. lots of things are fun. fun can be put into a lot of situations. if one only lives to have one fun time after another, they will be brought to reality by the stuff that happens in life, that one does not expect. people get sick. people die. people get hurt and disappointed. all these things need attention. fun, fun, fun, fun, gets old, and one begins to get in touch with the emptiness that is driving them to have events that are fun, to not deal with things. fun has its place, and life is meant to be enjoyable. are you talking about someone who must go from event to event, and can not be alone with themselves? after the fun is over, the emptiness inside that only got temporary satisfaction will still be there. there is a void that can only be filled by knowing oneself spiritually. without that, there is a void always there. some fill it with drugs, some fill it with whatever fun thing after fun thing,hoping to fill the void. but that does not happen and the cycle continues. having fun, just for the sake of enjoying and having a good time, and not using it like an addict looking for a fix, is perfectly normal and ok.
as time goes on though and people get older and are faced with seeing relatives get sick and die, or see someone they love, have a long battle with cancer or something, reality sinks in. the person starts to see their life diffferently, and may make some grown up changes, have a spiritual awakening, or continue to run from stuff, by covering it up with whatever. defining fun for one person will be different from person to person. i, for one love to go on harley rides, and i will as long as i am able to get on one. for me, it is spiritual, and very much fun. as long as the having fun is not hurting anyone else, it is good, as long as it is put in its proper place. the context of your question, i think, has to do with those who find no meaning in their life other than the next big fun event. what happens? reality of a lot of things, eventually sinks in, and they wished they had given so and so a little more of their time. time is the most precious gift we can give sometimes to another. our undivided attention to a loved one one on one.