me feel lost.

Jesus - i'm not religious

The crucifixion - must have been painful
2007-05-20 12:55:55 UTC
Each person must discover their meaning and purpose in life. The search will be a difficult one. They only advice I can give you is to pray. Ask God to help you through these hard times. Many of us have been in you shoes. Some have given up while others keep fighting. There will be a time when darkness will surround you In that time will you take the "leap of faith" or will you surrender. Below is a poem that helped me in my time of need. I have always known about this poem but I never got it, untill now.

Footprints in the Sand

by Mary Stevenson

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was

walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the

sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he

noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one

belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When

the last scene of his life flashed before him, he

looked back at the footprints in the sand. He

noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed

that it happened at the very lowest and saddest

times in his life. This really bothered him and he

questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that

once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all

the way. But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life, there is only one set

of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed

you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,

"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would

never leave you. During your times of trial and

suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it

was then that I Carried You."
2007-05-20 21:22:16 UTC
Ya know sometimes I say the same thing, "why am I here?" God has a reason for putting you on this earth, like right now you probably helped so many people by letting them know, there's other people out there like them, maybe you were sent here on earth to make others smile. Think about one thing in life you want to accomplish, think about one person you don't want to leave behind, besides if God wanted you to kill yourself and thought you were worthless he wouldn't have planned for you to write this letter, if he did plan to make you commit suicide, you would already be dead, Oviously God has plan for you, don't ruin it, think about how much you would have let God down.
phlox N
2007-05-20 15:38:21 UTC
first of all , let me start by saying that no one's born without a purpose. so you can't say that your life has no meaning. you just have to be patient about it and wait.

to answer the question of why you're here, that's one thing you have to come up with. as for why you are never at peace? well, it could be many things like maybe your job __ if u have 1__ , school work, friends or family. or it might be that u feel like u don't fit in. trust me i felt that way too. long time ago, but u'll find people who u'll fit in with soon enough. just give it some time.
2007-05-20 08:31:10 UTC
Don't kill yourself ...... this life is just a test, nothing in this life matters as long as you stand up and face the music. God is with you and all of us. He does not burden a soul more than it can bear. You must search inside you for that Power that Powers all of us.

God is the one that will save you, not your parents and not the people around you, you will see hardship in this world, loss of family, wealth and lovers ...... but do not despair .... ask for help and guidance from the true Creator of us ALL.

He will help you if you ask from your heart, He turns to those that turn to HIM, so forget about your worries and go to the ONE Lord of us all in your heart, He will surely help ..... and be patient .... it may take some time depending on your situation.

Keep Him in remembrance and He will keep you in remembrance.

Peace to you and may God have mercy on us all.
2007-05-20 07:38:39 UTC
its awfully selfish of you to commit suicide just because you are depressed...its more than just your life, in a way your life is not your is yours, at the same time it is not...

You need to let go of your fears and behold the wonder and mystery of life. Stop trying to be like others or what others expect you to be, be that self which you truly are, be a first hand version of yourself rather than a second hand version of

someone else.

Stop searching outside yourself for happiness and God etc...things on the outside will always keep changing, and at times we must change with it, but true happiness can only come from within.
Nice try
2007-05-20 07:35:39 UTC
Let me share my suicide story with you. Twelve years ago, I felt exactly like you described. So I took a bottle of sleeping pills and washed it down with bottle of cough syrup (back when cough syrup was no joke) and a beer.

I woke up the next morning pissed off! I was supposed to be dead! However, it showed me one thing: my life had meaning, I just hadn't discovered it yet. People have died from less of an overdose than what I took, yet I survived. And though I was still walking around miserable, I knew that suicide wasn't the answer.

You just need to tough it out. There's Someone in charge upstairs (no matter what name you choose to give Her); leave things in Her capable hands. It'll work itself out.
2007-05-20 12:20:08 UTC
think of it like this, you have one life to live to the fullest or one to screw up because who knows what s after life. Live for each day and dont worry about the future. Take time to notice the POSITIVE things around you. people can really live life when they have no limit or structure everyday. Go outside and pick out every little thing that makes ou happy. Reading books can take you mind off of the bad. Think about the family or special ppl you would like to see every day.

Do this for me and those who are dead wishing they did this all. Dont be a sell out and take your life. Life is what you make it!
2007-05-20 07:31:42 UTC
What makes you happy? I have been someone that has lived with depression since age fifteen. I had a great family, my parents where great but, for some reason I have always been depressed. Depression is a chemical embalance and something you cannot help.

You cannot cure depression on your own and to be honest when I took meds it made me sleep all of the time. I am now not on meds but, I try to think about my life differently than I use to. Its not a cure for your depression but, thinking a little differently can change your perspective a bit. You begin to see life a little differently.

Maybe you should stop for a moment and think about your life. What makes YOU happy? I am not sure how old you are but, I lost my dad when he was 54. I learned alot from losing him. It taught me that life is way to short to live miserable. That I should concentrate on what makes me happy, after all you only live once. One thing to always remember is that things can always get worse.

You need to think about who you are and what makes you happy. What do you enjoy? Do things that make you happy and things you enjoy. There are many types of people in this world and NO ONE is perfect (although some may think they are they're not). We all have our differences and our problems. You should never compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone had good qualities as well as bad. You need to take a moment to concentrate on your good qualities. This is your life and no one else can make the decision for you to make your life the way you want it but you.

If you are seriously thinking about suicide, I think you should get help. I thought about that when I was younger but, I knew if I where to do something like that then that would kill my parents. I for one have the up most respect for my parents. Now at age 29 I have been blessed with three beautiful children myself. As I look back at my teen years when I felt I had nothing to live for, I had no idea what was to come into my life. I have had many happy times since then. My life isnt perfect, I have had many struggles but, you know what I am happy. I have three beautiful children that look up to me as their mother. That to me is worth living.
2007-05-20 12:04:00 UTC
your life means something to someone.

i promise.

your here because GOD put you onthe earth not anyone else so dont let anyone tell you any different.

if he put you here there is meaning to this

i dont think anyone is ever at peace i PROMISE!

everyone has somethin goin on in their minds 24 hrs in the day !!

everyone is depressed give it time itll blow over if it doesnt go to church read the bible it will make yiou feel better.


you WILL be misssed and you will end up hurting everyone around you more than you know.

LIFE is good you just have to live it.

someone loves you SOMEONE!!

everyone has broken hearts its life BELIEVE ME!

JESUS has been my savior since i was nine years old and through going to church and being in a youth group where people are my age and they feel the same wasy is great

if you are in an environ ment like that it will make you feel better.

JESUS died fFOR you not for you to kill y ourself but to live through HIM!!!

i hope i HELPED!! :]


2007-05-20 11:38:16 UTC
I used to be in ur shoes.. But my grandma had put me on pills. They made me worse and My bf at the time didnt help eather. But i met this guy that im with now. He's amazing. I moved in with Him a few weeks ago. Im also pregnate. They give me a reason. Hope, love and Purpose. Im nervous about being a mom, but i couldnt be more excited. I thank god everyday for my bf. I love him to death.

(PAST)I used to be afraid of love, Because everything i loved ended up leaving me. I had givin up on it. My Mom left, My dad gave me away, My grandparent split, My dad's new wife was abusive, my bf was abusive, and my siblings didnt seem to like me.


Mom still doesnt want me. But who cares. I have a mother in law who does. My dad sees me every month. My grandma is happy with another man. My dad divorced the Wicked step mother. Im with the best man ever and I hang out with my siblings as much as possible and its always a blast.

Sometimes things take time. Dont give up.
Gary B
2007-05-20 07:54:35 UTC
Life is the light (the understanding), the spirit within you.

Love is God. Receive it, give it, receive it.

Passion is the desire of your heart.

Sadness is increased with knowledge. Face it, get closer to the pain, and it's impact will be lessened (happiness will come afterwards).

When you die, you sleep.

You can live forever in peace and joy and feel right about it.

Do you really want to know everthing?
2007-05-20 17:46:28 UTC
don't die... you know how to die so learn how to live. tears just lets ur felings out. the main reason of life is happiness. i suggest going to a hyptotherapist. no one knows what happens after death. i just think you go to sleep and never wake up. just forever blackness, forever pain, forever nothiness so live and enjoy life! just because your depressed doesn't mean you should die. live and youll be happy. u never know what happens to people that dissapear until you meet the same fate. Jesus can make you happy, he can make you satisfied thats what christins say but you can believe anything u want as long as it makes u happy.u dont have to believe me but its alright. youll learn some day like i did. i went very close to suicide too.
Mr. Wizard
2007-05-20 10:00:49 UTC
I had a quick flick around your profile and read some of your previous answers/questions...

There are some truths that I could tell you, do you really want the truth? Even if you do, and I tell you, would you verify my answers for yourself, or take them on faith? Would you make the effort to understand, or do you want someone to tell you what you want to hear?

Ask yourself this question;

"Is 'rational' a matter of opinion?"

Your answer will define the rest of your life...
Montana R
2007-05-20 20:40:54 UTC
LIVE. You cannot find reason for your life, you must make one. You have to decide your purpose, you can't go looking to others for something as powerful as is your choice.

You are here to be here. Because you haven't been here before, you must use all you were born with to affect everything around you, whether it be for good or for bad.

You are depressed because there is no one else like you, because no one can do what you can, side from a few. Any physical reason that it could be is because you let it affect you. Stay strong and fight through the pain, live out your life, and search for answers to you become the guide to all those lost.

You could if kill yourself...if it were meant to be. The door is shut for now, you have not fulfilled your destiny. Don't resort to the card of the weak, you know your stronger than that, you have to continue on with your life, muster all your strength and continue every day with a vigor never seen. I believe in you!

Life- Life is what surrounds you, life bend to your will and also forces you to its own. Life is touchable, but only to an extent. LIfe is the state of being and existing, regardless of whatever it is you are. Life penetrates all things, it is an energy, a beacon to all the void.

Love- Love is part of life. It is one of the most powerful forces in all existence. It can change everything. And it can destroy everything. It is neither good nor bad, and it is always there in some way, you just have to tie the binds.

Passion- Passion is a determination to forward your goals, whatever the cost. You merely have to find a reason for it.

Sadness-Sadness is the time of darkness right before the sun rises. It cannot last forever, and the feeling of hope you always get after it is very powerful, sometimes, we need sadness to be.

Hate- Hate is just as powerful as love, and has the same properties. It can forge and destroy...but hate is controllable, love will always be there. People just haven't learned how to stop their hate.

Sleep- Sleep is a difficult subject for me, as I have not felt its affects for quite a long time. Sleep is the portal to your soul, to the deepest parts of your mind. It is when you are most likely to hear the most important messages in your life. If you understand how, you can reside within your dreams and bend every aspect of it to your will, do whatever you want, but it rarely happens.

Depression-Depression is a stronger, longer lasting form of sadness. Depression usually ends without any hope or anger though, it just ceases.

Death-Death is the pathway to heaven and hell, it is the passage to the place marking the consequences of your choices and actions in the middle realm, you decide in your life the outcome of your future on the other planes.

Music- Music is the expression of the interest of humanity and a deep form of communication.

Math- Math is the scientific explanation of any event through numerical values.

Art- art is any form of expressing your thoughts, abstractly or concretely.

Supernatural- A supernaturality is anything outside of the mundane processes of reality. But it isn't always existing as it is, things that are natural, can become supernatural.

A broken heart- Broken hearts are symbols of true harm to the soul, they can affect the strongest of all peoples, and extend outwards to affect all who are around the broken one.

Tears- If they are sincere, tears are signs of the soul, happy or otherwise. They fortell either pain or strengthening of yourself.

The universe- The universeis the middle realm. Because of our actions, it is the most evil place in all existence, more evil than hell, yet, unlike hell, we have the power to change this.

Jesus- Jesus is one of the greatest plagues of the human race. People manaically follow him and his father to death. Accepting the hell they place upon us, the shackles that he has binded us with. He is the greatest enemy of stability.

The crucifixion- The crucifixion was the greatest manipulation of all humanity. Because of it, life no longer exists. Because of it, all things will vanish forever. Only a few people understand what must be done to bring back life, and save existence.

God- The christian god is the darkness of all things, he is the reason for our coming extinction, for the end of all things.

To tie the loose ends, I will say some of the things I have left out. Hell has no overseer, for it is nothingness. And the christian god is a usurper, he has destroyed life so he has power. There is a true "god", but he lies dormant, powerless to stop what is happening. Only through the help of all those willing to fight, can we bring back life, and begin the Paradial Age. I know that I sound no better than some cult leader, but truth is truth, and I will not denounce what i have said.

And in regards to you who has asked the question, stay strong. I have hope for you, I share your pain, and I wish to heal yours. I cannot stand by and watch people like you suffer. But I can't see you either, can't meet you. I need you to be strong for all those who need you, don't let the dark things about you consme you. I will be there for you, however I can be.

I am your shield and sword...because I chose to be.
Lady Annabella-VInylist
2007-05-20 07:29:20 UTC
If you feel like asking this question, it is because your life has meaning and you want to connect to other people. This is very important, except that of course, connection here is of a very strange kind and remains anonymous. Maybe this is what you want, or what you need. Connecting to people with no faces. I hope you meet people with faces, people that you love.

One of my favourites quotes for you. It's from Howard's End by E. M. Forster and it shows the importance of connecting to other people:

"Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer."
2007-05-20 07:55:25 UTC
Life sucks end of story,get over it!You need to tell you parents right away!Do you know that suicide is not the only option,just the more obvious one...How do you think your parents would feel if you killed yourself and didn't even tell them how upset you are!?I can tell you that for the rest of their lives they will carry the guilt of not being able to help you and knowing that you would have rather died than come to them.I am sure that isn't what you want....
2007-05-20 07:38:36 UTC
Every breath you take has meaning, all of your thoughts have meaning....When I have ever felt down I'd do something for someone. It always makes you feel good when you feel needed or when you make someone something for someone, make life meaningful! One way to TRULY fill that void is by helping out humanity, making a difference, and changing the world—whether it be on a micro or macro scale!
2007-05-20 08:22:16 UTC
I am writing in answer to your plea for help. You are so right you do need to find the reason of life, but that has to do with you deciding on what you want to do with your life. I will try to answer your other questions to the best of my knowledge.

-You are here to serve a purpose in the scheme of things. What you are to do is up to you. If you want to be happy you will choose to do what makes you happy. Do something you are good at, something you like to do.

-You are not at peace because you question your existence. When you chose to do what you want to do you will be happy and content with life. You will become at peace with yourself.

-Of course you are depressed. That is because you are continually wearing out your mind trying to figure out you sadness instead of trying to lose it. You lose your sadness by getting away from it. Get lost somewhere else.

Doing something else. We are back to the begining of my suggestion to you. Do something you love to do.

-People commit suicide after dwelling a long time on doing it. Therefore the simple way to not commit suicide is not to think about it. Busy your mind with something. Gee it looks like we are back to that suggestion. Do something you like to do. Something you are good at. Idle hands are said to be the Devil's tools. Don't let him tempt you into doiing something stupid like suicide. Be productive with your life. Make someone happy and you will be happy too. So goes the song.

-Why not tell your parents that you are depressed???? Depression is not something to be sellfish about. If you can not help yourself with depression you should get help from someone about that. Parents are a step in the right direction towards getting help. I am glad that you are giving me a chance to possibly get you to help yourself. That right when it comes right down to it the person that has the best chance of helping you with your depression is you. That is what I HAVE COME TO LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE.

The fact that you write about your depression means that you want to get over it, Then you need to take the steps to do so. Do something!!!!! If you quietly keep your depression to yourself then you will be successful in doing damage to your self. You are an intelligent person who has the ability to do something for society. Do it.

Forget about your depression and live your life. I love you. God loves you. I am quite sure even your parents love you. People will love you if you give them a chance. You need to get out there and love someone. I will gladly discuss all of this some more with you. Just IM me or send me an email to and I will be there for you. You can have a friend in me.
2007-05-20 07:57:01 UTC
Your life has meaning. You just can't see it in the fog you are in right now. I know you feel like you have been given a hard life to live with the problems you have. Please understand, that this too shall pass. We all have our good times and bad times. And everyone has their own problems in life. We live our lives like we are on a roller coaster ride. We have the ups and the downs just like the roller coaster. But, we wouldn't be happy on the merry-go-round...doing and seeing the same things day after day, year after year.

You are here because Our Heavenly Father placed you here to learn what I call "life lessons". Each person has lessons to learn from in this life. How we past the test determines whether we go on to another lesson or if we stay in the lesson, we are learning, until we pass it.

I can tell you that even if you were to try to commit suicide, if it is not your time to leave this world, you would not be successful. No one dies before their time.

If you are depressed or not at need to search inside to find what you can do to fix it. We are the only one that can make our self happy, no one can do it for us.

You want to know about our Heavenly Father. I can tell you He is a loving Father. He sees what you are going through and He hurts for you. He loves you and He wants the best for all His children. But like an earthly father, He knows you have to learn about life on your own. You have to take the steps to make your life better. I know you feel like you haven't received enough love in your life, but I can tell you that He was there loving you all the time. He knows every hurt, every tear, every happiness, every experience you have been through in you life. And for every hurt He has wanted you to have joy.

Our Heavenly Father loves us, so much, that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. And through His Son's shed blood, we are forgiven of our sins. If you believe this, then you are forgiven of your sins and saved.

Please, know, that life will not always be like it is for you right now. You will have your happiness. You just have to get through the life lesson you are going through right now and pass it, to get to the next one.

I wish you happiness and you find what you are looking for to make you happy.
2007-05-21 05:02:19 UTC
you're only as fab as you're feeling! start talking to people, being a bit more open and generally laughing in the face of people who don't believe in you- show people you're fun and don't let bad stuff get to you. Always smile, " when you close one door, 2 open". treat everyday like it's your day and prove to people you've been put here for a reason, religion and faith helps but in the end only you can get yourself out of something so just start being you, and people will warm to it and life will be better. :-)
2007-05-20 11:22:16 UTC
Sounds like you are interested in writing some sort of poetry. But, suicide is not the answer. Journaling helps if you have no one to talk to. But, at least call one of those hotlines to hear a live person talk to you.
ashley w
2007-05-21 08:01:20 UTC
just go and talk to someone

no one has a perfect life.

just ask your parnet to let u go and talk to someone b/c you need some help on things.

just dont do anything at u will regent.

just have a great life.

just remember life is great if you make it so dont hold back.

have fun with life like there is no tomorrow.
shahrukh no 2
2007-05-20 23:10:06 UTC
god is great man!you may or may not know that nones' life is it even a is just a challenge.take it so and go through the difficulties.even if you skip one thing,you are not a true human.when you go through difficulties,it is as if you you are attending and winning each every contest,championship or tournamentheld every second i hope you like this
lil pit cat 71
2007-05-20 07:25:27 UTC
first off i am manic,and in the past i tried to end my life more than once.i think you need to talk to someone.parents,counselor,pastor,maybe even a Dr. you are not alone and you shouldn't try to deal all by yourself.there is light at the end of the tunnel just reach out and let someone help you.i did and i still have thoughts but i know it's not the answer!!if you want to talk I'm here
2007-05-20 07:34:18 UTC
You expect to get answers to your questions from the outside. That's why you get nothing. There's nothing there, out of us. Nothing has sense, except from the point of view of the observer. Does that mean he's right ? No, but he makes sense of what he sees. Try to do the same for you. All these questions and many more I still keep asking my self, hoping the solution arrives from *somewhere*. I do, according to my point of view, share your desperate conquest. :)

Love you !

Best wishes. xxx
2007-05-20 07:24:25 UTC
Please get help! Don't just depend on some nameless, faceless folks on a Blog. Talk to your friends. Talk to your parents, they may understand more than you think.

Life holds challenges, frustrations, stress, hope, love and promise. Ending your life will keep you from ever reaching your potential. You are a worthwhile and lovable human being. You are part of God's creation and he doesn't make mistakes!
2007-05-21 06:12:39 UTC
My teacher told me this story.

He showed me a crisp dollar bill and asked me if i wanted it. I said yes. He then crumpled it up and asked me again if i wanted it. And of course i still wanted it. He tried almost every way to make it look different and i still wanted it.

Everyone is worth something.

Plus try to do something you like, something to keep your mind off suicide.
2007-05-20 07:32:01 UTC
You are wonderful, and God's unique creation.

He's your daddy, and daddy love's you like no other.

You can have peace in tough times

Watch the 15 min video at
2007-05-20 09:11:21 UTC
you do not no the living god .he is calling you and you are not listening .he has placed a hole in yourself that only he can fill.i would recomend you stop listening to talk radio ,news and stop reading the news paper .you well see your life in your place and you well see it is better then you thought it is. all the sadness in the world is bring you down .
2007-05-20 07:30:46 UTC
Everyone has problems. Suicide is a permanant solution to a temporary problem. Ride out your problems & talk to a friend, parent, or doctor.
Kenneth T.
2007-05-20 12:01:01 UTC
god is a person who loves you and you are here for a reson ok do not kill you self over something that small ok if you need help just talk to me
Dr Janice
2007-05-22 12:18:20 UTC
you could be suffering from chronic poisoning. It's MSG in your food and drink. Get the MSG out, and you will feel better.
2007-05-20 20:17:30 UTC
Holy Bible

Pick it up

Read it

You will feel better
2007-05-20 11:12:31 UTC
call this number 1-800-suicide
2007-05-20 07:21:04 UTC
nobody has a perfect life, but life is gonna be as good as you make it. do what ever you can to be happy and live a meaningful life.
2007-05-20 11:21:30 UTC
dont kill yourself jus think about what makes you happy and things you want to achive in life :)
david v
2007-05-20 07:27:25 UTC
If you were going to do it you would already, stop crying and get to life you might have missed something good thinking about suicide.
2007-05-20 09:43:40 UTC
Stop questioning yourself. Find something else to do.
2007-05-21 03:28:31 UTC
get a religion
2007-05-20 16:42:17 UTC
u dont know but people care about u
2007-05-20 07:24:51 UTC
please look for help. there are people who uyou can call and ask for it. do not do anything irrational. life is a one time chance for us all.
2007-05-20 07:26:54 UTC
Think about this you spoiled brat. you have a computer, so you obviously are not dirt poor. you're smart enough to know how to use it, so you're not stupid. you have the strength to type in your question, so you're not starving or dying. why don't you appreciate the GREAT life that you have and stop being a little brat.
2007-05-20 07:21:01 UTC
call a lifeline or help number... no use postingit on some website... talk to someone immediately
2007-05-20 13:26:02 UTC
G. A. B.
2007-05-20 07:57:09 UTC
You are not suicidal.
2007-05-20 07:40:25 UTC
There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation

Praise is due to God whose worth cannot be described by speakers, whose bounties cannot be counted by calculators and whose claim (to obedience) cannot be satisfied by those who attempt to do so, whom the height of intellectual courage cannot appreciate, and the divings of understanding cannot reach; He for whose description no limit has been laid down, no eulogy exists, no time is ordained and no duration is fixed. He brought forth creation through His Omnipotence, dispersed winds through His Compassion, and made firm the shaking earth with rocks.

The foremost in religion is the acknowledgement of Him, the perfection of acknowledging Him is to testify Him, the perfection of testifying Him is to believe in His Oneness, the perfection of believing in His Oneness is to regard Him Pure, and the perfection of His purity is to deny Him attributes, because every attribute is a proof that it is different from that to which it is attributed and everything to which something is attributed is different from the attribute. Thus whoever attaches attributes to God recognises His like, and who recognises His like regards Him two; and who regards Him two recognises parts for Him; and who recognises parts for Him mistook Him; and who mistook Him pointed at Him; and who pointed at Him admitted limitations for Him; and who admitted limitations for Him numbered Him.

Whoever said in what is He, held that He is contained; and whoever said on what is He held He is not on something else. He is a Being but not through phenomenon of coming into being. He exists but not from non-existence. He is with everything but not in physical nearness. He is different from everything but not in physical separation. He acts but without connotation of movements and instruments. He sees even when there is none to be looked at from among His creation. He is only One, such that there is none with whom He may keep company or whom He may miss in his absence.

The Creation of the Universe

He initiated creation most initially and commenced it originally, without undergoing reflection, without making use of any experiment, without innovating any movement, and without experiencing any aspiration of mind. He allotted all things their times, put together their variations gave them their properties, and determined their features knowing them before creating them, realising fully their limits and confines and appreciating their propensities and intricacies.

When Almighty created the openings of atmosphere, expanse of firmament and strata of winds, He flowed into it water whose waves were stormy and whose surges leapt one over the other. He loaded it on dashing wind and breaking typhoons, ordered them to shed it back (as rain), gave the wind control over the vigour of the rain, and acquainted it with its limitations. The wind blew under it while water flowed furiously over it.

Then Almighty created forth wind and made its movement sterile, perpetuated its position, intensified its motion and spread it far and wide. Then He ordered the wind to raise up deep waters and to intensify the waves of the oceans. So the wind churned it like the churning of curd and pushed it fiercely into the firmament throwing its front position on the rear and the stationary on the flowing till its level was raised and the surface was full of foam. Then Almighty raised the foam on to the open wind and vast firmament and made therefrom the seven skies and made the lower one as a stationary surge and the upper one as protective ceiling and a high edifice without any pole to support it or nail to hold it together. Then He decorated them with stars and the light of meteors and hung in it the shining sun and effulgent moon under the revolving sky, moving ceiling and rotating firmament.

The Creation of the Angels

Then He created the openings between high skies and filled them with all classes of His angels. Some of them are in prostration and do not kneel up. Others in kneeling position and do not stand up. Some of them are in array and do not leave their position. Others are extolling Allah and do not get tired. The sleep of the eye or the slip of wit, or languor of the body or the effect of forgetfulness does not effect them.

Among them are those who work as trusted bearers of His message, those who serve as speaking tongues for His prophets and those who carry to and fro His orders and injunctions. Among them are the protectors of His creatures and guards of the doors of the gardens of Paradise. Among them are those also whose steps are fixed on earth but their necks are protruding into the skies, their limbs are getting out on all sides, their shoulders are in accord with the columns of the Divine Throne, their eyes are downcast before it, they have spread down their wings under it and they have rendered between themselves and all else curtains of honour and screens of power. They do not think of their Creator through image, do not impute to Him attributes of the created, do not confine Him within abodes and do not point at Him through illustrations.

Description of the Creation of Adam

God collected from hard, soft, sweet and sour earth, clay which He dripped in water till it got pure, and kneaded it with moisture till it became gluey. From it He carved an image with curves, joints, limbs and segments. He solidified it till it dried up for a fixed time and a known duration. Then He blew into it out of His Spirit whereupon it took the pattern of a human being with mind that governs him, intelligence which he makes use of, limbs that serve him, organs that change his position, sagacity that differentiates between truth and untruth, tastes and smells, colours and species. He is a mixture of clays of different colours, cohesive materials, divergent contradictories and differing properties like heat, cold, softness and hardness.

Then God asked the angels to fulfil His promise with them and to accomplish the pledge of His injunction to them by acknowledging Him through prostration to Him and submission to His honoured position. So Allah said:

"Be prostrate towards Adam and they prostrated except Iblis (Satan)." (Qur'an, 2:34; 7:11; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116)

Self-importance withheld him and vice overcame him. So that he took pride in his own creation with fire and treated contemptuously the creation of clay. So God allowed him time in order to let him fully deserve His wrath, and to complete (man's) test and to fulfil the promise (He had made to Satan). Thus, He said:

"Verily you have been allowed time till the known Day. " (Qur'an, 15:38; 38:81)

Thereafter, God inhabited Adam (p.b.u.h.) in a house where He made his life pleasant and his stay safe, and He cautioned him of Iblis and his enmity. Then his enemy (Iblis) envied his abiding in Paradise and his contacts with the virtuous. So he changed his conviction into wavering and determination into weakness. He thus converted his happiness into fear and his prestige into shame. Then God offered to Adam (p.b.u.h.) the chance to repent, taught him words of His Mercy, promised him return to His Paradise and sent him down to the place of trial and procreation of progeny.

God chooses His Prophets

From his (Adam's) progeny God chose prophets and took their pledge for his revelation and for carrying His message as their trust. In course of time many people perverted God's trust with them and ignored His position and took compeers along with Him. Satan turned them away from knowing Him and kept them aloof from His worship. Then Allah sent His Messengers and series of His prophets towards them to get them to fulfil the pledges of His creation, to recall to them His bounties, to exhort them by preaching, to unveil before them the hidden virtues of wisdom and show them the signs of His Omnipotence namely the sky which is raised over them, the earth that is placed beneath them, means of living that sustain them, deaths that make them die, ailments that turn them old and incidents that successively betake them.

God never allowed His creation to remain without a Prophet deputised by Him, or a book sent down from Him or a binding argument or a standing plea. These Messengers were such that they did not feel little because of smallness of their number or of largeness of the number of their falsifiers. Among them was either a predecessor who would name the one to follow or the follower who had been introduced by the predecessor.

The Prophethood of Muhammmad

In this way ages passed by and times rolled on, fathers passed away while sons took their places till God deputised Muhammmad (peace be upon him and his progeny) as His Prophet, in fulfilment of His promise and in completion of His Prophethood. His pledge had been taken from the Prophets, his traits of character were well reputed and his birth was honourable. The people of the earth at this time were divided in different parties, their aims were separate and ways were diverse. They either likened Allah with His creation or twisted His Names or turned to else than Him. Through Muhammmad (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.) Allah guided them out of wrong and with his efforts took them out of ignorance.

Then God chose for Muhammmad, peace be upon him and on his progeny, to meet Him, selected him for His own nearness, regarded him too dignified to remain in this world and decided to remove him from this place of trial. So He drew him towards Himself with honour. God may shower His blessing on him, and his progeny.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.