But some people are dogmatic and insist that the two views are incompatible. Yet they HAVE to be compatible.
The CREATOR established the laws of science by which the creation exists and operates.
SCIENCE is the body of knowledge about the creation and how it operates. Contradictions occur only through ignorance or prejudice.
Religion is too broad a subject. Religion is about the things people value most. Many people are religious who do not believe in Deity, but they devote themselves to higher causes (politics, sport, art, etc).
I believe the context of the question is regards man's perceived contradiction of faith in Deity and faith in science.
I am a believer. I believe in Deity and in science.
I believe in Deity and that Deity has revealed Himself to man through scriptures.
I am a man of science and earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Houston. Five years later I earned a Master of Divinity degree from a major seminary.
Twenty four years later I am a lab technician in a major Oil and Gas Research and Development Lab testing and evaluating cutting edge technologies.
With those credentials as a man of science and a man of faith, I declare that I see no contradictions between scripture and science.
I read about perceived or constructed contradictions (such as between evolution and creationism), but find such conflicts to be unfounded or misconstrued as propoganda for other purposes.
The atheist says their is no god so their can be no creator.
The fundamentalist says atheists are wrong so there can be no evolution.
Scripture (Genesis 1) says the cosmos was created from chaos, and in a moment of time at the behest of the Creator, light came into being (the Big Bang?), and the world began to take shape.
Life began in the sea: vegetable, then animal; aquatic life then land; from simple to more complex. This is the same pattern arising from Darwin's studies some 4000 years after Moses wrote the Book of Genesis.
Where contradictions seem to occur, I believe that they exist only in our minds out of our misunderstanding, ignorance or prejudice.
Scripture is true. It has God as its source, and truth as its content without mixture of error in what it affirms.
Science is true. It has God as its source and truth as its content in what it can prove.
Most arguments on this topic stem from the position of faith.
Are you a believer or not? Do you believe in God or not?
Do you believe all that is came into existence by chance, by random selection, etc?
Where did the stuff for the Big Bang come from?
I believe it takes MORE faith to NOT believe in a Creator than it does to believe in Him.
I remember a lecture given by Dr Bill Tolar called "Chance or Choice"?
He is a man of science, too, and a theologian. He identified and had us to consider 10 things that had to happen in a particular order for life on earth to exist as it does: (the mass of the earth, distance from the sun, tilt of the axis, presence of an atmosphere, presence of water, presence of carbon, development of rna and dna, etc). To believe that it all happened by chance and random selection, one accepts that theory based on the 1 in 10,000,000,000 chance. That is like flipping a coin heads or tails 10 times and coming up heads all ten times. That is a leap of faith. It is far easier to consider that all this happened by choice through the activity of a Supreme Being, Deity, God.
But some people are dogmatic and insist that the two views are incompatible. Yet they HAVE to be compatible.
The CREATOR established the laws of science by which the creation exists and operates.
SCIENCE is the body of knowledge about the creation and how it operates. These so called contradictions occur only through ignorance or prejudice.